
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · War
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48 Chs

The Lair of the Phoenix

The men stood back as the explosives went off, clearing the road block. Jacques and Kurt's joint unit then moved deeper into the city as their siege continued.

"How are the other platoons holding up, sir?" Kurt asked.

"From what I've heard on the radio, everything seems to be going according to plan." Jacques replied.

"Even if we took the lightly defended side of the city, we're still suffering as many casualties as the other company." Kurt commented.

"The enemy seems to be well coordinated. My suspicions might be correct, it seems like the one leading them must be Major General Ivanovich." Jacques added.

"Then our orders must be to take him alive, correct?" Kurt asked once more.

"Yes. Hugo's squad should be taking care of that as we speak." Jacques replied.

Over at the southeast area of the city, Roger and Richard's company worked together to break through the enemy defenses. With their tanks and greater number, it was easier to punch through the enemies but because they would be fighting on the streets once more, they would be vulnerable to ambushes and the enemy attacking their flanks. For this, Richard's company would create a perimeter around Roger's convoy to protect them from ambushes and to clear the buildings further ahead. Hugo's squad on the other hand split off from the bigger group amidst the chaos and took a different route.

"While they're focused on stopping the Major and the others, we'll slip past their garrison." Hugo stated as he wore an enemy uniform as a disguise.

"I'll go and cover your backs from the bell tower." Teresa stated before running off on her own.

"We'll go as I planned. Johann will be our prisoner." Hilbert added as he swapped his rifle for the enemy's.

"Just dragging me in would be suspicious. We need a sign of struggle." Johann suggested.

"I have an idea." Hugo replied as he smirked.

Johann took off his prosthetic arm as Hilbert prepared to catch him. Hugo then took his rifle and hit Johann on the back of the head to knock him out. Johann fell unconscious and leaned against Hilbert, the back of his head bleeding from the blow.

"I'm surprised he even agreed to this." Hugo chuckled.

"I'm not explaining this to Teresa. She's terrifying when she's mad." Hilbert said in a low voice as he began dragging Johann.

"Don't worry, as your senior, I'll take responsibility." Hugo replied before flashing a grin.

Hugo then grabbed a hold of Johann's feet as he helped Hilbert drag Johann through the alleyways, past the unsuspecting enemy defenders. As they entered one of the buildings, Hilbert caught a glimpse of Jeremy outside. He was standing out in the open as he dumped an entire belt from his machine gun. Hilbert bit his lip in frustration, he also wanted to be out there on the front lines where all the action was. He could still remember Jeremy's words when he challenged him. As much as he would want to prove to Jeremy that he's still the strongest, he has a bigger role to play. Though it's not as flashy as Jeremy's, it's the most essential to their victory.

"Hilbert, I'll do the talking. Keep your eyes peeled for the enemy positions as we pass by them." Hugo ordered.

"Got it, but if things get rough." Hilbert paused. "We'll skip the talking and just put a bullet in their heads." Hilbert added as they approached a truck with a red cross marking.

Hugo who was also well versed in Russian, explained to the medics that they've incapacitated one of the rumored supersoldiers. Hilbert pretended to be out of breath as they loaded Johann into the back of the truck and hopped in themselves. Hilbert and Hugo looked back as they left the front lines and went deeper into the city of Warsaw. One of the medics suggested that they tie up the prisoner to prevent him from escaping in case he wakes up. Hugo began binding Johann's arms and feet when Johann suddenly regains consciousness and began thrashing around. Hilbert and the medics tried to hold Johann down as Hugo finished up binding his legs.

"You'll never get anything out of me you sorry fucks." Johann snickered.

Hilbert kicked Johann in the abdomen before telling him to keep quiet. Johann grunted before breaking into laughter once more. The driver of the truck hit the breaks and told them that they've arrived at the city hall where the Major General supervises the troops situated in Warsaw. Hilbert and Hugo carried Johann into the city hall with one of the medics guiding them. They stopped in front of a room and were told to guard the prisoner as the medic would inform someone to get the general for them.

"Sorry for kicking you earlier, Johann." Hilbert crouched down in front of Johann.

"I'm fine, it wasn't even that strong. What's the next step?" Johann asked.

"Once the Major General arrives, we'll take out his guards and hold him hostage." Hugo replied.

"What makes you think that they won't kill him along with us to protect their plans?" Johann asked once more.

"They can't kill him. He's essential in their chain of command. He's also regarded as a very intelligent leader so having him taken as a prisoner instead of getting killed is better off for them." Hilbert stated.

"You've really done your research, huh?" Hugo joked.

A knock on the door was heard before several soldiers entered along with the Major General. Hilbert and Hugo saluted and greeted the General upon him entering the room.

"So this is one of them? I guess the men weren't delirious." Ivanovich commented.

"They weren't, Lanston posseses a power no other country has." Johann replied before smirking.

"Comrades, how did you apprehend this prisoner?" Ivanovich asked.

"We found him on his own so our platoon attacked him. Unfortunately, he's killed everyone else before we could knock him out." Hugo explained.

The Major General nodded and ordered his guards to bring the prisoner to his office to be interrogated. As the guards approached Johann and grabbed a hold of his legs, he suddenly pulled his arm with the blade out of his bounds and stabbed one of the guards. He pulled the guard closer as the other one pulled his gun out and shot at Johann. In the confusion Hilbert shot the guard standing next to the General but they were shocked as one of the soldiers standing behind the General began shooting the other guards.

"Comrade Anatoli! What is the meaning of this?" Ivanovich exclaimed.

"You must be the Sparrows. I'm a spy from a similar program in Lanston." Anatoli stated.

"Major Enfield didn't mention we had a spy amidst the enemies." Hilbert added as he raised his gun towards Anatoli.

"I'm sorry about the confusion. Doctor Basch was given orders to keep my identity a secret between him and Major Enfield." Anatoli explained as he pointed his gun towards the Major General.

"Hilbert, he's one of us. I recall a similar program but was put under ice just a year after it was established." Hugo ordered.

"I'm a Jaëger, it's a pleasure to meet you." Anatoli greeted with a smile.

I apologize for the long wait. I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting. I had to retreat and regroup first so I can find new ways to engage the conflicts I'm facing with writing the novel. I'm all good now so I hope you guys are ready for the series of chapters that will be published within this month.

Truly yours,


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