
Chapter 2 - Me a prince?

Somewhere in the Derfir Kingdom, some of the maids and the butlers are starting to rejoice because one of their princes who is in a coma suddenly woke up.

They couldn't believe that the 3rd prince who was in a vegetative state woke as he had just slept for a day.


Many footsteps can be heard outside the room then *bam* the door was suddenly open then a beautiful woman and a handsome man rush to the side of the bed and try to hug gently the prince who just woke up.

If you look closely at the two-person it seems that they're about to cry, but who exactly is the cause of this ruckus?


One hour before the ruckus, Liam woke up from his sleep and slowly got up to look around his surrounding.

When he finally see where he is, what to shouts out loud to say "It's real! It's real! I finally reincarnated now I can start a new life again!"

smiling ear to ear Liam can't help to remember the time when he is about to get hit by a speeding car but instead of getting killed, he was given a chance to live a new life in a different version of earth.

Then Liam finally remembers the last sentence he heard from the unknown figure he meet.

"Hmm if I remember correctly that unknown figure told me that I will be bound by the system but he never told me how to use it what should-?"


"Quick someone calls the king and the queen tell them that the 3rd prince has woken up!" shouted the old maid.

Liam's words were cut off when he heard the old maid shouting outside the door.

The old maid quickly came near the bed and hurriedly ask Liam what he feels right now.

"Young prince, how do you feel right now do you need something? Does your body hurt somewhere? Wait don't do anything else young prince I will call a physician immediately!".

Liam was dumbfounded by what is happening around him, he couldn't believe what he just heard from the maid "Me? A prince?".

Suddenly Liam notices that he didn't just reincarnate to a nobody but a somebody.

"Did I just hit a jackpot right now!?" Liam thought, when he's about to get out of the bed he heard so many footsteps outside of his room then the door opened again.


"My son you're finally awake! You don't know how long we waited for you to wake up again!" said the beautiful lady.

"Yes son, me your mother, your elder sister, and your elder brother are waiting for you to wake up someday!" said the handsome mister.

Liam's mind went blank from the information he receive from the couple.

When Liam is about to open his mouth to speak he suddenly feels that his head hurt so he holds his head and let out a cry "Ah!!!!!!!!" before he got back asleep again.

The two couple was horrified and shouted at the same time "My son what happened!!".

Then the door opens again and the old maid speaks hurriedly "My king my queen the physician I called is here!"

The king hurriedly said, "You there come here quickly and check what happened to my son, why did he collapse again!?".

After he says that he looked at the old maid and said quickly "You take my wife to the other room to calm down.".

The old maid answer immediately "Yes your majesty leave the queen to me." she bow to the king and hurriedly look at the queen and said, " your highness let me assist you to another room.".

The queen nodded at the maid but before he leave the 3rd prince room he said some things to his husband "Your majesty please take care of our boy.".

The king answered her back "don't worry honey I'll wait here until I make sure that our boy is fine.".

When the old maid and the queen leave the room he closes the door and ask the physician "What's my son's status? Why did he suddenly fall asleep again when he just woke up!?".

The physician answer him immediately "Your majesty, the 3rd prince only fall asleep he will wake up again soon. after he wakes up let him eat some soup and soft bread to give him some energy.".

The Kings let out a sigh and said "Finally my son is safe and back from us.".

Then he spoke with a low voice "Clint come out.".

The physician close his eyes and covered his ears he know what kind of these things so if he hear or see somethings he shouldn't he would be killed immediately.

In the corner of the 3rd prince room, a shadow start to form as a man and kneeled down in front of the king and said slowly "You majesty what order do you have to me.".

The king stared at him before speaking again "What my son and notified me immediately if he wakes up again I'll be going to my wife to tell her that our son is fine.".

Clint answers him before returning to the shadow.

When Clint return to the shadow and the physician prepared to leave, the king takes the final glance at his son and say something with a low voice and leave.