
Project: Helleborus

There is no such thing as normal. In a future with a recovering Government, post-rebellion, the city rebuilds. And indomitables are the new norm. After Alex became the face of the rebellion, she is labled as a hero. However, she never wanted to become one. And still doesn't.

slumberingcat · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Walking into the building, the automatic doors open for me large enough I don't have to worry about my wings getting caught on the door frame.

"Hi Sissy"

"Hi Alex, It's always great to see you this early in the morning!" Sissy giggles and waves from behind her desk.

"Don't mock me Sissy, you know I'm a creature of the night, it's already past my bedtime" I whine and make my way over to her new secretary desk.

Sissy was originally hired during the early part of the rebellion, she gave valuable information that worked against the government. She was considered a double agent at the time. She didn't care much for physically fighting and still doesn't. She took the position of secretary after the war had ended.

Secretary doesn't do her justice, she does it all. She takes care of everyone and makes sure everyone has what they need, just like a big sister. She also isn't afraid to give you a good kick in your ass if the situation calls for it. Just because she doesn't like fighting doesn't mean she doesn't know how.

I flop backwards letting my wings sprawl over Sissy's desk while I continue to whine some more about night shift.

"Alex! You are getting your feathers all over my stuff!" Sissy starts fussing over her messed up paperwork.

"That's cold, do you even hear what I am saying?" I throw my arms up for dramatic flare.

"Seriously, what if a new recruit walks in and saw their Captain so pitiful like this?" Sissy exclaims and proceeds to repeatedly smack me in the face with a rolled up newspaper.

"Ow ow ow, okay I get it, I get it!" I spring up to avoid being smacked again.

"For a Captain, you sure whine a lot."

"How could you say that Sissy? You are the only one who I can cry to!"

Sissy just shakes her head with a small smile "Hurry up and go home so you can get some rest."