
Programming my system in a another world

"on hiatus" Joe was an ordinary 16-year-old boy who liked programing and that had an overactive imagination that could create universes of its own. One day he discovered that he was in one that was not of his design after he was transmigrated over in a blinding flash. After seeing buildings like "the bureau of otherworldly affairs" and "the ministry of shifter compliance headquarters" He set off to find out exactly what type of world he was brought to. And after constantly hearing of "the alternate realm" he knew this world was more than it seemed. After realising his advantages he sets of to thrive in this new world with his soul bound ability: programing, he ends up rejecting the system of that world for one of his own design [ding: you have been poisoned, your health will be reduced by 10% per second for 8 seconds] {harmfull substance detected in the user's body, casting lessor restoration} [ding: you are about to be teleported] {you are about to be forcefully teleported, do you accept?} "no" {you can not teleport this entity against its will, please refrain from attempting this action again} [ding: All abilities have been locked for this event] "doesn't matter to me, as why would I rely on something that can be taken away, that's why I have my own" will he remain hidden or will the skills he creates make a storm that changes the world? -------------------------------------------- this is my first time writing out any of the stories that I think of so there may be a couple of things that I'm not good at but the style I like to create worlds in is for my enjoyment so things should stay interesting and I will try keeping continuity as much as possible and uploads won't be on scheduled times, so if you enjoy hold in there

Id_0 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

spells, abilities, protocols, and features



magic missiles - default power: 50 mana, create 10 external stores of mana evenly split, within 2x3x3 above the centre of the user, designate stores m1-m10. If hold_fire = False apply auto-tracking protocol with 10%cc, velocity 20m/s. upon impact with target expend <= 20% remaining mana provide shear force mostly adjacent to the direction of motion with 5 cycles of heat and cold conversion of 30°c within 0.25 seconds, remaining mana distribution applied in a semi-spherical direction in direction of motion, 20% to air compression and expansion, 20% convert to heat, 15% to creating 5mm diameter jagged shards, 40% convert to force applied normal to effect radius, 5% convert to electricity at the site of impact.

Mana bullet - default power: 1 , create mana store 3cm in front of left index finger 1cm by 1 cm by 2 cm, apply targeting protocol, apply auto tracking protocol 1%cc, velocity 150m/s, upon contact 90% vaporise material directly in contact with store, 10%produce torque counterclockwise

Sniper's shot - default power 10 , create mana store 5 cm in front of left index finger 1.5cm by 1.5cm by 4cm, apply targeting protocol apply auto-tracking protocol 1%cc, velocity 2000m/s, upon contact produce radial force reflecting material approaching in direction of bullet travel

Burst shot - default power: 5, generate 5 Mana bullets, follow Mana bullet procedure

earth spike - default power: 5 , apply targeting protocol, generate earthen spike 2.5 meters tall base width 40 cm within 1 meter of target, protrude towards target.

earthen spikes - default power: 15 , apply targeting protocol, generate 3 earthen spikes 2.5 meters tall base width 40 cm within 1 meter of target, protrude towards target.

stone barrage - default power: 20 , use surrounding material to form stone balls 30cm in diameter, apply targeting protocol, apply auto-tracking protocol 0%cc max distance 120 meters, initial velocity calculated via tracking protocol to ensure arrival at target destination, randomise release time between 1 and 10 seconds for individual boulders

ice spikes - default power: 15 , apply targeting protocol, generate 3 ice spikes 2.5 meters tall base width 40 cm within 1 meter of target, protrude towards target

ice barrage - default power: 20 , use surrounding material to form ice shards 30cm in length, apply targeting protocol, apply auto-tracking protocol 5%cc, velocity 15m/s towards the designated area, randomise release time between 1 and 10 seconds for individual shards

ice sculpture - default power: default power: 20, apply targeting protocol, use surrounding material to form ice block centred on target 50 cm thick normal to entities surface, if head detected, leave face exposed

burning hands- default power: 15 mana, provide combustion reaction released in 10-meter cone in front of hand.

fire bolt - default power: 3 , apply targeting protocol, apply auto-tracking protocol 15%cc, generate mana store 5 cm in front of palm of left hand, velocity 40m/s, upon contact 40% generate combustion reaction, 60% generate infrared radiation in direction of motion

fire burst - default power: 5 , set environmental control temperature and pressure regulation to 5cm, compress air to 7 atmospheres radius 50 cm, rotate air around origin 5m/s produce combustion reaction while set environmental control to default

fire ball - default power: 50, create mana store 10 cm above left hand, apply targeting protocol, apply auto-tracking protocol, once at target generate combustion reaction, produce flames radius 5 meters

lightning bolt - default power:3, apply targeting protocol, plot route to target avoiding other entities, create channel 5cm wide resistance = 0.000000001 ohms channel wall resistance 5 x 10^27 ohm resistance, end point 2 cm inside target, generate mana store 15 cm in front of left hand, channel end cap 10 cm in front of hand, convert mana into electricity.(note: use at 10% against huminiods)

chain lightning - default power: 21, apply targeting protocol max = 7, plot route to targets avoiding other entities, create channel 5cm wide resistance = 0.000000001 ohms channel wall resistance 5 x 10^27 ohm resistance, endpoints 2 cm inside targets, generate mana store 15 cm in front of left hand, channel end cap 10 cm in front of hand, convert mana into electricity. (note: don't use against party with only one poor sod in plate armour)

static shock - default power: 5 , create plane of resistance 5 x 10^27 at wrists diameter 7cm, generate mana store at targeted hand, convert store to electricity.(note: 5% known humanoid safe)

wind blade - default power: 2 , generate store 1 cm in front of left index finger, generate completion edge using store in shape designated by store movement between cast and 0.4 seconds after cast, propagate in direction finger indicated


dome of protection: default power: 50 mana, create temp mp store, create sphere 2m radius, default colour: black, default outside transparasy: 0%, inside transparent, apply mana syphon protocol 20%, apply environmental control, provide normal contact force except to users with sufficient clearance, default: gamma, or specified individuals

mage armour - set BMS to protrude 1 mm above skin upon contact with any non-equipped or worn object or entities(other than floor) to produce contact force equal and opposite to other entity, lasts until dismissed.

wall of force - default power: 400, create a translucent 10-meter high wall 100 meters across out of mana, provide contact force, blacklist CCSS users, Alies, friendlies, lasts until dismissed

anti-magic field - default radius 10 meters, link to BMS, cover area with mana, destructively interfere with all non-CCSS spells in the area

battlefield control;

earthen wall - default power: 25 mana, use mana to move rock to provide 2m high 0.75m thick, 3m wide, parallel 1.5m in front of hand, remaining mana 20% covert to force provide compretion, 80% use to resist incoming forces

mud slide - default power: 15 mana,condense water to enfuse surface 1m of a 5 meter radius circular area around target point

quicksand - default power: 2 , default radius: 5, apply targeting protocol, generate water in sandy materials in radius of centre up to 1.5 meters into surface

pitfall - default power:1 , apply targeting protocol, at designated area compress dirt and stone out of 1 meter radius going 3.5 meters deep

mass pitfall - default power: 10 apply targeting protocol, iterate pitfall 10 times randomly placed within 20 meter radius or designated area

unpredictable currents - default power: 2000, default radius 50 meters , apply mana syphon, apply targeting protocol, detect fluid, produce int(radius) areas of accelerated flow at 10m/s, every meter cubed can change flow direction up to 45 degrees chosen randomly, lasts until dismissed

blizzard - default power: 500 default radius 30 meters, apply targeting protocol, apply mana syphon, cool air in radius too -16 degrees C generate wind 10m/s in radius around centre, generate ice crystals in volume, if CCSS user detected in area set environmental control: temperature and wind regulation to 0.5 meters, set hud to radar view, lasts until dismissed

fog - default power: 250, default radius: 30 meters, apply targeting protocol, apply mana syphon, set air temperature to due point, set humidity to 100%, form fog, if CCSS user detected in area set environmental control: temperature and wind regulation to 0.5 meters, set hud to radar view, lasts until dismissed

tar trap - default power 100, apply targeting protocol, cover the designated area in magic coloured black that sticks with any creature that comes into contact with, if CCSS user detected in contact effect does not apply, lasts until dismissed


healing grasp - identify target, apply continuous mana input at stable rate cycling between damaged sections for 30 seconds, use mana to stimulate cell reproduction, re-aline damaged sections, duplicate missing cells (heals 1% total health per second)

healing word - default power: 50 mana, use mana to stimulate cell reproduction, re-aline damaged sections, duplicate missing cells in cycles (heals 15 hp per second)

mending - default power: 20 mana, return item to peak condition using mana provided via various means

Invisibility - link to BMS, set user transparency 100%, disable environmentally control features, contain energy and mana emotions, enforce visual input link.

Mana bind - default power: 50 + 5cc, create external store of of mana 5cm in front of right index finger, apply targeting protocol, apply auto-tracking protocol, velocity 50m/s, upon contact, generate chains around entity, 2 per appendage, 8 around torso, bind to nearest relative unmovable surface, reduce length until 50 newton force is applied through length, apply mana syphon, lasts until dismissed

Mass Mana bind - default power: Mana binds default x generated , generate Mana bind: max = 7, circular pattern 7 cm above right index finger, release mana binds per spell instructions

slow - default power: 30 , send mana to target, generate counterforce opposed to motion by 50%, display timer 30 cm above creatures head indicating estimated time remaining when 15 seconds or less remains

slowness - default power 150, default range: 15 meter radius, blacklist: CCSS users, allies, friendly affiliations, generate feild at designated site that generates counterforce opposed to motion by 50%,display timer 30 cm above creatures head indicating estimated time remaining when 15 seconds or less remains, lasts until dismissed



mana syphon [ % amount] - to absorb percentage specified amount of mana from the environment into the pre-specified store

shield - produce a solid layer of mana parallel to hand or forearm, size and intensity intent dependent, special activation: focused intent

spectator - link to BMS, create an intangible object 10 cm in diameter, generate visual and audio links to spectator in intent designated eyes and ears, convert mana to force in the intended direction of movement to generate speed intended, provide a counterforce to slow to stop otherwise, produce compression waves to act as speaker.

telescopic vision - link to BMS, create distortion in and in front of eye(s) to increase the angular resolution of visual input

swift step - link to BMS ,provide extra 50% force in the intended direction of travel, movement unless intended is severely restricted in vertical directions 70%

grasshopper - link to BMS, produce a flat green square inside another slightly big square 25 cm across, at point of focus, upon contact with foot, produce an impulse of 560 newtons (acceleration of 7m/s^2) acting on user entity normal to the direction of the square, fades when no longer focused on

slowfall - link to BMS, provide counterforce opposed to direction of gravity so that relative velocity cannot exceed threshold, default: 1 m/s

light - link to BMS, create intangible sphere that follows user 1m above, lag time 3 seconds, convert 1 mana per second to light controlled to emit spherically to 20 meters

spotlight - link to BMS, create cylindrical object to fit user's hand, convert 0.5 mana per second to emit light dispertion radius 2% (essentially just a torch)

headlights - link to BMS, create intangable transarant cylindrical object either side of user's head convert 1 mana per second to emit light dispertion radius 2% (essentially just torches but on sides of user's head)


homeostasis - [p2] convert mana into heat/cold to keep recommended body temperature throughout the body.

environmental control -[p2] (ensures as much of an idyllic environment as possible with provided mana), radius of effect default 2 meters: wind speed <= 1km/h ; air pressure = 14.5 psi; air temp between 18°c and 24°c, ensure atmosphere composition remains 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen, 0.93 % Argon, 0.035 % carbon dioxide with 30% humidity and remove any other particulates with increasing priority towards origin, reflect ionising radiation(display "warning, you are in an irradiated area": upon exposure threshold), redirect ultraviolet light to the same trajectory across the sphere of influence, block em intensity to below threshold of 150 lux, disallow uncontained water; repel from the origin, eliminate uncontained microbes,

hardened skin - [p3] increase molecular cohesion of skin, resist external forces applied from tearing or compressing the skin (making skin resistant to damage, permanent exes ratio distribution)

regeneration - [p2] determine the % damage of each region and sub-region of the user-body, ratio mana distribution to with per cent overall damage being distribution ratio to area, uses mana to stimulate cell recovery and restore missing/damaged areas to an optimal state

stabilisation -[p2] if there is rotation generated that leads away from a stable base (the area between points of contact towards the centre of gravity) produce a counterforce to right the body

enhance body - [p3] increase molecular coheation, use mana to resist outside motion, re-enforce skeletal structure, increase mussle efficiency by 10%, +25% aided force enhansments

weapon summoning array - [p2] provide 10% unalocated mana usage to weapon database weapon consolidation array



inventory access protocol -[p1] use mana necessary from exes mana distribution to convert an object to the mana it contains, then relocate object mana to inventory log entry (note: larger objects and objects with lower internal mana require more energy for the process)

auto tracking protocol - use position data and trajectory data of both entities, calculate intersept point for given velocity, expend designated mana percentage for course correction to target, cc includes object avoidance

world transfer protocol - connect to relevant authority through interaction porthole, request relevant authority transfer routine activation to specified worlds user body, grant exception to soul movement manipulation from relevant authority, if assert mentioned request relevant authority transfer routine activation with administrator credentials, if user's main body is harmed and user not in main body; auto-activate protocol, display {user's main body is in danger, auto transfer initiated


mana circulation protocol - mobilise mana to circulate around indicated mana store

mana distribution protocol - distribute mana among passive abilities redirecting unnecessary mana allocation to higher priority abilities or those under their performance threshold

mana batterie bank- [p2] - when there is exes mana that is not needed for any task, mana is routed through this protocol to charge mana cells described via mana cell generation protocol

mana cell generation protocol - when no cell is being filled a new cell that is grey and cylindrical in nature 30 cm long and 8 cm in diameter with rounded edges, a handle on one end with a cell interlink on the other with percentage filled and capacity shown on the side is generated for the specific mana type with the same capacity as the last or newly stated capacity to then be filled and placed into inventory for external use with inherited relevant commands and authorisations necessary in place. when linked with apply mana circulation protocol.

CON drive generation protocol - display CON drive schematics, implement high capacity conceptual storage component, implement storage processor interchange component, use 100 mana from BMS to convert to specified substances.

targeting protocol - use user intent to designate entity as target

auto-targeting protocol- designate target using defined methods. eg restricted areas, affiliation levels. ect

attack identifier protocol- when an entity is moving with sufficient momentum or trajectory to harm user is detected, activate attack avoidance protocol

Inter-system interaction protocol - rules and functions performed for inter-system communication, providing various privileges.

on standby;

attack avoidance protocol - use data given from attack identifier protocol to follow attack avoidance progression,if reaction and movement permit move user-body 15 cm outside attack trajectory, else produce shield with intercept angle of 70° normal from shield surface, if distance does not permit specified angle, produce shield adjacent to point of contact

emergency death avoidance protocol - if user-health =<10, unbind user-soul from user-body, stow user-body, cast healing grasp from "emergency mana supply" target user-body until user-health = 100%,


security clearance level (ascending order of importance{gamma,delta,beta,alpha,omega})

databases(the atomic database, composite material database, species database, equipment database, vehicle database, structures database, parts database, materials database, weapons database, tactical database, spell database)

map - using visual recordings to create a 3D map of an area

inventory - using the mana of an object to convert that object into a mana form to be stored in the inventory (using inventory access protocol)

radar - using creature position data along with filters to display creatures' positions

{ players were blue, the NPCs were white, beasts were red, allies were green, enemies were black, and his targets were purple.}

hud - a visualisation of other elements for easy viewing

messaging - able to send a message to anyone known by the system, messages have to be initiated by the user with a higher clearance level

enchantment - adding protocols and abilities to an object

{mending (restores object to peak state), unbreaking (provides 3 times resistance to unwanted forces), sharpness (maintains the cutting edge of an object at the optimal decline down to the atomic level creating an atomic edge), lightness (reduces the weight of the weapon by half, provide 30% extra force in the direction of intended blade travel}

visual studios - the groundwork for all other programmed interfaces

{mana forge(virtual blacksmiths), battle simulator(virtual battlegrounds), vehicle simulator!(simulated operation environment), architecture studios( virtual building designer), workshop(virtual general-purpose workshop), vehicle designer studios!, remote access(spoilers)

memory store - stores everything that has happened to the user to be accessed at a later date

universal clock- a record of time that is added to and system object that keeps in sync with time with the current user. sending out an instantaneous pulse every micro-second, with special attachments for unique circumstances

soul anti-tamper measures - prevent outside tampering with users' soul

affiliation level- the affiliation that other people or groups have with users

unauthorised function approval - outside factors can't use means to manipulate or measure the user's body via means otherwise uncounterable to the user without user consent

mana stores - [soul mana store (SMS), max mp 1000, move exes mana to linked stores uni-directional flow; main mana store (MMS), receive 25% exes from SMS, max mp = 500 x level + 100 x spirit , move reserve fill % received mana-5% + exes mana to (EMD); burst mana store (BMS), receive 50% exes from SMS, max mp = 1000 x level + 200 x spirit , move reserve fill % received mana-5% + exes mana to (EMD); emergency mana store (EMS), receive 10% exes from SMS, max mp = 100 + 100 x level , move reserve fill % received mana - 50% + exes mana to (EMD); exes mana distribution (EMD), receive exes from all mana stores, apply distribution protocol. ]

system objects -{

pseudo objects, mask of the many - an intangable mask staticly bound to user-head, formfitting to head, white on the outside with blue indents with where the eyes would be but with no holes whatsoever, completely transparent from the inside provides contact force to entities objects or phenomena not intended to passthrough

modes: (sustained use of what is mentioned above)

analysis mode - Record every aspect of the currently viewed event, compare similar aspects for commonalities and differences and compare against all known data sources, make hypotheses' as two why observed events are used, model recorded events and apply theories with variable variation, prove/disprove hypotheses and iterate, iterate on models that provide greater results than original until perfected reasoning of events shown and perfected process of events has been reached, devise alternate methods of attaining the same results as well as how the process works.