
Project Island

Kasai could feel the girl tremble in his arms and he heard her weep 'Oh man, she's crying! What are you supposed to do when girls cry!?" He thinks to himself. "Don't worry, they probably won't charge you for damaging the Island cruiser." He says trying to make her feel better. Adrien looks at him confused and angry, "That's not what I'm worried about dummy!" She shouts. Kasai, A guy who has no power to call his own, and Adrien a girl who is a long way from home. LOST island, an island where the government placed all the people who have the Lost gene in their DNA, a gene that gave them extraordinary abilities, a gene only found in males, until Adrien. As the only girl on the island, and the only guy who hasn’t been able to form his ability, how will these two find a way to survive.

Mikaylah_Breedlove · Action
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Kasai flinches when he hears another voice in the room. He looks toward the door. "Katalina."

Katalina stands by the door with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. She walks towards his bed and strikes him across the face.

She stands over him with tears in her eyes. "YOU IDIOT!"

The room falls silent as the two of them sit there not knowing what to say to one another.

Katalina breaks the silence with more angry shouts. "Do you even know how much trouble you've put yourself in! Not to mention Adrien!

I tried to keep this whole thing under wraps, BUT NO! Thanks to that stunt you pulled the whole island knows!

And now the headmaster is threatening to put you in jail for destruction of property and disobeying government officials. And their threatening to take Adrien away from our custody!"

Kasai sits there looking down at his legs with nothing to say.

"Don't you understand Kasai!? Why couldn't you just listen to us!? Why didn't you let her go! Huh! Are you going to say anything!?" she yells while pushing his shoulder.

They sit there in silence for a little longer waiting for one or the other to speak.


"I know." Kasai finally speaks in a hushed voice.

Katalina looks at his face and moves in closer. "What?"

"I know its my fault. I get it."

She sits down at the edge of his bed. "Then why? Why did you do it? What were you trying to prove?"

"I promised her. I can't break anymore promises." He says as he balls his hands into a fist.

"Kasai? Does this have anything to do with what happe-"

"NO. Maybe. I don't know, but I can't go through that again. Not when I know I have a chance to prevent the same thing from happening."

Katalina makes a guilty face at Kasai, she places her hand on Kasai's balled up fist. She sighs. "I understand why this kind of situation would impact you, but this is different. Now we've gotten closer to figuring out how to develop you ability, but you've let your past trauma get in the way of that."

Katalina stops talking and remembers what she had to get Kasai for. "Luckily you have another chance to make up for yesterdays screw up."

Kasai looks up at her. "What do you mean?"

"After I knocked you five feet off the ground and you fell unconscious your aura disappeared but Adrien's was still out of control. The doctors here tried stabilizing her but Lucien is still not letting anyone in so they can treat her."

Kasai's eyes go wide and he tries to get up from his bed immediately, but is pulled back down by the handcuffs around his wrist. "Katalina let me out of these things!"

"Sorry, but no can do"

Kasai and Katalina looks towards the door when they hear a male voice.

"General." Katalina says as she walks toward Daichi trying to push him out of the room. "I thought I told you wait out here!"

Kasai tenses up when he sees General Daichi. 'What is this prick doing here?' He stops and looks at the state of him. 'How far did I knock him back? Seriously, he looks like crap.'

Kasai finally speaks up. "Good evening General, I hope your feeling better." He says while smirking.

Daichi glares at Kasai and pushes past Katalina. "Like I said, those cuffs aren't comin' off. Your lucky we didn't take you straight jail or you would've been dead." He says coldly while getting in his face.

"That's enough Ladies!" Katalina says as she separates them.

"The only way this brat's leaving this room is if he's handcuffed or under armed guard." Daichi intervenes.

Katalina and Kasai look at each other. "Fine. The cuffs stay on, just take me to Adrien." He says while glaring at Daichi.

The three head down to the underground levels of the hospital. Katalina and Daichi follow behind Kasai while holding him at gunpoint. 'Sorry Kasai, believe me when I say I hate this more than you do.' Katalina thinks to herself. They stop in front of an elevator with a giant metal door. Katalina steps in front of Kasai and unlocks the door with her ID card. "ID RECOGNIZED. LIEUTENANT KATALINA BANCROFT. ACCESS GRANTED!" The computerized voice goes. They all step inside.

"What is this place?" Kasai asks

"That's something you don't need to know, but while we're down here I guess it'd be pointless not to tell you." Daichi says while sounding smug.

Katalina sighs. "This is one of our underground lab facilities, we have more secret locations around the island.

"But why is one of your facilities under the hospital? isn't that dangerous for other people?" Kasai asks.

Katalina smirks. "I knew you'd ask that question eventually. But don't worry we have super capacitors under the hospital, so no one will get hurt if something happens to the facility.

The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. The three step out.

Kasai looks around the lab and he can see equipment and new tech as far as the eye can see."So, why bring her here?"

"It was the only closest hospital we could get her to, since the roads were crowded and full of people." Daichi answers.

Lucien and Jiro approach them from up ahead.

Kasai glares at Lucien as they get closer to each other. Katalina can feel Kasai glaring at Lucien and she pinches his arm.

"Ow!" Kasai yells "What!?" He directs his anger towards Katalina.

"Stop glaring at him, show some respect!" She says in a hushed voice.

"Ah! Katalina!" Jiro exclaims as he runs up to her. Lucien follows behind Jiro and looks at Kasai.

"Hello Kasai. I sure hope you're feeling better." He says sounding kinda smuggish.

"I'm feeling better, but if I do something dumb it's probably because of the drugs they have me taking." Kasai says as he balls his fists up.

They stand there in silence and all of them can feel the tension in the air.

"You wouldn't want to do anything you might regret."

"You really think i'd regret bashing your fac-" Kasai is stopped by an intervening shout.

"That's enough! Both of you!" Katalina shouts as she pulls Kasai's shoulder.

Kasai looks at her and tries to calm himself down. 'She's right, we can't waste anymore time.'

"Just take us to Adrien. Please."

Everyone looks in shock as to what they just heard come out of Kasai's mouth.

'In all my years of knowing this kid, I've never heard a thank you or a please escape his lips! Just how serious is he taking this matter?" Lucien thinks to himself as he looks at Kasai, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Lucien smiles. "Very well, this way." He says as he directs them all to Adrien's quarters.

They stop at a large glass window surrounded with scientist, doctors, and armored guards.

"Huh? Wait! Headmaster, why are General Daichi's men here!?" Katalina asks while pointing at them.

Daichi steps in front of Kasai and talks to Katalina. "Did you already forget our little game Lieutenant. I found our little princess first, so she is now in my custody. My men are here to make sure my prize doesn't go anywhere else. GOT IT."

Katalina and Kasai's eyes go wide in horror.

"But, headmaster its way to early for this, he can't just-"

"Lieutenant. I can't go back on the rules of our agreement. if you have a disagreement, please take it up with the General."Lucien says as he turns his back to her.

Katalina and kasai both grit their teeth and glare at Daichi who in return smirks evilly at them.

Jiro approaches Katalina and Kasai. "I'm sorry Katalina, I tried talking to the headmaster, but he won't budge.

Katalina forces a smiles and places her hand on his shoulder. "Its alright Jiro, thanks for trying."

"Come on boys and girls, I don't want my prize to wither away and die. Chop chop!" Daichi says while hurrying them on.

Kasai and Katalina look at each other with determination in their eyes. "Don't worry. We're not letting him take her.