
Project Lazarus - A Path to a Cure."

Orphaned Ethan witnesses his father, a brilliant scientist on the verge of curing a deadly disease, murdered by his greedy partner, Vance. Consumed by vengeance, Ethan trains for years, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When the opportunity arrives, Ethan exacts his revenge, but is left grappling with the emptiness it leaves behind. Discovering his father's hidden research notes reignites Ethan's purpose. He assembles a team - a brilliant but ostracized biochemist, Anya, and a gifted hacker, Kai - to complete his father's work and find a true cure. Their journey is fraught with challenges - navigating a corrupt medical establishment, facing threats from Vance's forces, and overcoming their own doubts. As they fight for legitimacy and test the cure in underground clinics, Ethan, Anya, and Kai become a beacon of hope for Morterra sufferers. But Vance isn't finished. A daring raid on Vance's headquarters to rescue a captured teammate puts Ethan face-to-face with his father's killer, forcing him to confront the true cost of vengeance and the legacy he wants to leave behind.

Clement_Ohis · Urban
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32 Chs

7: The Inheritance

The following morning, Ethan awoke with a sense of purpose that had eluded him for years. The notes from his father had reignited a fire within him, and he knew that the first step toward fulfilling his father's legacy was to meticulously plan the path ahead. He sat at the old wooden desk in the study and began to pen down a list of what he needed to kick-start the research.

First on the list was assembling a team of brilliant minds who could help him decode and advance his father's work. He knew he needed experts in biochemistry, pharmacology, and data analysis. Next was securing a lab—a state-of-the-art facility where they could conduct their experiments and develop the cure. Finally, and perhaps most crucially, was the matter of funding. Research of this magnitude would require substantial financial resources, and finding a reliable source of funding seemed like a daunting challenge.

As Ethan mulled over the logistics and potential hurdles, his phone buzzed, breaking his concentration. The screen displayed an unfamiliar number. Hesitant but curious, he answered.

"Hello, Ethan Moore?" a calm, professional voice inquired.

"Yes, this is Ethan," he replied, unsure of what to expect.

"My name is Henry Caldwell. I'm a lawyer and I was in charge of executing your father's will. I've been trying to reach you. Could we meet for lunch today to discuss some important matters regarding your inheritance?"

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. He had never given much thought to his father's will, his focus always on the loss rather than the legacy. "Of course, Mr. Caldwell. Where shall we meet?"

"There's a small cafe on Elm Street. How about 12:30 PM?"

"That works for me. I'll see you then," Ethan agreed, curiosity mingling with a sense of hope.

As the clock struck noon, Ethan found himself at the quaint cafe, a mix of anxiety and anticipation swirling within him. He spotted a distinguished-looking man sitting at a corner table, a briefcase by his side. Ethan approached, and the man stood up, extending his hand.

"Ethan, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat."

After exchanging pleasantries and ordering their drinks, Henry Caldwell opened his briefcase and pulled out a stack of documents. "Your father left behind a considerable estate, including financial assets and personal belongings. I'm here to inform you that you have inherited a substantial sum of money."

Ethan's eyes widened. "How substantial are we talking?"

Caldwell smiled. "Your father was a wise investor and a prudent saver. The amount is more than enough to cover any start-up costs for your research, with a significant surplus to ensure stability."

For a moment, Ethan was speechless. The very problem he had been grappling with that morning had just found an unexpected solution. "I... I don't know what to say. This changes everything."

"Your father was a visionary, Ethan. He believed in his work, and he believed in you. He wanted to make sure you had every resource necessary to continue his legacy."

Tears welled up in Ethan's eyes as he realized the extent of his father's foresight and love. "Thank you, Mr. Caldwell. This means more to me than you can imagine."

After signing the necessary documents and discussing the logistics of accessing the funds, Ethan left the cafe with a renewed sense of hope and determination. With the financial backing secured, he could now focus on assembling his team and finding a suitable lab. The journey ahead was still fraught with challenges, but with his father's posthumous support, Ethan felt more prepared than ever to face them.

As he walked back home, the weight of the past seemed to lift slightly, replaced by the promise of a future dedicated to science, discovery, and justice. The path to curing Morterra and fulfilling his father's dream had never seemed clearer, and Ethan knew he was ready to embark on this monumental journey.