
Project Arachnid: Spiderman

"Patrick O'Malley" is a gripping tale of a young man who gains extraordinary spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider. Patrick's newfound powers grant him incredible strength, agility, and web-slinging abilities. However, Patrick struggles with how to use his powers. He faces the temptation to use his abilities for personal gain or even for nefarious purposes. As Patrick navigates this internal conflict, he must also battle dangerous criminals and super villains who threaten the city. The story raises questions about the consequences of power, the morality of actions, and what it means to be a hero or a villain.

Patrick_Oliveros · Action
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7 Chs

A Night of Vigilantism

I arrived home feeling exhausted and hungry. As I entered the house, headed straight to the kitchen to get something to eat. I opened the fridge and saw that Aunt May had made steak and fried rice.

"Nice, thanks, Aunt May," I muttered, feeling grateful for the warm meal. Yet, my mind was still occupied by the events of the wrestling match earlier. "Never again," I thought to myself, "I can't keep putting myself in danger like that...but the things I do for love." I let out a deep sigh and sat down to enjoy my dinner.

After dinner, I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. As I was browsing the news, I saw reports of another robbery that had taken place. "Another one?" I thought to myself, feeling a sense of frustration and anger.

The city seemed to be plagued by crime, and I couldn't help but think of Uncle Ben, who had lost his life in a robbery. I remembered the man who had killed him, saying, "I didn't mean to shoot him, I'm sorry," before running away with his partner.

The memory filled me with remorse, and I can't but wonder if I could do to prevent tragedies happening again.

As I kept scrolling through the news, my frustration grew with each report of a robbery. The fact that the perpetrators were getting away with it made me feel powerless. I watched officers failed to apprehend the robbers, and making them escape with a getaway car. Officers try to chase them, but immediately stop as they got gun down. "They can't keep getting away with it," I thought to myself, feeling a sense of helplessness.

Another sigh escaped my lips as I looked out the window, lost in thought. "Maybe, I could stop them?" I thought. It's a dangerous and, could get myself killed. I remember Uncle Ben saying, "With great power comes great responsibility". I looked at my hand and clenched them. Now I know why I have these powers. I could do it. I can stop these criminals. And protect and be a symbol of hope for these people.

I continued to plan my vigilante mission, I realized I needed a costume or some kind of disguise. "Well, at least my face is covered," I thought, referencing the rabbit mask I had previously acquired. But what about the rest of my body? A jacket and sweatpants seemed like the best option for now, even though they wouldn't offer much protection against bullets or knives. I searched through my closet until I found a red bomber jacket and light-blue sweatpants. "This will have to do," I said with a sigh.

Now I needed something for my hands and feet. I grabbed a pair of black gloves and my usual sneakers. But I realized I couldn't shoot with gloves on, so I poked small holes in the wrist area of the gloves. Now, I was ready to take action.

After I finished putting on my red bomber jacket, light-blue sweatpants, black gloves, and sneakers, I looked at myself in the mirror and felt ridiculous. To make matters worse, the rabbit mask I was wearing didn't help matters. The rabbit mask, which I had thought was a good idea, now appeared ridiculous. I shook my head, trying to shake off the feeling of absurdity. "It doesn't matter how I look," I told myself. "What's important is that I'm doing this to make a difference." Despite my insecurities, I took a deep breath and headed out to start my mission.

After finishing my preparations, I checked to make sure Aunt May is asleep before heading out. I tiptoed to her room, gently pushing the door open and peering inside. Seeing her sleeping peacefully, I let out a quiet sigh of relief. Not to make noise, I softly closed the door and headed back to my room, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible.

I climbed out of my window. Once outside, I took a deep breath of the cool night air and looked back at the house one last time before setting out towards the city. As I walked, I reached up and removed the rabbit mask from my face, tucking it away in my backpack. I needed to blend in and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to myself.

My eyes scanned the towering buildings surrounding me until I found the tallest one in the distance. I needed to get a bird's eye view of the city and gain a better understanding of where the criminals were most active. Without hesitation, I made my way towards the building.

I reached the base of the tall building and took a deep breath before starting my ascent up the stairs. "I hate stairs," I thought to myself as I climbed each step one by one, trying not to make any noise.

Finally, I reached the rooftop, feeling a sense of accomplishment. I set down my backpack and removed my rabbit mask from its safe place. As I put it on, adrenaline and excitement course through my body. This was it. This was my chance to make a difference and protect the city from harm.

I took one last look over the edge of the rooftop, feeling the cool night air brush against my skin. With a deep breath, I stepped back a few feet, gathering my thoughts and emotions.

"This is it," I muttered to myself, "it's time for the leap of faith."

Without hesitation, I began to sprint towards the edge of the building, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. As I approached the edge, I jumped with all my might, feeling the wind rush past me as I fell towards the ground.

For a moment, I felt the thrill of fear and excitement as I free-fell through the air. Everything around me seemed to slow down, and I felt weightless as I plummeted towards the ground below. The city skyline stretched out before me, the lights shining like stars against the dark sky. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, but I felt alive in a way I had never felt before. The rush of wind in my ears drowned out any other noise, and for a moment, I forgot about everything else except for the feeling of pure freedom.

I shot out a web and watched as it latched onto a nearby building. Using the momentum of my fall, I propelled myself forward, soaring through the air with ease. The city streets below me seemed to blur together, and I felt a rush of excitement as I swung higher and higher. For the first time in a long time, I felt a sense of purpose and power, and it was both thrilling and terrifying all at once.

I continue swinging through the city, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing past me. Eventually, I found myself perched atop a building overlooking Times Square. "Now, we wait," I thought, keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of criminal activity.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car screeching to a stop in front of a row of ATMs. My spidey-sense tingled, and I knew that trouble was afoot. I swung into action, hurtling towards the scene of the crime at breakneck speed.

I landed on a nearby lamppost and taunted them with a confident smirk. "You know you shouldn't steal what isn't yours," I said. The robbers turned to face me, their eyes widening in surprise at the sight of a costumed vigilante perched before them.

As I landed on the ground, I noticed five robbers attempting to loot multiple ATMs. One of them chuckled, "Look at what we have here, fellas. A rabbit has come to stop us." His accomplices burst into laughter, but their amusement was short-lived.

Without hesitation, the leader of the group aimed his assault rifle at me, warning me to leave or face the consequences. But I wasn't about to back down. "Not on my watch," I replied with a smirk. In a swift motion, I shot a web at his weapon and pulled it towards me, leaving him disarmed and vulnerable.

As I stood there with the stolen firearm in hand, I taunted the remaining robbers, "Come on, boys. Is that all you've got?"

"One against five, that's not a fair fight. But then again, neither is robbing. Let's even the odds a bit, shall we?" I said confidently, cracking my knuckles as I stepped closer to the group of robbers.

One of them lunged at me with a knife, but I dodged it with ease, using my spider-like reflexes. I then kicked him in the stomach, sending him tumbling to the ground. The other four rushed towards me, but I was ready for them. I spun around and landed a punch on one of them, then used my agility to flip over another one and kick him in the back of the head.

The two remaining robbers tried to escape in their car, but I wasn't about to let them get away. I leaped into action, landing squarely on the hood of their vehicle.

"No escaping," I declared as I smashed through the car window and grabbed the driver, hurling him into the air. Just before he hit the ground, I shot a web to catch him and leave him hanging there.

I quickly gather all the robbers and use my webs to hang them upside down on a nearby lamp-post. With the criminals securely webbed, I reach for my phone to call the police.

As I wait for the police to arrive, I jump back onto the rooftops and make my way to a safe location. From there, I can monitor the situation and make sure the robbers don't try to escape before the police arrive.

The police arrived, they saw the robbers hanging upside down, trapped in the web-like substance. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had prevented a crime. With a quick smile, I swung away into the city, scanning the area for any more criminal activities to stop.

"What the hell happened here?" one officer asked, while his partner shook his head and replied, "I don't even want to know." They quickly got to work taking down the criminals and securing the area.

I quickly perch on top of another rooftop, scanning the surrounding area. As I activate my enhanced hearing, the sounds of the city become crystal clear. "This is useful," I murmur to myself as I test out my ability. Suddenly, I hear two individuals conversing in a nearby alleyway.

"You got the goods?" one of them asks.

"Drugs," I realize with a sense of urgency. I spring into action, swiftly making my way to the alleyway. In no time, I apprehend the two perpetrators and immediately call the police. Like the previous robbers, I hang them upside down with my webbing.

As I stand there, I suddenly hear a muffled cry for help coming from a nearby building. "Looks like someone else needs my help," I think to myself. Without hesitation, I shoot a web towards the building and swing into action.

I quickly ascended the building, the walls and reach the source of the cry for help. As I got closer, I could hear the sound of a struggle coming from inside one of the rooms. Without hesitation, I burst through the door and found myself face to face with a group of armed thugs.

"I'm sorry, wrong room," I apologized as I burst through the door, only to find myself facing a gunman holding a frightened hostage. "Please, help," she pleaded, her eyes begging for assistance.

"Don't worry, help has arrived," I reassured her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Heh, a bunny rabbit," the thug chuckled, his gun pointed at me. In a split second, I shot a web and silenced him by wrapping his mouth in a cocoon of webbing.

"Get him!" he ordered his cohorts, still holding the hostage in a tight grip.

As the first guy rushed at me with a knife, I swiftly webbed his eye, blinding him, and disarmed him with a quick punch that knocked him out.

The second guy charged at me with a crowbar, swung it, but I grabbed it, pulled it towards me and punched him in the face, causing him to stumble backwards and fall to the floor. I quickly webbed him to the ground before turning my attention to the leader.

"Don't move, or she gets it," the leader said, pointing the gun at the hostage. I slowly approached him, trying to calm him down. "Let her go," I said in a firm voice. "You don't want to do this."

But he was too agitated and kept pointing the gun at the hostage. I had to act fast. With a quick web shot, I disarmed him and webbed the gun out of his hand. I then tackled him to the ground and webbed him up. "It's over," I said, as I untied the hostage.

"Thank you for saving me," she said as she hugged me. "Oh, it was nothing, miss," I replied, feeling my cheeks turn red. "Please do call the police when it's safe to do so," I added before leaping out of the window and swinging away into the night.

I then see a car chase happening, and I quickly swing towards the scene. As I catch up to the robbers, I land gracefully on the roof of their car. "What was that?" the driver said, confused by the sudden impact. "Go check it out," he ordered one of his guys.

As the man stuck his head out the window to investigate, he saw me crouching on the roof. "What?!" he exclaimed in disbelief. I gave him a friendly wave. Aw surprise punch from me, knocking him unconscious. I quickly pulled him off his seat and threw him into the air, webbing him to ensure he wouldn't hit the ground too hard.

As the seatmate saw me pull his partner out of the car, he panicked and reached for his gun. "Shoot him!" the driver ordered. I sprang into action, quickly disarming him of the weapon. Without missing a beat, I yanked him out of his seat, tossed him into the air, and webbed him up. The driver was now the last one left.

He swerved the car erratically trying to throw me off. I clung on for dear life, avoiding getting hit by the passing vehicles. "Stop this car!" I demanded. But he only laughed maniacally. With one swift move, I swung around and landed on the hood of the car.

The driver slammed the brakes, sending me flying through the air. I quickly shot webs at nearby buildings, pulling myself back towards the car. I landed on the roof and broke the windshield with a single punch. The driver was now cowering in his seat.

"It's over, surrender now" I said, holding him by the collar. He nodded frantically, realizing he was no match for me. I webbed him up and left him for the authorities to handle.

The police arrived, I saw them pointing their guns at me while I was webbing the driver upside down. "Freeze!" one of the officers yelled. "Whoa, whoa!," I said, raising my hands in surrender. "Look, I got them," I added, pointing to the robbers webbed next to me.

"On the, ground now" he orders me. "Sorry officer," I said as I quickly shot a web and swung away from the scene. I needed to be careful and avoid getting caught by the police.

I then stop myself at the side of the building and reach for my phone to check the time. "It's 2 am. . . Maybe I can stop one more crime," I thought to myself before swinging off to continue my vigilantism.

I perched atop another roof and surveyed the area. Suddenly, I heard explosions in the distance. "Uh oh," I thought, and quickly swung my way to the source of the noise. When I arrived, I found a building engulfed in flames. People were frantically evacuating, but I heard a mother's desperate plea: "My baby is still in there!"

"Hope this disguise can hold," I thought to myself before swinging into action. I swing my way inside the burning building, coughing from the thick smoke. "Okay, where are you?" I said to myself as I searched the rooms. I soon heard the sound of a baby crying in the next room. "Hold on, I'm coming!" I shouted.

But as I approached the entrance to the room, I was met with a wall of flames blocking my way. "Dammit!" I thought, feeling frustrated and helpless. I quickly assessed the situation and realized that I needed to find another way in.

I quickly entered the room next to it and noticed that the wall between the two rooms was thin. "I'm punching my way in!" I thought determinedly, and with a powerful punch, I broke through the wall.

Coughing from the smoke, I frantically searched the room and found the baby in the closet, crying and scared. Without a moment's hesitation, I scooped up the baby and wrapped it in my jacket. "Don't worry, little one, you're safe now," I reassured the baby.

I tried to escape the room, but was met with yet another wall of flames. "Dammit, another one!" I muttered, feeling increasingly frustrated. I quickly assessed the situation and searched for a way out. "Okay, think, think," I muttered to myself as I surveyed the room.

Feeling the wall next to me, I realized that I had no choice but to break through it. "Fine, I'm punching my way out!" I declared, and with all my might, I punched the wall, creating a hole just big enough for me to walk through.

Jumping through the hole, I swung my way to a nearby rooftop, and quickly checked the baby. To my relief, the little one was unharmed and even gave me a giggle and a coo. "You're safe now," I said with a smile.

I gracefully swing over to the mother, cradling the baby in my arms. "Here you go, ma'am," I said, gently placing the baby into her mother's arms. The woman burst into tears, overwhelmed with gratitude. "Oh, my baby, my baby," she sobbed, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you so much!" I smiled warmly at her. "Don't mention it, ma'am."

As I swung away, the father also thanked me, his words of gratitude echoing in the distance "Thank you!" he exclaimed . I landed on a rooftop and took a moment to catch my breath.

The acrid scent of smoke still lingered in my nostrils, and my costume, relieved that it wasn't damaged by the fire. I quickly checked for any injuries, relieved to find only minor scorch marks.

Checking the time on my phone, I see that it's already 3am. "Time to go home," I start to say, but then I hear the sound of a car chase in the distance. "One more," I thought to myself, and swing off towards the commotion.

I then spotted the robbers' car and landed on the roof. I approached the front of the car, I placed my head in front of the driver's window.

"Hey, can we stop this? It's 3am and I want some sleep," I said, hoping to reason with them. The driver was shocked by my sudden appearance and swerved the car, narrowly avoiding a collision.

"Hey! Drive safely!" I shouted, trying to get through to him. The car continued to weave and swerve down the road as I clung on to the roof, trying to come up with a plan to end the chase safely.

As the partner stuck his head out of the window and pointed his gun at me, I quickly swung into action. With a flick of my wrist, I shot a web at the gun and yanked it towards me. Then, before he could react, I webbed him up and pulled him towards me. With a swift motion, I threw him out of the car and made sure to web him to prevent him from getting hurt upon impact.

I was left with only the driver in the car. I lowered my head to the window next to him and said, "You can stop the car now." But he responded by pointing his gun at my head. I quickly grabbed his arm and disarmed him.

I pulled the driver out of his seat and tossed him into the air before webbing him to a nearby lamp-post. Taking control of the vehicle, I brought it to a stop safely. As the police arrived on the scene, I made a quick escape by jumping away.

I landed softly on a nearby rooftop and checked my phone. The glowing digits indicated 3:50 am. My senses were fatigued, and I could feel my eyelids drooping. "Time to call it a night," I muttered to myself. With a final glance at the glittering skyline, I launched myself into the air and swung towards my house.

I arrived home and approached the window of my room with caution, trying to avoid making any noise. Once inside, I quickly changed out of my costume and stashed it away. Exhausted from the night's events, I collapsed onto my bed and let out a deep sigh of relief.

I take a deep breath and reflect on the events of the day. I stopped the first crime, interrupt a drug deal, rescue a hostage, stopped a car chase, saved a baby, and stop another car chase. Relieved that nobody hurt in any of these incidents. "What a day," I mutter to myself before drifting off to sleep.

In a dimly lit room, a man sat in a large leather chair, his gaze fixed on the giant screen in front of him. On the screen, he watched me swing around the city, using my powers to stop crimes. The video played backward and then forwards again, showcasing my abilities.

"So it works well, play, Liam," he said, a sinister grin creeping across his face. The room echoed with his maniacally laugh.

"I once doubted your work, Liam," the man said, his voice filled with amusement.

"But now, I see it on full display." The man leaned back in his chair, a wicked grin on his face as he watched the footage of the vigilante swinging around the city.

He then holds up a glass container with a preserved black and white spider inside.

"This little creature escaped from Oscorp and somehow managed to bite your son," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Impressive, old friend, very impressive," he added, his eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and malice.

"You have done well," he continued, "very well indeed." He let out a sinister chuckle, his eyes glinting with malice. "And now, it's time for the real fun to begin."

My phone and alarm clock simultaneously buzz and ring, jolting me out of my sleep. I groan and bury my head under the pillow, hoping to block out the noise. "Who could be calling me at this hour," I mutter to myself.

The incessant buzzing and ringing continue, interrupting my peaceful slumber. "Can't a guy catch a break and get some sleep?" I grumble, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. With bleary eyes, I glance at the caller ID and see it's Ned.

"Seriously, Ned? It's morning already?" I said, my voice laced with grogginess.

I check the time on my phone and groggily mutter, "8am..." realizing that I had only gotten 5 hours of sleep. These were the consequences of my vigilante side mission. "I'm going to have to get used to having less sleep," I thought to myself as I sat up in bed.

I answered the phone call, still feeling groggy from my lack of sleep. "Hey, Ned. Good morning," I mumbled. "Morning, Pat," he replied.

"So, what's up? Why are you calling so early?" I let out a big yawn.

"Why do you mean? You said you were going to come to my house, don't you remember?"

I smacked my forehead, realizing my forgetfulness. "But why call me this early?" I groggily replied.

"So we can have more time," he said. I could hear the sounds of lightsabers in the background.

"Is he playing Star Wars this early?" I thought.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "Oh, right. Sorry, I completely forgot," I apologized.

"No worries, man. So, are you still coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll come over in a bit," I said, yawning.

"Awesome! We can start our Star Wars marathon," he exclaimed.

"I completely forgot, sorry about that. Let me get ready and I'll head over," I said to Ned, still feeling a bit groggy.

"Alright, take your time," he replied. I could hear the sound of lightsabers clashing in the background again.

"You're playing Star Wars already?" I asked, trying to hide a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I couldn't resist. May the Force be with you," he said before hanging up.

I shook my head and got out of bed, still feeling a bit tired but excited to spend the day with my friend.

I showered and got dressed in a white shirt, a brown button-up shirt, and jeans after taking a shower. When I got downstairs, Aunt May sitting in the living room, watching the news.

"Good morning, Aunt May," I greeted her.

"Good morning, dear," she replied with a smile.

I then headed to the kitchen and cooked myself breakfast - eggs and bacon with rice. "Hey, Aunt May, I'm going to Ned's house today," I informed her while starting my breakfast.

"Okay, dear," she responded.

The morning news broadcast caught me off guard as they began reporting about my vigilante actions.

"Good morning, New York," the reporter announced, "We have breaking news of a mysterious individual who wears a rabbit mask and is stopping crime in our city. Reports indicate that this person is swinging around the city and has already saved a baby from a burning building and stopped two car chases."

My heart sank as I realized they were talking about me on national news.

Just then, they brought in an officer to share his testimony about me. As he spoke, I could hear the hate and disgust in his voice towards the mask vigilante.

"This individual is a danger to our city," he said, "taking the law into their own hands and causing chaos. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior and will do everything in our power to bring them to justice."

My heart is beating, I listened to his words, knowing that I needed to be careful and stay one step ahead of the authorities.

Aunt May spoke up, "I don't believe this masked individual is a danger to the city," she said with conviction. "After all, he saved a baby from a burning building and stopped several crimes. How could someone who does those things be dangerous?" She chuckled and continued watching the news.

I asked her, "How can you be so sure that this masked individual is not dangerous? He could be putting people in harm's way."

She replied with a smile, "I have faith in people, Patrick. The actions of a person can reflect who they truly are. And this individual has saved a baby and stopped crime. That doesn't sound like the actions of a dangerous person to me."

Her words made me think, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a wise and caring aunt.

"Okay, Aunt May," I said with a smile.

I quickly finished my breakfast and cleaned up after myself. "I'll be going now, Aunt May," I said as I headed towards the door.

"Be safe out there," she replied with a warm tone. I gave her a nod before leaving the house, feeling grateful to have her in my life.

I walked towards Ned's house, I check my phone. Every social media platform was blowing up with news about the mysterious masked vigilante. My heart raced as I watched a video posted by the same officer who had just testified on the news.

In the video, I could see the officer pointing his gun at me, ordering me to freeze and raise my hands. "Whoa, whoa!" I said, quickly complying with his commands. "Look, I got them," I added, pointing to the robbers who were webbed up beside me. "A body cam?" I thought.

"On the ground now!" the officer ordered me, his voice stern. I knew I had to be careful and avoid getting caught by the police, so I quickly apologized and shot a web, swinging away from the scene.

"I need to be more careful next time," I muttered to myself. It was a close call with the officer, and I knew I needed to avoid the authorities as much as possible. I can't risk losing their trust.

I arrived at Ned's house, I admire the cozy, suburban feel of the neighborhood. Ned's house was a classic two-story home with a brick exterior, a sloping roof, and white-framed windows.

The front yard was well-maintained with a neatly trimmed lawn and a small garden blooming with colorful flowers. I could see a white picket fence surrounding the property, adding to the idyllic charm of the house. Ned's house had a welcoming vibe.

I then heard a familiar voice in my head, the same one I heard back at the wrestling match. "Avoid Norman Osborn," it said.

I paused for a moment, trying to make sense of it. "Who's there?" I muttered, looking around. But there was no one around me. I shook my head, thinking I might just be hearing things.

"I think I'm losing my mind," I muttered to myself, feeling a bit unnerved by the voice in my head. I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling.

I rang the doorbell at Ned's house and a voice asked, "Who's there?" I replied, "It's Patrick."

The door opened and Ned's Lola, Mary Rivera, greeted me warmly. "Hello Patrick, it's good to see you," she said and gave me a hug.

"Hello Lola," I said, returning the warm hug she gave me.

"Did you come to see Ned" she asked. "Yes, I came to see Ned," I answered.

"Please, come in," she gestured towards the living room. "Did you have breakfast?" she asked, always concerned about my well-being.

"Yes, Lola, I have," I replied with a smile. I appreciated her kind nature and caring attitude.

"I'll let Ned know you're here," she said with a warm smile before turning towards the hallway.

"Ned, Patrick's here," she called out, her voice echoing through the house.

"I'll be right there, Lola!" Ned's voice came from the other room. A few moments later, he appeared at the doorway and grinned when he saw me. "Hey, man! What's up?" he said, giving me a quick hug.

Ned then led me to his room, which was a Star Wars fan's dream. The walls were adorned with posters of classic Star Wars movies, and action figures and toys were neatly displayed on shelves. Comic books featuring the iconic characters from the franchise were stacked on his desk, alongside other Star Wars merchandise.

"Ready to play?" Ned asked as he gestured towards his gaming console.

"You bet!" I replied, grabbing a controller from the pile.

"Let's team up this time, I don't want to be 2 v 1 again," he said, remembering the time when we got ambushed by two skilled players.

"That's your fault," I said, teasing him with a laugh. "Hey! That wasn't my fault," he retorted with a smile.

We then began our marathon gaming session, engrossed in the virtual world of our favorite games for hours on end. We took occasional breaks to stretch our legs or grab a snack, but always returned to the screen, eager to continue our adventure.

"Soon, my formula will be complete," he said, his fingers caressing the surface of the circular glass container filled with glowing green liquid. "And then, the city will tremble at my feet," he continued with a maniacal laugh echoing through the dimly lit room.