

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

VelRiose · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Shocking:~ I'm Big Brother Now

"Fufufu! M-Mama I can't breathe. You're squeezing me too tight."

After those long eternal happy to sad blurred white figures of memory fragments ended or maybe he was snapped out of them due to low breathable space. Took his sweet times to compress those moments in memory and this current overgrowing emotions inside his heart and mind, helped him in understanding, whether he has forgotten them or might be there something in his brain preventing him to remember. These two people here are too close to him, which he considered inwardly and finally accepted his feelings towards them.

"Siona! snap out, look Louis! weren't able to breathe properly and he also called you..." Vineet! Shakes her hard enough to loose her wrapped hand around Louis!. She panics as well tremble at the same time. Seeing her, Vineet! took a step forward,

"So-Sorry! Sorry my son. I-I just got overwhelmed by seeing you awake after all these years. So-Sorry. Shush! Shush! Fu, fu, fu, fufu! Air, air, it's less windy here. Huh! Ah! V-Vineet can you please go there and open that window, its, its suffocating here. Louis! Louis! Now, Now look at me. Here Louis! look at me. Son..."

"Huff! Huff! Huff! M-Mama I'm fine now. You please don't panic okay. Please sit here and do what you were doing before. Just let me take a nap on your lap Mama. I'm Sorry I'm not asking too much am I?"

Louis! Got his freedom of breath back after his father shook his mother. Siona! too realised her mistake also the lame condition he is in. She quickly released him, also flustered for being such a careless mother, but Louis! caught her hands and made her sit again on same spot.

On the other hand, Vineet! opens the window, beside of first one, near Louis's bed. He turned back to see a changed atmosphere. Also Dr. and his accompanied Nurse kept observing patients behaviour, before interference in such mood, they stay stood, and Vineet! follows, stand beside them.

After a request from her dearest son's skinny shrieking mouth, she happily let him sleep on her lap. While caressing carefully his ears, bandaged head, his back, chest even slightly massages him to ease his pain.

They all have missed a crucial person, the one who created a ruckus and gathered everyone under a single roof, was about to fall, when Louis! crouched his legs near his chest, he felt something a miss here. Then feels a rolling movement near his legs.

Suddenly he remembered something old, his eyes wide opens, heart beeps faster. He galloped up and jerked his body in direction of his feet, there the child was near the edge of bed and about to fall, Louis! grabbed her by descending his right hand while caught her legs in left hand, ascends. Wires pinned within him broken.

"Louis!, Kenny!..."

Dr, Nurse, Vineet! Siona! all flustered, called his name out loud together, only his mother spoke her daughter's name.

Enraged, anxiety and a gloomy jinx shrouds whole room, fell a momentary silence.

Louis! Caught child in time and ascends child with all his might. Held her and went flat back on his bed, still holding her by both hands on his chest, tight. Siona! who got up to rush on near second Window, halts when saw him holding her daughter and laying back on his bed, moves near him, Vineet! also followed her as well Dr. and Nurse do too.

"Hmm! excuse me Mrs. Vell! Let me check him and that kid too." Doctors direction heard loud and clear by Siona! still haven't felt other two presence in this room, she turned back to look the familiar voice, surprise she said, "Huh! Dr. Ziom! and" looking at his follower, she took a breath of relief, then continued, "Sister Jil! is here too. Yes, Yes, by all means, please check both of my children. It's great Louis! Dr. sir is here and...."

Vineet! shut her mouth by his right palm, she frown in disbelief, ignoring her he looks at dr. and spoke, " Dr. Ziom! ignore her. She just is too much excited for her son's awakening. Please go ahead and check them both. By the way, after all these commotion how can my little devil still sleeping. How strange... Siona! did you feed her too much."

Siona's face turned red in shyness and she struck his stomach with her right elbow. Vineet! holding his hurt part took two steps aback in awe, "You, You, how can you hit me in front of our children. You beat me inside our house, now you're abusing me in open too. Hunn! Aahuuunn! Hunnn!" He tries to comfort her in his own way, making some childish play with crocodile tears, but ended up flaming her up.

Siona! retorts showing her fist still with reddened face, "You, You, huh! I-I won't talk to you. Uhnn!" She stomp her left feet, a loud sound resounded in room, which attracts attention of three.

"Is there any problem Mrs. Vell?" Dr. Ziom asked, showing a concerned face.

"Huh! No, Not at all. Please carry on checking my son." She politely declined doctors raised question. Dr. went back on his work, Siona! turn her head, looks at Vineet! "I will see you at home. Just wait!".

Got declaration of domestic couples war, Vineet! got chill spread all over his back, remembered last time for whole week had to eat burnt breads. Shook his head in sides saunter after her to make up with her, but her sharp killing gaze made him abrupt his movements.

Vineet stands near the leg side beds edge, awkwardly making eye contact with Siona! but she ignores him, continuously watching her son and daughter. Suddenly Kenny! starts crying, "ahun, ahun, aaaannn, huh, aaaaannn! Boo, boo!"

"Oh! She woke up. Louis! give her to me." Siona saunter and about to lean to get Kenny! in her arms even Dr. nodded assuring she is fine, but a sudden change has taken place. Kenny's cries stopped, as Louis! sit up and hold her straight, looks in her big eyeballs of pink charming pairs, up closely.

Still view is blurry but she too in astonishment moves her both tiny hands, Louis! leaned forward to let her touch his face. She ran her little hands over his cheeks and then,

*Slap! Slap! Slap!!!*

Five consecutive slaps landed simultaneously on both of Louis's cheeks, shocked everyone in room simultaneously all hands moved towards mouths, saying in chorus, "Quite Fearless."

"Hun! who do you think you are little rucker? Now I will show you, taking a fight against people several times taller than you, how much fearsome I the one can be."

Saying that out loud, everyone just statues and glare at the play showcasing in front now. Louis! Holds her by her shoulders lift her high enough, then like playing catch by himself, he slowly throws her up like a ball. She screamed in fear, but as soon as she came down, he effortlessly caught hold of her and tossed her twice more without stopping.

"Huhuhunnnnaa! aaaaannn! aaaan! boo, boo! Phu! Phu!"

She started screaming, crying. Louis's strength gave him hint, he sighed in defeat, caught her in his arms.

Facing her under his arms, she is sobbing. He like a villain smile at her, she catches his nose and hold tights in her resentment, while others perplexed as what has happened, seeing this scene couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

Whole room reverberate with various laughter, in midst of this, Siona! approach Louis!,

"That's enough both of you. Louis! Let Kenny! go now."

"Why! Why should I, she started first, this little punk, I..." retorted Louis! was about to do something again but his shoulders were freezes by Vineet! unknowingly has made his presence, said "Huh! Louis! as a Big Brother, how can you think of hurting your little sister. She is naive. Now, give her to your Mama. Aren't you a good boy. Okay son."

For the first time Vineet! has a conversation with Louis! since he woken up several hours ago. He Rubbs his both shoulders gently after that released his pressure on him.

"M-My Sister! How, When, No, How can it be. Huh! Wait, Wait, I-I need time to digest all of this."

Still holding Kenny! Louis! glared at her, getting his nose out of her grip, she still sobbing, he gets too close of her and glared.

Standing her in his lap, he faced her up close. She looking at her mother, waving hands, like saying, "Mama help this devil wants to eat me" or something else. No one can tell what's going on inside a child's mind. Siona! leans to get her up in her embrace just then,

"Ummmma! Hunn! You haven't taken bath today, you stinks. Shoo, Shoo."

"Ununun! Aaaahunnn! Unnn"

Louis! teased her and she cried out piercing everyone presents eardrums partially numb. Siona! quickly moves and took Kenny! under her embrace.

"Aaaaaaaa! Shush! Shush! Louis! I haven't raised you to be a bully then how can you bully your own sister. You have let me down. Huh!"

She left the crowd, glances here and there then, saunter near of corner of opened door. Vineet! brought the chair and gesture her to sit and do her motherly course. There Kenny! Savouring the mouthful of lifesaving milk.

Nothing else much occurred, otherthan Dr. Ziom! taking Louis! out for doing more tests, to confirm his curiousity. Vineet! follows them, while Siona! was left in room taking care of sleeping Kenny!