
progress of little

Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age.

rue_blackwell · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
93 Chs


Daichi was supposed to go to Itsuki's house after school that day but had to cancel because his friends Jackson and bill had come down for a surprise visit, which Itsuki didn't believe.

The trio went around osaka all day going from place to place until they finally had to go their separate ways because the other two boys had to go back .

It was a short surprise visit which was mainly spent catching up in person and gossiping about the rest of the friend group and lives but it was a good one.

They made plans for the rest of the group to come down and visit some other time so they could all spend time together and Daichi said that he wanted to introduce them all to his friend, Itsuki.

They ended up heading to the train station at 11pm so Daichi sent Itsuki a text saying

'They went home at a reasonable time so I'll be able to see you tomorrow <3 I hope your sleeping well sweetie.'

Itsuki read the message but ignored it which Daichi noticed and assumed he was trying to sleep so didn't think much about it.

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Daichi smiled widely when the door opened and greeted

"Good morning Mrs Park."

Mrs Park forced a smile looking tired and worried as she said

"Good morning Dearie, i'm warning you now he's been Moody ever since we went to your school yesterday to get his grades back for one of his tests."

Daichi frowned since that was out of character for Itsuki since he had never been in a mood before and if he did he hadn't noticed so said

"Thanks for the warning Mrs Park, that's not like Itsuki though."

Mrs Park sighed as she said

"I know but he doesn't want to talk about it and I don't want to push him. How was meeting up with your friends?"

hoping to change the topic to something a bit more cheery.

Daichi gave her a gummy smile and said

"It went great, they're both doing really well and so is everyone back home. They're planning on all coming down and staying for a few days at some point so I said I wanted to introduce them to Itsuki ."

Mrs Park smiled lightly at hearing it and then said

"I'm sure he'd love that but your probably best telling him when he's being less of a moody pants. I'm going to take Minki on a walk now so if you need anything give me a ring."

Daichi nodded and said

"We will do Mrs Park, thank you. Is Itsuki in his room?"

since he didn't want to tun around the house looking for the boy so Mrs Park answered "Yes sweet heart, good luck."

Daichi smiled and nodded saying

"Thank you, have a safe walk"

and they both went their separate ways.

Daichi wanted to know what had gotten into Itsuki .