
A great increase

Thus, the days continued to pass quickly.

Matt and Isla had set out to swallow the desire to know how much power they had and would see at the end of the 10-day training. But this training really taught them how difficult it was to become a powerful person in the vampire world.

Especially Matt, who came from being a human who just had to level up to become strong.

At that time, he had researched a lot about the Fantasy Worlds from which those who attacked him came, but he couldn't find much. All those who attacked him didn't know much about the worlds they came from; they only knew that they were locked up and allowed to get stronger using a system like the hunters.

Still, when he raided one of the great dungeons of the Earth, he got a few books that mentioned something about it. There was a world of difference between the mention of how those who used mana became strong and what he was now experiencing.