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Saga_Sama · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Glitch's First Trial

"A...ring?" He inspected a small, tarnished ring nestled among a pile of dusty cloths in the box.

[ Item

Rusty Ring

- Transport Item. Imports Host's data into the Virtual Glitch. ]

'This system keeps getting more confusing.'

Intrigued by the ring's peculiar appearance, Nova's curiosity piqued. Where had it come from, and what secrets did it hold? With a sense of determination, he resolved to uncover the truth.

Upon seeing it's description, Nova didn't hesitate to put the ring on. Big mistake.

Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped him, wrenching him from reality. His surroundings warped and twisted until he found himself standing in the centre of a vast, metallic chamber. The air crackled with energy, and the distant hum of machinery echoed through the space. Dazed and disoriented, Nova stumbled backward, his heart racing as he struggled to make sense of the area. Before him stood a towering army of Mechs, their metal frames gleaming under the harsh fluorescent lights. Behind, he just managed to catch a glimpse of a Glitch vanishing. Was he...inside of a Glitch...with no means of escape?

A voice boomed from unseen speakers, sending shivers down Nova's spine. "Welcome, Host," it declared, its tone cold and calculating. "Prepare yourself for a test of survival."

Nova's muscles tensed as the implications of the voice's words sank in; he was expected to fight for his life against these mechanical monstrosities. Heart pounding, he whipped out his pistol, his fingers closing around the grip with newfound determination. He knew he had no choice but to fight. The robots advanced, their metal limbs moving with eerie precision. Nova's pulse quickened as he took aim, tightening around the trigger.

With lightning reflexes, Nova unleashed a volley of gunfire, his shots finding their mark with impressive accuracy. The robots staggered under the onslaught, their mechanical forms buckling under the force of Nova's assault. But for every adversary he felled, two more took its place, their numbers seemingly endless. However, with each Mech he felled, the voice from absence would read out the screens that would appear each time.

[ Experience gained. ]

Undeterred, Nova pressed forward, his movements fluid and calculated as he danced amidst the chaos of battle. Each shot fired was a testament to his skill, a symphony of destruction that echoed throughout the chamber.

But as the battle raged on, Nova soon realized that victory would not come easily. The robots adapted to his tactics, their movements growing more erratic and unpredictable with each passing moment. Nova's breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to keep pace, his senses attuned to the ever-shifting tide of battle.

[ EoJ Enabled. ]

Slowly, he began to accustom to the pattern of their offense. Just as he thought he even had a chance of getting out of this realm alive, his ammunition dwindled rapidly until the dreaded click echoed in the magazine—his pistol had run dry. This had him staggered for a second, which gave an opening for the closest Mech to throw a swing to his side, sending Nova across the virtual plane. Yes, he could still feel pain. Rising back up, Nova spotted his now-useless weapon laying on the ground and braced himself for hand-to-hand combat. The robots closed in, their mechanical fists swinging with lethal intent.

[ *100 Mana used.

Mana: 100/200 (Regenerating...)

Rage is active. ]

Nova danced between the onslaught, his movements fluid and precise. With every strike, he channelled his strength, delivering powerful blows to his adversaries' metallic frames. But the odds were against him, and with each passing moment, the robots seemed to multiply. Despite the overwhelming odds, Nova refused to yield. He fought with unwavering determination, his fists a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of strikes against his foes. Each blow landed with a resounding clang, sending sparks flying as the robots staggered under the force of his attacks. The battle raged on, and his muscles burned with exertion. But still, he fought on, his spirit unbroken. He knew that he could not falter now, that he must press forward with unwavering resolve.


As the echoes of battle faded into the digital abyss, Nova stood amidst the wreckage of his fallen adversaries, his breath ragged, his muscles trembling with exhaustion and his knuckles dripping with blood. His eyes, blazing with exhaustion, scanned the metallic chamber for any sign of further threat.

[ Rage has timed out. 

Cooldown: 24 hours. ]

But as the dust settled, a new adversary emerged from the shadows—a towering mechanical monstrosity, its massive form dwarfing Nova in comparison. Its glowing eyes bore into Nova with an intensity that made him freeze, and the air crackled with the energy of impending conflict. The man's knees buckled beneath, which resulted in him crashing to the ground. The monster came to Nova to begin and end his nightmare. With the first blow, it trod over the mans arm, causing it to burst and shatter the bones in his arm. Nova screamed out in agony, wishing for this to end. Which it did, but only after the same happened to every other limb, each in different grotesque ways. Then, before his head was blown, as Nova cried, blood pouring down his face from his eyes, the robot spoke.

"Such a pity. Just remember this, mortal. Each and every time you come here, I will kill you, and enjoy your suffering, watching you beg for your life." It laughed. "It's futile!" 

In any case, it proceeded to slowly crush Nova, applying more pressure to his head as the seconds went by.

With a final crunch, Nova died.

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