
Project: Success

She love but got betrayed... She love but got cheated... Her heart is whole yet heartbroken... She promise that she will gave her grandfather a life full of happiness. She promise that she will make those who left them regret! It was not revenge that urge her to live. It was happiness! Revenge? Nah. I'll kill them with success! Will Min Ju still say the same if her enemies make their move? You knew that isn't the case. Her choices will change for good or for worst... Whatever her choices may be. Qing Wu Yao will stay by her side and her family will support her behind her back. Achieving success wasn't an easy task. There are some outside force that was trying to bring her down. The jealousy of a woman. The anger of a powerful man who hold a card that might bring Min Ju to ruin. Things that was lost will came back. And things that was already there will be lost. Many things happenened that change her strategy. She planned not to raise her hand but she was force to by her enemies. At last, Min Ju never thought that she'll pull the trigger to end everything. [Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. Credits to the wonderful owner] - - - Sneek Peek: "Are you in love with me?" "What if I say yes? Would you let me enter your life?" "Prove me that you're worthy." #2 "What do you think about my granddaughter?" "She was very talented. But what I like the most about her is her smile. Everytime I look at her, I fall in love at every sight."

SEVEN · Urban
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149 Chs

She's A Scary Woman

Hearing that the owner already step in, Min Ju retracted her aura. She then turn to look at the owner and said smilingly, "Then how much is all of these? I would like to buy all of it."

All of them were speechless. Eyes wide and mouth gaping.

Is she serious?!

Reading their expression, Min Ju frown. "I'm dead serious."

"O-okay! We'll totalled it right away."

The guy with the cross ear piercing wasn't surprise at what she did. He doesn't know why but after what she did to them, he felt that she can do anything. If she said it, she'll do it. What a dangerous woman. Han Lian thought.

The owner is in disbelief. However, money is coming on his way so he didn't really think about it. He was happy. And of course, the assistant is happy! She'll have her early salary! And at the same time, there would be no work for her for the time being.

"Miss, the total would be 50,000 RMB." It was just a small shop so the thing he's selling is not that many but it takes a noveuriche to buy the whole things in there.

This little girl...is really a noveuriche! It's obvious that she came from a prominent background but why did that boy called her a bastard? Is this the typical rich man who impregnated a woman even though he's already married?

With a flip of her hand, a black card appeared between her fingers. And a mocking smile crosses her lips.

"Here. Please, deliver all this things to this address. Thank you."

And then she left, but before she passes through the boys, Min Ju stops at the side of Han Lian, shoulder to shoulders.

"You owe me one, Chaser."

Han Lian's eyes constricted. How did she know his in-game name?

"How did you..." Han Lian jerk around just to see her retreating back.

Without even looking at him, Min Ju slid her fingers through her pants pocket before answering, "Simple. I have my own ways."

Han Lian was even more shock to his core. Isn't this...

Dragon: Simple. I have my own ways.

He remembered that what his team captain says online whenever he was planning something. It was always his punchline.

Dragon: I'm living here in US but my hometown is Beijing.

"Hey, Han Lian what are you talking about? Why are you so shock?"

Han Lian turn around. And said, "Nothing. Don't think about it. Let's go to another shop."

Han Lian was in deep thought. It's been a year since Dragon stop appearing in the game. Maybe it was just a coincidence that she knew my name. She must be from another faction. No, it can't be...I didn't even put my photo in my profile game. How did she know I'm Chaser?!

Han Lian can't shake his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Min Ju walked towards where He Rue and Qin Wuxie are. She entered a small Sweet Cafe and found the two accompanied by a well-built clean bearded man.

He Rue waved at her.

Ke Shuang looked at the new arrival girl. She was 18 years old. He thought she must be a spoil brat rich girl who need another person to protect her.

"Ke Shuang, right?" The girl stared at him with sharp and piercing eyes.

"Yes." He answered roughly.

"Mr. Lin told me about you. Since you are an honest, loyal man, I will hire you as my grandfather's bodyguard. From tomorrow onwards, you will protect him."


Ke Shuang was surprise. He thought she was here to interview him and be her bodyguard. He never thought that contacting him would be for her grandfather's sake.

"Didn't you hear me? I said you're hired. You will start to guard my grandfather tomorrow. Don't worry about the salary, it will definitely a satisfying one. I assure you." Her words is fast but clear. Her eyes seemed to see his soul.

"So, what do you want to order. My treat."

Suddenly, her face changes into a sweet one. A sweet smile, an alluring crescent eyes and a sweet voice.

She changes too fast! She's a scary woman. Ke Shuang thought.

"I don't have a sweet tooth. But I would like a sweet chocolate cake."

The three threw him a dubious look.