
Profit System

learning_skill · Urban
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5 Chs

Fortunes Unveiled: Amit's Journey with the Profit System(Edited)

In the evening, there was this regular guy named Amit working on his laptop in the office. Suddenly, someone called out, "Amit, the manager wants to see you in her office." Amit looked a bit scared, and disappointment was all over his face. He closed his laptop, got up, and headed to the manager's cabin.

When Amit reached there, the manager seemed a bit guilty and said, "Amit, you probably know why I called you here." Amit replied in a low voice, "Yeah, I know. It's about me getting fired."

The manager tried to comfort him, "Amit, don't be too upset. You know the situation. We have to let people go, even if we don't want to. I hope you understand. And if there's a job opening in the future, we'll definitely consider you." After this, the manager had similar talks with many other employees that day.

Amit was just a small employee in a software company. The higher-ups decided to expand into other industries, and one of those turned out to be a scam. This cost the company a lot of money and damaged its reputation. To recover, they had to cut down on employees, and unfortunately, Amit was one of them. The manager handed him a document, saying, "I'm sorry, but I have to put you on notice for 3 months." Amit knew there was nothing he could do and left after signing the papers.

Amit, a regular 21-year-old college student, had only joined the company six months ago. He didn't have much attachment to the job, but now he had to start looking for a new one in this tough job market. As he left the office, his colleagues looked at him with pity; some of them had also lost their jobs.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound in his mind, 'Profit System activated.' Amit was surprised to see a virtual screen in front of him. He thought it might be a hallucination, but it turned out nobody else could see it.

Amit had read about systems like this in novels but never thought he'd get one. The system worked by earning points based on profits, and with those points, he could buy skills and other things. A blue screen with three icons appeared: host details, mall, and lottery.

Checking his details, Amit saw his stats and skills. Despite feeling a bit weak, he calmed down after seeing his abilities on the system. He then checked the mall app, but to his disappointment, it was empty with nothing to buy. "What's the point of giving me a mall with nothing to get?" Amit complained.

After some digging, he found out that he could unlock new stuff related to skills he won in the lottery. So, he went to the system lottery, and there were different levels: Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. Seeing the options, Amit was shocked. "Congratulations! As a beginner, you've won the Platinum level Lottery," the system announced. Excited, Amit cashed in his lottery prize.