
Project Zelba

A pause... Silence... I can't Breathe... My ears hear nothing, the breeze caresses my skin and yet... Nothing. 'Shut Your Eyes!!'... Lingering thoughts that just don't register... A scream... 'That's right, it’s my voice.'... They're killing him in front of me... The man I love is being ripped away from me, being ripped out of our world, being ripped out of my life. 'A hand? No, wait, that's my hand.'... My hand reaches for him but he's already gone. My head suddenly hit something hard... A bright white flash and the sound of bones crushing and flesh ripping was my last memory... I remember nothing after that, absolutely nothing... 'How did it get to this!?'... Maybe I should first explain just what and where it is happening... Explain why I am in such a damned mess...

WolvenAssassin · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter: 15... The War Begins

6 Days later, 26 January 2035.


I could have sworn I saw Nicole's eyes peering down at me a few days ago. I had woken up and seen her eyes, but when I switched the light on she was gone. A dream? Trick of the mind maybe? I don't know but I was almost 100% sure those glowing eyes belonged to none other than Nicole.

"Alice?" Alaric's voice came from behind my door.

I sighed softly. "Yes?"

"May I come in please?" He seemed worried.

"Sure, you may come in babe." I replied pulling my blanket over my head.

"Thank you." I hear the door opening. "Now... Where could you be hiding?"

I Hold my breath as I hear his footsteps get closer... This is so childish, but I love it every bit the same as I did when I was a child. I sense his presence next to me before he jumps. "Hey sexy."

I giggle as he pulls the covers from over my head. "Heyy sexier."

Alaric smiled, giving me a swift gentle kiss. "Sleep well?" He purred as he held me.