
Under that place

The Political City has numerous medieval buildings, built with thick, sturdy walls in the style of castles or similar things.

They looked very much like buildings some 300 to 500 years ago on earth, so they gave an imposing feeling of wealth and nobility.

This was a city for Matthew to admire because its artistic beauty was so well done. It reflected grace, nobility, and power.

Every street was guarded by powerful armies of vampires, who were prepared for any situation that might arise. Most of the kingdom's ministers and important people in the kingdom's politics lived here, such as nobles, high army officials, and many important businessmen.

The wealth gathered here was staggering, and although the city is not as well known as the Capital or the City of the Clans, it is still a prominent city in the political arena.

"It's a beautiful city." Complimented Matthew sincerely.

Ava agreed with him, and the man next to him introduced them.