
Matthew vs Vanessa Cromwell (2)

The fight hadn't lasted too long, but it was enough time for many people to come and try to help Vanessa, who seemed to be having trouble.

Matt then used his frozen time a few more times and appeared in a building near where Vanessa had fallen.

When his ability was cut out, dozens of bodies fell dead all over the place.

Most of them granted him power, so his base power was increasing. But his current battle power remained the same.

When Matt stood over that building, he frowned.

'Killing her with a sword is very difficult. Attacks given in Frozen Time come with a delay and even though it's milliseconds of delay, she manages to use that time to avoid serious damage. Also, her body is extremely tough.' He frowned and then felt movement, so he quickly jumped.

Several flashes then occurred in the building where he was, and several explosions caused the entire building to explode.