

After running away from a loveless home life, Alexander finds himself in an unfamiliar city. A chance encounter with a girl named Tayla, begins a series of interactions with a mysterious group known as the Mother's Order.

fssdragon · Teen
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87 Chs

Stray Story - 005

"Alexander, you really need to lock your front door more…"

At that very moment, as I had just kissed Caroline, Tayla opened the door.

She stood there, looking incredibly shocked.

I don't know what to say.

There's no way this doesn't look terrible.

Please, say something!



"What? What is this?"

"It's a misunderstanding."

"A… misunderstanding?"

Tayla's face is completely emotionless. I don't know what I should say. If anything, it's probably best to stay silent. That look on her face tells me, that if I say anything more… I might just get killed.

"What exactly about this am I misunderstanding, Alexander? Are you telling me that you didn't just kiss that girl? That that didn't just happen? Are you telling me that I'm not seeing things correctly? I could try to be understanding, but that girl is… Caro?"


Caroline turned her head away from Tayla.


I look between the two of them. Tayla's staring at Caroline in disbelief. What is going on?

"Do you two… know each other?"

"Caro is Elis' little sister," Tayla responded first.

"Elis… as in your friend, Elis?"

"Yeah… what is she doing here?"

"I found her sleeping in the park."


The two of us both turned to Caroline. She had remained silent since Tayla walked in, and still had yet to say anything.

"Why was she sleeping out in the park?"

"I don't know. She refuses to tell me."

"Huh… well, hmm."

Tayla contemplated things, walking from side to side in the doorway to the lounge, as she did so.

Finally, she said, "can you go to your room, Alexander? I'll deal with you later. I need to talk with Caro."

"Right… okay."

This wasn't the Tayla that I was used to. She was clearly still mad. I guess I can only hope that Caroline helps clear up her misunderstanding. I'll just do as Tayla says for now. Hopefully she'll have calmed down a little more by the time she's finished with Caroline.

As Tayla ordered, I went past her down the hall to my bedroom, and I dropped down into my bed. It squeaks as I do so.

I can hear their voices through the walls, but I can't make out what they're saying, even if I strain my ears.

Who would've guessed that Caroline knew Tayla? And that she was Elis', one of Tayla's best friends, sister.

My first thought is that maybe Caroline knew who I was, that I was Tayla's boyfriend. No, that seems unlikely. That wouldn't make any sense. I mean, if I think about it that way, it could've been her that hammered that letter into my front door. But, why would she do all that? If she knew who I was, there's still a thousand more logical ways to end up getting me to bring her to my place.

And besides, I'd already ruled her out earlier. She was just too surprised when I ran into her. Kids aren't that great at acting and deceiving, including her. It's proof enough that I worked out what her reasons for running away from home were through that game. She couldn't help but drop hints here and there. Whilst separate they aren't enough for me to decipher what had happened, put all together the big picture becomes painfully clear.

So, it must've all been coincidental. What a series of unlikely events. I would never have guessed that Caroline was Elis' little sister. They don't look anything alike.

It all fits in with my line of thinking, however, if Elis is her sister. My line of thinking on why Caroline ran away from home, that is. Tayla told me in the past, that Elis is one of her school's top students.

I think I worked it all out from that game of twenty questions. Though I don't think we played it correctly. Not even close, in fact.

Although she didn't say it, Caroline went far enough that I could connect the dots when I put it all together. The reason she ran away from home.

A gifted older sister.

Pressure from her parents to be that sister's equal.

Not having the freedom to just enjoy her own life.

That would've created a lot of resentment within her.

Resentment towards her parents.

Resentment towards Elis.

And probably, resentment towards herself.

That kind of thing. Those feelings of resentment probably built up within her over time, until something like this happened. As a result. Something triggered those feelings within her to overflow and burst out, causing her to run away from home.

What the trigger was, I'm not sure. Perhaps an argument. Or maybe just a moment of melancholy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the creaking of my door open. Tayla walks in, closing the door behind her. I hadn't noticed that they'd stopped talking because I'd been too wrapped up in what I had been thinking.

Tayla continues standing by the door, leaning back against it, without saying a word.


"Stand up."

Huh? I don't get why she wants me to get up, but I'm not going to question Tayla. She's clearly still a little mad about what happened before.

As I walked towards her, Tayla took a step forward. When she did, Tayla's right arm came around in an arcing motion, and hit me in the cheek. She slapped me. It wasn't all that forceful, but it stung a lot more than it should've. I deserved that one, after all.


"What are you apologising for?"

"For… kissing Caroline."

"I don't care about that anymore," Tayla sighed, "she explained how you got to that point. It's not like I'm jealous of a twelve-year-old or anything."

"So, why did you slap me then?"

"For being an idiot."

I smiled, "I suppose that's fair enough."

The two of us lay down beside each other on the bed. It's only a single bed, however, so even though I say we laid down next to each other, Tayla's practically on top of me.

"I spoke with Caro," Tayla continued.


"She refused to tell me why she ran away, but knowing her, I think I have a pretty good idea anyway."

"It's the same with me. She didn't tell me what happened, but she let enough slip that I've got a good idea of what happened."

"What are you thinking?"

"Not much, I only found her last night. I'd much rather catch up with you. I didn't think you were coming home until tomorrow."

"Sorry, I lied. I wanted to surprise you. Well, I guess I succeeded at that."

"I guess you did," I laughed nervously.

"I'll be staying here until we work things out, and help Caro."

"Well, I'm happy about that, but won't your parents be worried if you don't come home for days?"

"It'll be fine. They trust and like you. And besides, I don't think I can trust you with Caro."

"Huh? Why's that? You said she explained everything to you."

"Yes, but I have a hard time believing you were manipulated by a twelve-year-old. And I'm considering how you have a thing for younger girls. I really have no choice but to keep watch."

"Come on, you know that I don't have a thing for younger girls."

"Hey, Tayla."

"Goodnight, Alexander."

I feel utterly humiliated.

We had a conversation similar to this another time, didn't we? When the two of us first met I think it was. Tayla accused me of having a thing for younger girls then. Well, I know she's just joking, that it's all in jest, but it makes me feel a bit depressed in light of what just happened.

I hope she's joking anyway.