
The Four Tests (2)

Still, it was a big problem for her, and a few minutes later, when only Matt and she were left, she failed.

She had been walking 10 minutes longer than Matt, so she lasted 15 minutes in this test.

Matt sighed.

'I understand her. It's not easy to take this test. Charlotte's thoughts are hard to ignore, but they've also put thoughts in my head that make me think Alice might die in this test, and that makes me uneasy, despite knowing it's not real.' He thought, still, he went on his way.

To fail this test required reaching almost the edge of insanity, in a kind of extreme feeling. For example, some people failed to think about sex at an extreme level.

And while Matt has had numerous similar thoughts entering his head, whether with Alice, Isla, Charlotte, or more, they have never gone to the extreme, such as letting himself get carried away with lust.

The problem for him is when thoughts of Charlotte's survival come to him.