
Project Beastamer

a story of monsters raised for gladiatorial combat, with emphasis placed on capturing, breeding, and taming fierce competitors for a bloody destructive sport. sound horrifying? I agree really. one amature monster breeder with an unconventional mentality attempts to forge thier own path to become the very best. (fun side project. basicly no time spent editing or proofreading. probably won't go anywhere. if intrest is shown ill go back and actually make it a polished work. until then it is what it is. I will update if the situation changes.)

LordOfTheWailord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The arena was packed. Dozens of people gathered close to the pit in order to watch the quarter final match of the minor tournament. Unlike the major tournaments, no big guilds would be participating in these fights. Each contestant was an up and coming beast tamer trying to earn their spot in the brackets of a major event. The fighters below had already obtained their entry tickets, but that didn't make them any less eager to secure victory over their rival. If they could achieve a strong result in the upcoming fights then they would attract more sponsors and support for the far more imposing majors. Anyone who pulled their punches in these late stage bouts would be seen as weak and unfit for the major leagues.

In the arena two beasts crouched on either side of the pit waiting for their signal to begin. On one side, a form of shifting shadow and smoke stood. Its clawed forearms flexed, showing its eagerness to rip into its latest opponent's flesh. Its wide cruel mouth twisted into a smile under the glowing eyes that seemed to yearn to spill the blood of its foe. Opposite it, a larger beast crouched low its four thick legs planted firmly on the ground. Several horns grew in a line from the beast's nose to its forehead. Its tanklike body was covered in a mixture of rock-like growth and spikes. It watched its enemy with slanted eyes.

amongst the crowd people were busy sizing up the two combatants.

"You don't see many Shadow beasts in the mid tiers! Where do you think he got his hands on it?" asked one eager spectator.

"Must have found a nest! It's too well behaved to be wild caught!"

"Forget the shadow! You see the purple tinge on the end of those spikes? That's a mutant beast. It's going to dominate." Another loudly asserted.

"Maybe if it was full grown," a woman in the crowd responded, "but that one isn't mature yet. I used to work with those beasts. Its forearms should be alot more developed and it should have a long thick tail. The poor thing hasn't even reached adulthood. it's going to get splattered."

The crowd continued to argue about who had the best odds and what weaknesses and strengths the beasts might display, but there was one point no one disagreed on, the upcoming battle would be a real spectacle.

A whistle sounded and both trainers ordered their beasts to begin. The shadow creature shot forward weaving from side to side as it displayed its fearsome speed. The spiked beast roared and then tucked its head down bracing for the incoming attacker. The distance between the two closed in an instant. Shadows coalesced in the hand of the shadow beast as it rounded the side of its foe. It then dashed forward, raising its arm surrounded by darkness.

However, as it closed the last bit of distance the larger beast tensed, and the spikes covering its body extended suddenly, stabbing in all directions. The shadow twisted attempting to contort its body to avoid the throng of attacks, but the ambush had been well timed. Even as the dark orb slammed into the rocky flank of its opponent, three spikes stabbed into the shadow. Two slammed into its upper body and one pierced a leg.

Having landed its attack the shadow pulled back. Its injured leg was a ruin. It slumped to the side before putting out an arm to catch itself. The wounds it had taken oozed an inky black ichor. The other contestant had not come out unscathed either. A chunk of flesh had been seared away where the orb of darkness had touched it. Veins of dark energy slowly expanded from the wound.

"See! I told you the mutant would dominate!"

"Can't shadow beasts regenerate?"

"It's probably a poison, shadow beasts usually resist poisons, but if it's strong enough it can stop their healing."

"It's as good as dead now that it's slowed."

"But look at the wound on the other one, it's spreading its own kind of toxin! The big guy is going to be in a bad place if it keeps playing passive."

As if roused by the crowd above, the spiked beast bellowed and charged towards the shadow. Its four heavy legs slammed the ground and the arena seemed to shake with Its charge. Its head leaned down as it lined up to spear its opponent with its numerous horns. The shadow eyes were wide as it watched its approaching demise. the crowd took in a breath ready to witness the final blow. Then, at the last moment, a gruesome smile split the shadows face as it dropped to all fours and shot forward. Using its front claws to make up for its injured leg, it ducked around the head of the charging beast, and slipped underneath it. It's claws slashed mercilessly at the exposed underside of the larger opponent. The thorned beast struggled and attempted to stomp the shadow below it, but it had no good answer for an opponent who had slipped past its guard. As the shadow's claws slashed out, blood flowed down its arms like rivers and flesh was rent from the beast. A long tongue extended from the shadow's mouth and it lapped the liquid from its arms as it continued to shred the underside of its opponent. It wasn't long before the spiked beast collapsed and the match ended.

Two arena employees dashed out and began to taunt the winning beast, attempting to draw it away from the bouts loser before more damage could be done. It was not uncommon for blood crazed beasts to slay their opponents even after the winner had been determined, but this time the two managed to draw the shadow away before sealing it in a caged area to calm itself before its trainer could retrieve it. The side of the heavily injured spined beast rose and fell in shallow breaths as the trainer, as well as some arena personnel, attempted to stabilize the beast. Even if it survived, it may never be fit for competition again, but even a crippled mutated beast was valuable breeding stock. The trainer cursed himself for rushing into the competition before the beast was fully grown. He had been warned against it, but felt that he could power through and earn a place in future competitions. then he would be able to unveil his fully grown beast at full power.

The beast arenas were a place of victory and defeat, where people forged their legend in fire and bloodshed or lost everything with a single blow. The tamers that occupied the pits were always desperate to prove themselves better than all others, and when they overestimated themselves or underestimated their opponents, they could see all their hard work and effort smashed into nothing.

But everyone had their own path to walk, and not everyone could be a champion.