
progress of little

Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age.

rue_blackwell · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
93 Chs


Since the whole runaway, car thing Daichi had been staying at the Park residence because basically he couldn't move his arm without really bad pain making life just that little bit harder.

And in that time, for the full duration, Itsuki had been babying him, whether it was when he was big or little.

He originally said he could do things himself but Itsuki still insisted on helping him anyways and looked cute as he did so, so who was Daichi to refuse him, especially when he smiles so wide when he was done because

"Itsukie wants to be Daichwie's hewo like Daichwie is itsukie's"

and the brighter more bashful smile whenever Daichi replies

'itsuki already is.'

Daichi was laying in itsukie's bed when the little knocked on the door and came into the room, knocking even though it was his space and Daichi was the one crashing it.

Daichi smiled and held back a chuckle at that thought as Itsuki asked

"Does you wants anything?"

making his way over to the bed with a worried look that had been plastered on his face more than Daichi's heart could handle really.

Because with that happiness that came after helping came with the worry and concern before.

Daichi shook his head before noticing the bags under the other's eyes, remembering himself that Itsuki refused to sleep until after Daichi was which probably was the cause, so hequickly changed his mind and he asked

"Actually, can I have a nap with my sweet baby boy?"

Itsuki couldn't really refuse, not with how tired he was and not with his boyfriend specifically asking for Itsuki, his 'sweet baby boy', so he nodded shyly and climbed up onto the bed laying next to Daichi.

Daichi used his good arm to pull Itsuki closer to him and they both automatically cuddled in to each other as they got comfortable.

Itsuki resting his head in the nape of Daichi's neck with a week hand clutching at the elders shirt, legs tangled together and Daichi's good hands fingers threading through the youngest hair and for a long period of time it was just like that, tranquil being the world Daichi would use to describe it.

After a while Itsuki quietly called out


so quiet that it took Daichi a moment before he decided that Itsuki had definitely said something and he wasn't hearing things thus causing him to softly replied

"Yes sweetie?"

and snuggling closer after feeling the little tense next to him.

Itsuki leant into him more too before softly and quietly asking

"Does you reeememberrrs when you said we could lives together one day?"

louder than the previous time so Daichi heard clearer and replied


Itsuki paused for a moment before nervously asking

"Did you means it?"

looking up hopefully at Daichi who was looking back down at him with a soft smile, a fond smile, one kept exclusively for Itsuki and him alone.

Daichi moved a piece of hair out of Itsuki's hair and answered

"Of course I did. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it baby."

smiling wider as Itsuki relaxed melting even more into his chest.

Itsuki quietly said


feeling content with that information apparently, nuzzling his nose into Daichi's neck lightly as an endearing action before falling back into his original place ready to settle down to sleep.

Daichi on the other hand asked another question.

He calmly asked

"Have you been thinking about it ?"

Arguably feeling more nervous than he was letting on hoping that Itsukie wasn't subtly trying to say he wouldn't want to.

itsukie felt a bit flustered confessing it but still confirmed with a stuttered

"Uhh... Y-yeah."

giving Daichi the opportunity to point blank ask

"Would you like to live with me one day?"

It was straight forwards and blunt but that was one of the things Itsuki loved about Daichi so even if he wanted too he couldn't really complain.

Itsuki's face burned red as he admitted "Y-Yes... I would any day."

Causing Daichi to let out a small sigh of relief but looked for further confirmation by asking "Do you really mean that?"

Itsuki said


with his certainty being shown by how clear he said it.

He didn't know where his confidence came from but it was there.

Similarly Daichi didn't know where his came from as he said

"Then I might take you up on that soon." surprising even himself.

Itsuki simply asked


completely surprised but also beaming wit happiness.

Daichi coughed lightly so his voice didn't break because his confidence quickly disappeared so he ended it by saying

"Shhhhhh baby... let's sleep... I love you." getting a small

"I wuv you more."

back from Itsuki causing him to kiss the others head lightly and whisper

"I love you too."

And with that both of there minds rushed with thoughts which much like the rest of that conversation was left unsaid... for now...