
Project: AstralGate

In the year 2045, humanity's insatiable quest for sustainable energy leads to an astonishing breakthrough: Aether, a newly discovered and virtually limitless energy source. Aether not only revolutionizes the energy industry but also has the ability to manipulate space and time. With the potential to power cities, propel spacecraft to distant stars, and even alter reality itself, the world is poised on the brink of an era of unparalleled wonder and exploration. A young boy with no inkling of what his future holds, Axiel finds himself caught in a web of espionage, human greed, and interstellar intrigue. As he navigates these challenges, he uncovers ancient secrets and faces moral dilemmas about the consequences of wielding such immense power.

BaTTle_EnDer · Sci-fi
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4 Chs


One might think that with the millions of years of evolution behind mankind, certain predilections would have been weeded out but then again some would argue that certain behaviors were intrinsic to the concept of being human.

Trevor begged to disagree, honestly he despised meaningless conversations and the nuances that came with them. He would rather be in his laboratory, spending more time on his research but then again said research required funding and as such he found himself in the midst of his Alma mater's yearly fundraiser.

'It's written all over your face that you'll rather be anywhere but here, Trevor'.

He turned, sighting his former mentor and teacher with what one could assume to be his first real smile of the night.

'Professor Quentin, if even an old hermit like you could be coerced into attending then I could safely assume that the school has something big lined up.

'Always eager to deduce the present situation, while this made you my best student, it does draw dangerously close to hubris'.

'You know your admonitions are always welcome, sir. However, seeing that you haven't refuted me, I can safely assume that in this case hubris will not be undoing

With an eyeroll, the professor continued.

'The project has seen great success with the first few trials, however this have been on a miniaturized scale. For any viable application to take place, larger scale experiments have to take place as such the need for more funding

'You were actually able to get it online? I thought that the interference from the generated field was too high for any observations to take place.

'That's true, however since direct observation couldn't work, we used a form of indirect observation. We analyzed the frequency of the generated field and superimposed on it. We were able to get it stable about a month ago'.

'So, you're saying you got the door open?What did you find?'.

'Well, since the generated field was scaled smaller due to constraints, we were only able to keep the door open for no more than a second but the recorded data is immense. What we can safely say is that the energy levels on the other side of the door are the highest recorded ever'.

'Well, congratulations sir. I know how much you've worked towards the success of this project'.

'Thank you, Trevor. You know, you also had a lot to do with our breakthrough. Your paper on Frequency Manipulation was quite vital in our research'.

'Considering you taught me most of what I know, sir... I think you deserve most of the praise' He said while smiling.

'That's enough, knowing how much you hate conversations you're probably reaching your limits already. Just find time in your schedule for a Monday meeting. I'd love to show you our progress in person'.

'That would be much appreciated, sir. Now if you would excuse me, I'll have to resume my search for investors'.

Trevor shook his mentor's hands and watched the man walk away. Turning his head away, he thought to himself.

'At least the coming days look quite interesting '.

If only he knew how true his words were.

Hey Guys, I actually just wanted to put this out there and considering the feed back I'll be getting, I'll consider continuing or not. Any form of constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

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