
A glitch

 *** Three month ago ***

 "Miss Anastasia " I heard Emma's voice along with a soft knock. I got up from bed and opened the door .

 " Emma I'll be ready in a few minutes " I said wanting to close the door when she spoke 

 " Ummmm miss , madam said I should help you get ready " she said gazing at the ground. 

 " these rules " I muttered. 

 "what was that miss " she said 

 " Nothing... just tell mother that I'll get ready myself " I replied , I hate when the maids help me get ready . 

 "But miss , madam said to help you get ready and that it was her direct command " she said a bit shaken .

 The last part of that statement sent shivers down my spine , I hate the fact that affected me so much .

 " Ok come in " I said

 " Yes miss right away " she said happily, what's so good about washing another person's body , I would not be able to that , well at least I won't have to worry about having to do all that because I'm part of the Anderson family .

 I kinda feel that washing other people's body is better ,no wonder she was happy . 

 " Miss Anastasia ! " I heard Emma quietly yell she's probably been calling for a long time.

 " yes Emma " I replied half heartedly 

 "umm I'm done " she said . Then I look in the mirror ,she helped me bath and get dressed .

 " Let's go then " I said. I wonder what's so important that mother had to order for Emma to get me ready . I walked down stairs with Emma behind me , my whole family is seated at the table . Oh Yh , my whole family , meaning my four brothers and my parents .

 My brothers Xavier, Matthew, Cole and Cain are all seated beside each other while staring at me like I'm a criminal. My father seated at his throne like chair and my mother beside him . 

 " You're late you kept us waiting " my father said making me terrified that I was in trouble.

 " Sit " he said with his authoritative tone . I was so happy he didn't punish me , he must be in a good mood . 

 I was about to pick up my fork when father yelled " Anastasia I didn't ask you to begin " he said making me drop the idea of picking up my fork . 

 " We have a guest joining us for breakfast so you all behave or there will be consequences " my mother said , now I understand. 

 " Yes mother " my brothers replied in unison , their voices were so void of any emotions that I was almost jealous, why can't I be like them ,well oiled machines , perfect Andersons unlike me , I must have been some kind of glitch in the system .

 " Anastasia...?" my mother said reminding me I didn't reply to her question.

 " Y..yes mother " I said a little rattled, guess it was the glitch an Anderson doesn't get rattled and I knew my father was about to say that when the doorbell rang .

 Saved by the bell , nah I'm sure I'll still get punished and trust me I dreaded the thought. 

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