

In a universe which exists at an atemporal time, filled with infinite realms and dimensions. With an astral abyss comes the struggle for supremacy.    Races conquer the weaker species, lording over them like demigods, the quest for more resources turned the astral seas into a burial ground full with tales of wars.    In a universe filled with colossal beasts, monsters and mysteries, lies the foundation of the age in which Project Kied is based.    With the more powerful empires always thirsting and battling for more territories, they merge into leagues, orders and confederacies, to mutually channel their resources towards achieving their goals.    But a realm within the midst of this chaos suddenly disappeared as though it had never existed, its tides faded, taking along with it a race called the Nordens.    This set of lifeforms have had one basic characteristic with which they identified themselves, which is their State - Peace and Matter - Light.     Milleniums after, when their existence to the other realms had now become a myth, a child was born with a State and Matter that went against the status quo. By name Project Kied, he was confirmed to be of the State - War and Matter - Dark and Night.    Temporarily sent on exile after destroying his pillars of light, Kied finds his higher form - Equivax - while sailing the astral seas and he is trained by Equivax into becoming a cosmic pirate, who are the only form of resistance capable of challenging the feudal orders.    But Kied is fated to be more than a cosmic pirate, just as Norx Hade Zex had said, "... THE DARK CHILD OF WAR".     Will he be brave enough to pursue his destiny regardless of the trails and challenges ? Can he fearlessly grin at the death of day ? For in the beginning it was night.

Sigma Yaty · Sci-fi
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56 Chs

Chapter 43

"Seven feudal lords along with us have already broken away from the Feudal Order on the same quest for the astral city of rising light."

"Norden", Rakeal intoned, "a mythical realm revered by many, the sanctuary of this age and most call it a fairytale."

Slamming his empty mug on the table, the sound echoed on striking the roof of the cabin of this battleship.

"Unfortunately", Rakeal continued, "there can be no sanctuary in this savage and ruthless age, there is none. Not even a stellar paradise can withstand the clutches of the imperial lords."

"We are no longer alone in the quest for Norden", Rakeal's general, Zavir, reminded, "and they could be searching for the same key as us."

"The Harp of Discord !" Rakeal flared, "And I was the pioneer of this, yet without any success in finding even a single trail that could lead us anywhere. We've only been roaming the cosmic wilderness and battling packs of wild cosmic beasts all these astral months !"

"Maybe there's something we haven't been doing right", Zavir suggested, "or a clue we haven't considered as important."

"Or maybe what the legends gave was false", Rakeal gritted, "maybe what we know is not what truly exists."

"Norden is a mythical realm and it's existence is surrounded by myth and lore, we have to shred off the lies and go against the convention."

"Because, that is the only way the truth can be revealed." Rakeal confirmed.

*** *** ***

Surrounded by those flaring ideograms within that sphere, Rakeal's eyes peered into countless configurations an astral compasses, studying the cosmic trails leading to realms possessing the pathways that could possibly get them to the Harp of Discord. Tergon knew they would all end up getting devoured by roaming cosmic beasts or perish in the wilderness running out of food supplies, if they continued following the same path which they had been directed to take from the legends. But his mind doubted the authenticity of those ancient books and with the prospect of dying in the wilderness looming before them, Rakeal had no choice but to veer off this path with the hope of finding a weaker empire they could take over. Perhaps, this was what they should have done in the first place, taking over empires and acquiring more colonies in order to be able to build a larger fleet and empire than he had ruled before while still under the reins of the Feudal Order. With a vaster empire and an enormous fleet which still had the possibility of growing larger as they acquired more territories, there was nothing that could stand in the way of achieving his prime objective - the Harp of Discord.

Rakeal's palms fell on the holographic screen creating those unique configurations, he crafted new pathways and compasses which veered away from their present course. The newly designed ideograms, geometric configurations and compasses flared affirming the presence of galaxies and astral cities along the routes that he had plotted. Projecting the alignment of the newly discord realms with their present position, Rakeal was pleased knowing that all he had to do was to abandon the route they were currently taking.

What he had been avoiding all this while was what could actually lead him to his goal. He had started this voyage not intending to launch a massive campaign as he was now planning to do, this voyage was made in the hope of finding the Harp of Discord within the realms residing in their domain. But how childish they were, grand elements of the astral seas could only be found within its abyssal depths. And only the bold and daring could verge into those hidden realms, it was a campaign to dominate, a massive war to be waged all the way. And to not only survive but thrive through their quest, an order had to be established, an order that could serve such cause, an order of galaxies.

*** *** ***

Standing at the edge of this battlecarpet now decked in armour, surrounded by those conflicting cosmic walls as they sailed the stellar waves of this astral sea, the opalescence was reflected in his burning eyes and blazing armour. Fluttering and cascading down his shoulders was that embroidered orange cape. His eyes glistening resonated the marmoreal frequencies of this cosmic sea. The clang of metal boots rang, becoming louder as the person approaching him from behind got closer.

"You summoned me emperor Rakeal", Rakeal said as he halted beside his master, "It seems that you have finally made your decision."

"I certainly have Zavir", Rakeal replied, "the Lance Crystals - how many do we have left ?"

"Just three your majesty."

"Three ", Rakeal intoned, "that's critical", sighing he continued, "once all are used up we'll end up getting stuck in between realms with no other alternative but to find a galaxy within our domain."

"Do you have any in mind that is close by emperor Rakeal ?"

"I have made my calculations", Rakeal informed, "and from my results we have hundreds behind every wall you see around us, but the closest to us requires we use all three Lance Crystals to cut our way through its highly dense cosmic barrier and being low on Iris energy prevents us from creating more Lance Crystals and the reserve of Iris energy left is for powering our fleet through the cosmic wall and the forthcoming assault."

"What do you suggest we do emperor Rakeal ?"

"Don't act like you don't have a mind of your own Zavir", Rakeal chided calmly, "If we stay on this same astral route with no galaxy in sight to recharge at its eye, we'll still end up running out of Iris energy, so the only alternative we have is to divert for now in order to replenish our forces with food, arms and men."

"That means you are willing to order the fleet to change course ?" Zavir probed further.

"Do you doubt my words Zavir ?" Rakeal questioned.

"I'll never question your decision lord Rakeal ", Zavir denied, falling on his knees, "We are all your loyal subjects to the very end."

"Perfect !" Rakeal exclaimed, "Now that we have arrived at a conclusion, I think it's time we backed out words with action."

Tapping the metal band on his wrist, those flaring configurations of ideograms and geometric shapes took form. Rearranging them, Rakeal changed the combination resulting in that flaring screen projecting itself before them and from within its burning core of ideograms and raving symbols, emerged to three marmoreal crystals arranged vertically.

"Good !" Rakeal exclaimed delightfully, "Each one of them is still intact."

"It's welcoming news sir", Zavir remarked, "We only hope that the cosmic wall's density doesn't intensify, because there'll be a chance that its frequencies are highly volatile."

"Hope is a frail thing", Rakeal seethed, "but if it does fluctuate, we hope it's for the better."

Rakeal's fingers fell. on the surface of those geometric configurations before him, creating another configuration. The topmost Lance Crystal floated away from the others towards the cosmic wall, a vertical beam tore out from both ends of its axis and bolting through that flaring distance, it cut a perfect path through the cosmic barrier for Rakeal's fleet.

"Let's sail !" Rakeal's voice boomed.

*** *** ***

"Just a few stellar leagues away", Rakeal whispered to himself gritting.

They were now down to their last Lance Crystal who's glow was slowly fading as it made their path through this cosmic wall. The distance ahead flew past them within microseconds, but Rakeal wished their progression went faster, they nevertheless could only move at this rate in order to prevent the Lance Crystal from rapidly burning out, he'd term it as being economical. But this wasn't the time for jokes as he was anxiously waiting for them to make it through to the other end.

Rakeal's palms were sweaty seeing one-third of the crystal already gone. As he had earlier said, hope was a frail disposition for any man, it was the same thing as surrender. Nevertheless, he hoped they could make it through with a substantial portion left to launch an assault upon a galaxy if they didn't find any that was unoccupied.

The distance ahead of them tore open unveiling that expanse of flaring galaxies. Finally, Rakeal sighed, they had made it and they didn't need to look any farther for a territory to occupy, it just lay ahead of them and it was theirs for the taking. Sealing itself behind them like a healed reflection that was previously ruptured, the cosmic barrier closed behind them and its walls was that expanse of stars and galaxies all burning behind them, instead of that burning wall of astral waves and what was more ? Half the Lance Crystal was still left, the last that they had.

From the battlements surrounding this group of galaxies ahead of them Rakeal concluded that this must be a vassal belonging to a larger empire or state. It didn't mean much to Rakeal, he was an emperor himself, but what mattered at the moment was, he needed a territory that he and his fleet could occupy. They didn't have enough Iris energy to take them further to discover weaker vassals and since they had one before them, there wasn't any need to look farther. He wasn't a pirate, Rakeal knew, nevertheless, he still knew how to plunder.

"Emperor Rakeal", Zavir said, "Should I call for a head-on assault ?"

"You already know we are low on Iris energy, Zavir", Rakeal replied, "and wasting what we have left on a halo barrage isn't a feasible idea, we just have to think of another alternative."

"What do you suggest sir ?" Zavir inquired.

"We make them", Rakeal explained, "come to us."