
21. Epilogue

FYI I know very little about EU, but stole some names for simplicity's sake. It's not the actual characters, just the names.


Rey closed her eyes to wipe away her tears, and opened them to her quarters in the Jedi temple. She sat up quickly, very, very confused. How had she gotten back to the Temple? Had she passed out? Why would she have passed out, she wasn't injure… Ben saw to that.

She swung her legs off the bed, and dressed quickly. Her saber, Anakin's saber, was nowhere to be found, but there was another saber with her boots that Rey clipped to her belt. Ben only died because she'd been without a weapon on Jakku. She didn't want to be without a saber again.

In the corridor, a padawan, probably fifteen, was walking by. He stopped when Rey came out, and gave her a confused look. "Reyna, are you just getting up? They don't Knight you for sleeping you know."

Rey studied the boy. He had fair, freckled skin which had probably never seen a desert sun. Sky blue eyes, flaming red hair, and a little padawan braid in the back. There was something oddly familiar about the boy, but Rey didn't remember seeing him around the Temple. Granted she hadn't been around the Temple long enough to really know anyone but her family and Achyls…

Yet he apparently knew her. He knew the name Reyna which not even the Council knew. How was that possible? Rey was unsure, and found a hand on her saber, just in case. "Who are you?"

"Funny," the boy laughed rolling his eyes as if Rey usually played tricks on him. "I'm serious though, Jacen is looking for you, and if you start slacking this close to your Trails you'll never pass."

Trials, did he mean Jedi trials? Rey was nowhere near here Jedi trials; she'd barely begun training. And she didn't even know who this 'Jacen' was. Her master was Anakin. "Where's Luke, or Anakin?"

The boy's light spirit began to fall, and he stepped closer to Rey, eyeing her with the same wariness she'd been eying him. "Did you have a row or something?" Rey hadn't realized it, but he had her accent. Perhaps he was from the same planet as her mother… "Since when do you call them that? I think Father and Grandfather is a bit more appropriate."

Had Rey's heritage become such public knowledge in the past day that even random Padawans knew about it? Why? And why did this boy sound like he'd spoken to Rey often? They'd never met. "Who are you?"

"Reyna, this isn't funny anymore," he answered, and Rey felt his anxiety through the Force. She was scaring him, but he was scaring her. Why was he pretending to know her? Why was he calling her Reyna? "It's me, Ben."

The name made her heart ache. "Ben is dead. Why would you use that name to taunt me?"

The boy, 'Ben', decided that was enough. Reyna had obviously hit her head or something because she was acting completely nuts. He reached out to grab her arm, and found her bright yellow lightsaber blade hissing by him. "Don't touch me!" she cried.

The boy backed off, but kept one hand on his own saber. Someone else must have heard the blade, because a girl, who looked to be the boy's age, came running down the hall. Her blue eyes grew large at the sight, and the boy waved her away with three words, "Get my father."

Father? Why would a Padawan know his father? Why did nothing make sense to Rey? She held her saber high, not attacking, but ready to defend if this boy tried to touch her again. "I was on Jakku with Luke and Anakin," Rey told him, her voice quivering. "How did I get back to my room?"

"Reyna, you've never been to Jakku," the boy insisted, holding his hands up to prove his good intentions. "I think you're sick, because there is obviously something wrong with your memory. The Masters will be able to help you just calm down."

Rey wasn't sure she could. She was so confused, and Ben, her Ben, was dead. She wasn't sure calm was coming any time soon. "I'm not sick! I was raised on Jakku! I spent over a decade there, and I was just there earlier, or yesterday, or whatever. Achyls was there and Ben…"

The boy looked ready to insist that he was Ben and Rey was deluded, but he was caught off by a voice that actually was familiar to Rey. "Reyna Skywalker, put the lightsaber down!"

Luke was standing there, but he looked different. It wasn't the young Luke Rey had come to known, or even the haggard hermit she first saw. This Luke was older, but clean shaven and healthy. It was the Luke who should have been, but how? Rey didn't understand, but she did know who it was. Her father was there and he could explain things; she shut her saber off easily. "Luke, what is going on? Did you carry me back from Jakku?"

Luke's face, which had previously been filled with fury, softened, and melted into a smile. "Rey?" he whispered, and she nodded, unsure how that was even a question. She was beginning to get though that perhaps her world had been turned upside down for the third time in a matter of weeks.

"Ben, can you please go get your grandparents for me?" Luke told the boy with a reassuring nod.

The boy nodded, worried about Rey, but glad to be leaving it up to Luke to solve. "Yes father."

He ran off, and Rey found herself rooted to the ground. "Father?" She finally asked, making sure she'd heard him right. "You're his father? His name really is Ben? He's my brother? I don't have a brother!"

"You didn't," Luke admitted smiling. Everything was finally falling into place. The day he'd waited so long for was here. "Because your grandfather was Darth Vader, and your cousin Kylo Ren. Neither of those things ever happened here. None of the life you remember occurred." Rey wanted to crawl back in her bed. "Come, Anakin and Padmé will be waiting for us in the Council room."

Rey was glad to know that apparently they were both alive in this alternate future, but she was still so confused. How could all her memories just be wrong? How could the life she lived not actually be her life?

When they got to the council chambers, Rey was greeted by the sight of her very old grandparents. It was shocking to see them looking so small and old considering they'd been young and vibrant only the day before, for Rey at least. For them it had been a very long time, almost sixty years. "Rey's back," Luke confirmed for them, and both smiled. Padmé didn't waste a second, and hugged her granddaughter quickly.

The story came together quickly after that. Once Ben was redeemed their mission was complete. Luke and Rey had been yanked back to the moment they were pulled from, but Anakin lived through time linearly. Everything was so different without the Empire or First Order. It was good though. It was always so good.

"When I woke up I was as panicked as you," Luke admitted. "But someone had made sure that certain things happened. Han Solo never knew why he was offered the role of pilot for the Jedi, but I think Leia was glad for it. With your mother… well it was harder. I suspected Felicity, but I never knew and always worried that by trying to make sure you were born you wouldn't… I was right though, of course it was Felicity, and as you grew that much was obvious." Rey's mother-Rey had a mother. Luke must have seen the hope in her eyes because he nodded. "Yes, she's still alive. I'll introduce you, and to the rest of the family as well."

More family? "Padmé and I decided two just wasn't enough. You have your Aunt Shmi and her son Ranrig," Anakin was grinning. He knew how Rey felt about family. He knew that finding out how much family they had would thrill her. "Then Luke has you and the twins-Beru and Ben. I think you already met him." Rey had to apologize to her brother for not knowing him. That would be awkward.

"Ben," Rey interrupted. "Does that mean Obi-Wan…"

All three looked upset as they nodded. "He passed a few months before Ben was born," Luke told his daughter. Rey hadn't gotten to know the master well, but she missed him. "He was my master for real this time, but the name wasn't just for him. It was also for the Ben who died to save my daughter."

"Jacen," Padmé interrupted with a little grin that confused Rey. "That's your master's name, though you were close to your trials. He's Leia and Han's son, your cousin. Leia also has Jaina and Pema, who are twins as well." Padmé paused for a moment as if realizing for the first time how many sets of twins there were in her family. "If you ever have kids Rey, be prepared for two."

"Speaking of Jacen," Luke tried to hide his grin, but Rey noticed it. "He's probably looking for you. I'll help you find him."

Rey followed her father out, confused by her grandparents' giggles as much as anything else. "It's a lot to take in. Just when I was starting to remember one life as Reyna Skywalker now I have a whole other…"

Luke nodded. When he'd first arrived in the new future he'd been just as confused. "There are parts I miss too. Leia and I aren't as close in this time. I'm Grand Master, and she's busy as the Jedi liaison with the senate. And my aunt and uncle were alive, but they didn't know me at all. With all we gain we lose some too."

Rey thought of Finn and Poe. Hopefully they were out there somewhere, but where she had no idea. Finn wasn't his birth name after all, and if he wasn't raised as a Stormtrooper then he really wasn't the guy Rey knew. That hurt.

But at the same time her grandparents, her parents- they were alive. She had so much family, and a brilliant future as a Jedi. She certainly would not forget the life she lived on Jakku, but this, this could be her life as well.

How she was going to pass as a seasoned Padawan though, she had no idea. "Should we tell him, Jacen I mean, the truth? He's going to wonder how I regressed so much."

"I don't think you should. I'm sure you'll discover that the Force has given you a lot of knowledge that makes training from a young age obsolete. Besides… there are some things people just shouldn't be saddled with." Rey didn't understand what he meant until she rounded the corner to the training room and saw 'Jacen' humming a very special tune and sparing with Ben Skywalker.

Jacen's hair was long, black as a raven, and incurably messy. His face, while hard and sharp, smiled bright, no scar in sight. He turned to her, eyes twinkling, and laughed, "Benny said you'd lost your mind. Does that mean you're not up for sparring?"

Rey wasn't up for sparring. She was, however, up for running to her cousin, her Ben, and hugging him for the second time. "You alright kid?" he whispered in her ear. "Ben did say you were confused."

Of course she was confused, but Rey was also crying with joy. "I'd don't think I've ever been better. I love you, okay, don't ever go away."

"I won't," he promised, obviously confused, but getting the sense that she could use a good hug. "And even if I do, my little ray of light will guide me home, right?" Yes. Yes she would.

I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. I hope you enjoyed the story. I wrote it for fun and i hope you had fun too. Thank you all so much for reading, the response has been incredible. Thank you.