
Profit System

learning_skill · Urban
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Chapter 3: The Decision

The MC name is Amit


The next day, Amit requested leave from his company, and the manager agreed, having received multiple leave requests following yesterday's incident. With time on his hands, Amit opened his laptop and began researching the requirements to open a restaurant. He discovered that it would take approximately 12 different certificates to open a restaurant in the city, along with multiple inspections for public and food safety standards. Obtaining legal permits could take from a few weeks to a couple of months.

Unable to find proper answers online, Amit decided to visit a local restaurant for more information. Entering a single-story building, he approached the counter, where a bald, obese man was seated amidst customers enjoying their meals.

"Mohan, how are you today?" Amit greeted him, extending his hand for a handshake.

Mohan, recognizing Amit as a regular customer, responded warmly. Amit explained that he had taken a leave from work and was interested in opening a restaurant, seeking information on the process and requirements.

Mohan, with a playful tone, joked about Amit stealing customers from his restaurant. Amit assured him that his restaurant would focus on light dishes rather than heavy dinners like Mohan's.

Mohan then proceeded to provide detailed information on the process, costs, operation expenses, decorations, utensils, and daily operations involved in running a restaurant. He also offered the business card of a lawyer who could help Amit obtain the necessary permits from the government.

Amit took the lawyer's card and scheduled a meeting. At the lawyer's office, Mr. Ram explained that Amit would need eight different permits to operate his restaurant, a process that typically took months but could be expedited to two weeks with his assistance. The total cost for the legal services would be around 30,000 paise.

After clearing some doubts, Amit left the lawyer's office and headed to a nearby mall. Familiar with the city for the past six months, he knew that this mall had a high daily footfall, making it an ideal location to rent a shop.

Wandering through the mall, Amit found several shops available for rent on different floors. He evaluated his options, considering factors such as location, foot traffic, and rental terms, before making a decision.

Finally, Amit likes a shop that is available for rent.

Amit talks to the shopkeeper about renting the shop, and learns that He also rents this shop but, due to cut-throat competition, and high rent he is unable to make a significant profit so he is leaving the shop.

Amit contacted the owner of the shop which is written on the board outside of the shop.

"Hello, Am I talking to Alex? Are you the one who is giving a shop on rent in Shop Number G-19 of GTT Mall?"

"Yes, I am. Who are you? And Are you interested in renting the shop?"

"I am Amit, And yes, I want to rent the shop."

"ok, The rent of the shop is 40000 paise per month + 10000 paisa maintenance fees excluding water and electricity. You have to pay 3 months rent in advance. In future, If you do not wish to rent a shop further then you have to inform me, 3 months in advance. The current contract of the shop rent will terminate in the next 20 days."

"And last, there is no bargain in rent or anything. So if you are interested, then contact me."

After saying so much in one breath he cut the call.

The rent of one month is equal to one month of salary of Amit. Now, Amit understands, why the shopkeeper said the rent of these shops is very high.

But from experience, the footfall of customers in the mall is around 25000 daily and on special occasions it could reach 75000. So the rent is not so big compared to the footfall of customers.

"Right now I have a total savings of 100000 paise. But this is not enough. I need approx 250000 paise to operate the shop."

While thinking these thoughts he reaches the bank. 

After discussing with the manager, Amit learned that he could get a loan of up to 500000 paise for 8% interest. The manager did not know that Amit was on notice period and neither Amit told this information to the bank manager.

'I can arrange the rest of the money, but I do not have any experience in managing a restaurant. And If for some reason I am unable to operate the restaurant then I will be in a large dept.' Amit contemplates on his decision