
Project Lazarus - A Path to a Cure."

Orphaned Ethan witnesses his father, a brilliant scientist on the verge of curing a deadly disease, murdered by his greedy partner, Vance. Consumed by vengeance, Ethan trains for years, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When the opportunity arrives, Ethan exacts his revenge, but is left grappling with the emptiness it leaves behind. Discovering his father's hidden research notes reignites Ethan's purpose. He assembles a team - a brilliant but ostracized biochemist, Anya, and a gifted hacker, Kai - to complete his father's work and find a true cure. Their journey is fraught with challenges - navigating a corrupt medical establishment, facing threats from Vance's forces, and overcoming their own doubts. As they fight for legitimacy and test the cure in underground clinics, Ethan, Anya, and Kai become a beacon of hope for Morterra sufferers. But Vance isn't finished. A daring raid on Vance's headquarters to rescue a captured teammate puts Ethan face-to-face with his father's killer, forcing him to confront the true cost of vengeance and the legacy he wants to leave behind.

Clement_Ohis · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

26: A Desperate Plan

Vance sat slouched on a plush couch in his dimly lit hideout, gripping a half-empty bottle of vodka. The room reeked of alcohol and desperation, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep and the toll of relentless anger. He muttered to himself, his words slurred but filled with venom.

"That little upstart Ethan...thinks he can beat me. Rejecting his application was just the beginning. I'll see his precious lab reduced to ashes."

He took a long swig from the bottle, his thoughts spiraling deeper into vindictive schemes. The rejection of Ethan's clinical trials application had only bought him a little time. He needed a more permanent solution.

"Viper," he snarled, calling out to his brother, who was busy sharpening a knife in the corner of the room.

Viper looked up, his eyes cold and calculating. "What is it, Vance?"

Vance's hand shook as he raised the bottle, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with menace. "We need to take more drastic measures. I want Ethan's lab burned to the ground. Leave no trace."

Viper smiled, a chilling sight. "Consider it done. I'll gather the men and plan the attack."


Back at the lab, Ethan and his team were hard at work. The appeal for the clinical trial application had been submitted, and now they were focusing on ensuring the lab was running smoothly and securely.

Anya was hunched over her microscope, studying the latest test samples, while Kai was engrossed in his data analysis. Max and his security team were conducting another round of checks, ensuring the lab's defenses were impenetrable.

Ethan moved between the workstations, offering words of encouragement. "We're making great progress. Let's stay focused and keep pushing forward."

Just then, Joe walked in, a concerned look on his face. "Ethan, we need to talk."

Ethan stepped aside, sensing the urgency in Joe's voice. "What's going on?"

Joe lowered his voice, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. "I've been hearing some troubling things. Vance is planning something big. We need to be prepared for anything."

Ethan felt a knot form in his stomach. "Do we know what he's planning?"

Joe shook his head. "Not yet, but we need to tighten security and stay vigilant. Vance is desperate, and that makes him even more dangerous."

Ethan nodded, his resolve hardening. "You're right. I'll talk to Max. We need to be ready for whatever Vance throws at us."

As Joe left to continue his surveillance, Ethan approached Max, who was discussing security protocols with his team. "Max, we need to increase our security measures. Joe's intel suggests Vance is planning something big."

Max nodded, his expression serious. "We're already on high alert, but I'll double our patrols and reinforce our defenses. No one gets in without us knowing."

Ethan felt a mixture of anxiety and determination. Vance's threats loomed over them, but they had come too far to back down now. As he returned to his workstation, he glanced at the photo of his father, drawing strength from his memory.

"We're going to make it, Dad," he whispered. "No matter what Vance does, we'll find a way."


Later that night, Viper and his men gathered in a secluded warehouse, going over the final details of their plan. Maps of the lab's layout were spread out on a table, and Viper pointed to key entry points.

"We strike at midnight," Viper instructed, his voice icy. "We get in, plant the explosives, and get out. Make sure no one is left alive to tell the tale."

The men nodded, their faces grim and determined. As they prepared for the attack, Viper couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. Bringing down Ethan and his team would be a significant blow to their efforts and a personal victory for his brother.

Midnight approached, and the men moved out, their intentions deadly. Vance's desperate plan was in motion, and the fate of Ethan's lab hung in the balance.