
Project no 11 of 20 -venvilekot

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15 Chs

silenia's love

"Come , dinner is ready", she directed the way to the dining hall.Further, he tottered and managed to reach the spot, yet she ignored to help him.

he had a seat and looked after her who is serving , she sets a dinner set in an elegant, serving a spaghetti and combination of sauce and fried egg aside, is a great dinner and inducing.

After serving the food she sits on the opposite side of him watching him eat, while she understood he is enjoying the food and also seems hungry.

He felt ,the taste is so good.

Don't you feel hungry? he asked

She smiled and served the food by herself and started to eat.

very delicious ! he compliments with a smile on his face.

thank you, she replied.

I am glad that I have a chance to eat these delicious foods till my life ends, he expressed his thoughts.

She smiled , and proceeded to eat.

you look so beautiful today , he put on his feeling.

She blushes and maintains a quiet , not so reacting.

have a plan of watching a movie with me?, he asked

what movie? she questioned.

Romantic movies!he suggested and giggled.

No , not in a mood , she replied.

Ohh come on , it is our first time having a dinnerr together, why can't you boost your mood, it will be nice to watch movies,please say yes, he request and focused on her to reply.

He finds a blooming inside his heart while she nodded.

yeah, thank you babe , he is excited and went far in his daydream.

he withstands the glowing face of him in front of her, which she never encountered, makes her heart filled, the awaited moment in her life ,she used to wish for often when she missed him.

she never rejects him , just a confusion to have a relationship , it seems too early for her to tangled in a relationship, she was tried hard to explain but hesitate to talk about it, she thoughts, he might have forget her after the graduation.

she felt uncomfortable to explain when she encounters him , but at last fell in love with him.

In her point , he was a famous person at the school campus, and having a girl crush on him because of his charming face and hero attitude makes girls go crazy.

Though she had a secret crush on him ,she is a kind of girl who wants to do the right things at the right period and focused on her studies ,having a good career means a lot to her as a teenage girl, as she wished,has given her best and founds a good path, at the time she came to know about Niber, he is broke, not having a job and facing a lot in his life.

she wants to be at his side but rather keeps her away due to the distance she had for the past years, a day when she aware he is the one who drove the car by noticing it , she intentionally has asked a lift and felt happy to see him after a long time.