
Professor Dovahkiin-continued

"Professor Dovahkiin" is an imaginative crossover fanfiction combining elements of the Harry Potter universe with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story introduces a new character, Xavier Dovahkiin, whose arrival at Hogwarts brings a fresh and enigmatic twist to the familiar magical world. This tale weaves together magic, mystery, and adventure, exploring themes of power, secrets, and the complexities of a world where the lines between good and evil are not always clear. As Xavier navigates this intricate setting, his unique abilities and mysterious past promise to captivate readers, offering a new perspective on a beloved universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years ago, I stumbled upon this fantastic fanfiction and was completely engrossed by it. But then, like many others, I had to endure the disappointment when the author decided to drop it. Fast forward to a while back, and I rediscovered it on a different website(here on webnovel). To my excitement, the author(a new one picking it up) claimed they'd continue it, but alas, that promise went unfulfilled. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring this gem back to life. And no, it's not about making money – it's about my sheer love for this story. To do that, I'm harnessing the power of AI, specifically Chat-GPT4 (yes, the $20-a-month one), to pick up where the original author left off. Here's the deal: I read every single chapter that Chat-GPT4 generates, and then I put my own creative spin on things. It's all about shaping the narrative in a way that makes sense and keeps the story going strong. Plus, I'm a stickler for grammar and typos, so rest assured, I'll try my best not to let any mistakes slip through the cracks. In fact, I make sure to spend quality time on every chapter. I play around with different versions that Chat-GPT can come up with, trying to find the one that fits best, and then I edit it as needed to ensure it's just right. Now, it wasn't a walk in the park. Training Chat-GPT4 to read the entire story took some time, and it has its limits when it comes to responses per day. So, uploads might not be as frequent as we'd like, but I promise to deliver new chapters whenever I get the chance. Your support means the world to me, and together, we'll make this fanfiction community proud. I believe chapter 44 is where the OG ends.

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Dueling Club

Thursday, September 24, 1992

I met Aurora in the Great Hall for lunch, or in her case, breakfast.

Last night was one of her midnight classes, and I've come to learn that Aurora thoroughly enjoys sleeping the following morning.

Luckily, she only has two classes at midnight each week.

Turning away from my lunch to glance around the hall, I spot a giant lilac nitwit making its way in our direction.

Unexpectedly, Aurora lets out a small groan as she catches a glimpse of the annoyance.

Stepping in front of Aurora and myself, Gilderoy Lockhart placed a hand on his hip and delicately jerked his head to move his curly hair from his face.

Convinced his pose captured his intended audience's attention, "Professor Aurora Sinistra! You are looking absolutely divine this afternoon!" I can only assume he thinks his tone sounds charming. I just find it annoying.

"Professor Lockhart," Aurora replied in a tone devoid of any emotion.

It doesn't take me long to realize, Lockhart has approached Aurora before.

With an absurdly large smile, Lockhart leaned into the table across from us.

"Aurora, I have a few questions about constellations I would love to discuss with you. Perhaps we can meet tonight under a star-filled sky?

"Just think, you and me, alone under the stars. Getting lost in our... Conversation... I'll make sure to bring a bottle of wine, in case we need to quench our thirst."

Anger instantly flares in my chest! I was very tempted to rip Lockhart's sculpted eyebrows off his face for both his words and the ridiculous look he was giving Aurora!

I am able to prevent myself from pulling Lockhart across the table by his lips after Aurora placed her hand on my thigh under the table.

With the same emotionless voice, "I have already told you. I have plans tonight, and every night henceforth. Besides, I'm sure someone of your repute, will be able to find conversation to your liking elsewhere. Perhaps a mirror?" Aurora never even looked up from her meal.

Lockhart's smile slipped as his 'charming' expression fell blank. Making a quick recovery from his latest rejection, Lockhart picks himself up.

I speak up before he can make a second attempt in front of me. "Perhaps I can be of assistance?"

Turning to the sound of my voice, the golden-fraud takes on a surprised look. "Oh, Professor Dovahkiin! I have been meaning to speak with you."

Giving a cordial smile, "Really? Whatever about?"

Shifting his shoulders towards me, Lockhart leaned back into the High Table. "I, being Hogwarts beloved Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, have been hounded by nearly the entire student body, about passing on my vast experiences to them in the form of a dueling club.

"Naturally, they wish to take on some of the skill I displayed when handling the Bandon Banshee." Lockhart finished his statement with a confidence filled smile.

"Naturally," I replied while smiling at the buffoon.

With an elegant nod of his curl-filled head, "Of course! In fact, it has come to my attention that you're a bit of a duelist yourself. Several of the students even suggested you would be the ideal assistant!

"So, I would like to formally ask if you would be willing to assist me with a dueling club? There would be no need for demonstrations or sparring on your part! Merely, being present should suffice!"

Before I can utter a response, a sweet and love-filled voice purrs into my ear. "Darling, could you pour me a cup of pumpkin juice?"

Turning my head, I'm met with a doe-eyed Aurora giving me the sweetest smile possible!

Seeing her act for what it is, I quickly play along. "Of course, Dear! Allow me," I reply while returning her love-struck look with one of my own.

Staring into my eyes, Aurora is somehow able to bat her eyelashes at me and whisper her thanks while accepting the floating goblet. It was as impressive as it was alluring.

Tearing my attention away, I look back to a horror-struck Lockhart. I can't help the predatory smile spreading across my face. "I accept! I would be more than happy to assist with a dueling club," I quickly spoke up.

I made sure to speak loud enough for the closest students to overhear. Can't have Lockhart attempting to back out, now can we?

Lockhart was able to mask his fear as he dully nodded his head. "The club shall meet this Sunday after supper..." Lockhart seemed to abandon the rest of what he was saying, as he quickly retreated from the Great Hall.

Watching the cowardly little shit run away, I couldn't help but remark. "That was rather devious of you."

Tilting her head slightly below eye-level with me, Aurora took on an adorably confused face. "Whatever do you mean... Darling?" Her last word was just a whisper, but it sung in my ears.

Looking into the unspoken promises in her dark eyes a tingling runs through my body.

There's thirty-eight minutes until the start of my next class. That's plenty of time!

Sunday, September 27, 1992

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were hurrying to the Great Hall, with nearly all of Gryffindor House. The Golden Trio had heard the rumors of Professors Dovahkiin and Lockhart starting a Dueling Club but, a notice hanging in the Common Room this morning confirmed those rumors.

When the Gryffindor group arrived at the Great Hall, they were hit with an unexpected sight. Once they looked beyond the crowd of students already present, they noticed the changes to the room.

The long dining tables were missing, and a grand dueling stage stood in the center of the room. The enchanted ceiling was filled with additional floating candles, causing the Great Hall to be well lit.

The older Gryffindor students mimicked the already present Hufflepuff House and pushed the younger students closer to the dueling stage. Standing in order of height allowed all an unobstructed view of the stage.

Finding themselves directly in front of the stage only heightened Ron and Harry's excitement.

"I wonder if Professor Dovahkiin is as good as you say, Hermione?" Harry asked as he looked around at the excited crowd. "I just hope this doesn't turn out like Lockhart's classes."

"I've seen every picture published of the Championship duel last year, Harry. Professor Dovahkiin was casting spells faster than I thought was humanly possible." Hermione quickly defended.

"Guess we're about to find out. Look," Ron said while pointing towards the Great Hall entrance.

Gilderoy Lockhart was confidently striding into the Great Hall in silk robes of deep plum. Silently stalking behind him was Professor Dovahkiin, wearing his usual grey battle robes.

Swiftly moving onto the golden stage, Lockhart waved an arm for silence. As the group quieted down, he called out, "Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent!

"Now, due to the significant demand by your fellow schoolmates, I obtained permission from Headmaster Dumbledore to start this little dueling club, to train you all in case you ever found yourself in a treacherous situation as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works."

Harry was curious why a group of older Hufflepuff boys were laughing behind their hands at Lockhart's remark. They definitely found humor in something Lockhart said. Harry wasn't able to think on it long as Lockhart continued to speak.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Dovahkiin," said Lockhart, flashing a wide and nervous smile. "I am told he is quite skilled in the art of dueling and has sportingly agreed to help me instruct you all in the way of the duelist!"

"Perhaps it would be best to give the students a brief demonstration," Professor Dovahkiin suddenly interrupted. "Since most have never witnessed an actual wizarding duel, this will be an invaluable aid."

"Why does Lockhart suddenly look so terrified?" Ron asked his two friends.

"A most excellent idea, Professor Dovahkiin!" Lockhart nervously declared. "But we should keep it small and harmless for their first duel experience."

"Of course," Dovahkiin agreed.

Looking at Lockhart's frightful expression, Harry couldn't help to think he was about to witness something brutal.

Both professors moved to the center of the stage. Once they were facing each other, they respectfully bowed. Lockhart bowed low while waving his arms as if holding onto a cloak. Dovahkiin's bow was rather simple but was executed smoothly and gracefully.

After they straightened from their bows, they raised their wands like swords in front of them.

"As you see students, proper respect must be paid before the duel can commence," Lockhart told the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to harm, of course."

"I don't think that's accurate," an older student murmured behind Hermione. Dovahkiin's face was devoid of all emotion.

"One... Two..." Lockhart visibly gulped, "Three!"

Before any can process what is happening, Lockhart is blasted from the stage and struck by several more spells while flying through the air. Lockhart's flight was abruptly stopped by the wall, with a sound that caused many of the students to cringe and several girls to gasp aloud.

"Bloody brilliant!" Ron furiously whispered.

"Impossible, I didn't even see Professor Dovahkiin move," a girl stated with an awe-filled voice behind Harry.

Lockhart was lying in a heap at the base of the wall. Pain-filled moans could be heard coming from the fleshy pile.

Professor Dovahkiin wore a satisfied smile as he brought his wand up like a sword. "Proper respect must be paid at the conclusion of every duel."

Looking at Lockhart trying to untangle his limbs, Hermione raised up on tiptoes to get a better look. "Do you think he's alright?"

"Who cares?" Harry and Ron said together.

"You should have Madam Pomfrey examine you, Professor Lockhart. It is better to be safe than sorry." Dovahkiin said to Lockhart in a concerned tone.

Lockhart opened his mouth several times to reply but failed to produce any noise. Forced to lightly nod his head in agreement, Lockhart stumbled his way out of the Great Hall.

Moving towards the center of the stage, Dovahkiin slowly surveyed the students. "Now that you have witnessed a brief wizarding duel, let us begin."

"Looked more like a smack-down, if you ask me." Someone quietly whispered in the crowd.

With his voice filling the Great Hall, Professor Dovahkiin began. "A Wizard's duel is a form of magical combat that dates back to the witches and wizards of antiquity. It is a contest of magical ability, but if one is skilled in Conjuration or Transfiguration, then a physical aspect will be included."

Casually pointing his wand at the end of the dueling stage, a massive spotted leopard appeared.

The frightening leopard stared at the students, before protectively circling its body around Professor Dovahkiin.

"While one has no fear of their opponent physically striking them, that same expectation does not apply to physical beings brought forth." With a subtle wave of his wand, the leopard disappeared.

Before the murmuring students could get carried away, Professor Dovahkiin spoke up. "Who among you can tell me the most important element for a duelist?"

The eager students began calling out defense, offense, and the names of various spells.

Professor Dovahkiin allowed this to go on for a moment before raising his hand for silence. Once the full attention of the crowd was on the professor, he sadly shook his head.

"You mentioned some very good elements, but no one mentioned the most vital... Movement."

Confused chattering sprung up among the four houses.

Speaking over the noise, "Think about it! Movement is the best overall defense."

"But professor, isn't a shield the best defense?" A tall seventh-year spoke up from the back.

"Looks like another demonstration is in order," Professor Dovahkiin said with a calm smile.

Professor Dovahkiin pointed his wand at the end of the stage, and a wooden mannequin sprung up. "I need four volunteers proficient in a shield spell to protect our wooden friend here. One from each house now."

After a few moments of shuffling about, four students stood around the wooden mannequin. Each of the seventh-year volunteers wore a face of excitement and hesitation.

"Excellent! Now, you four will be playing the role of bodyguards. You have one job. To stop a single spell from striking your client in the chest. Please, take a moment to discuss your defense, but keep in mind that you are not to stand between the mannequin and myself."

The four students quickly discussed a plan in hushed whispers. Finally, coming to an agreement, they took up positions to the sides of the mannequin.

"Prepare yourselves. You may cast your spells whenever you wish, but on the count of three, I will cast a spell directly at the chest of the mannequin."

With four nods of agreement, Professor Dovahkiin began slowly counting. "One. Two," The volunteers layered their shield spells directly in front of each other.

"Three." With a flash of light, the four students recoiled as if hit with a sudden gust of wind.

All eyes turned to the wooden mannequin. It appeared whole, until the upper torso slid to the ground, leaving the lower-half standing perfectly intact.

"Thank you, you may return to your friends." As the four students were making their way off the stage, Professor Dovahkiin slowly paced around the stage. "As you just witnessed, students, there are spells specifically designed to by-pass most known shields."

A wave of his wand, the damaged mannequin, is restored. "A beginning duelist will be able to immediately identify the spell being cast at them and cast the appropriate counter-spell. But before a true master, this is a very bad idea."

Facing the mannequin, Professor Dovahkiin raised his wand and loudly stated, "Stupefy." The familiar red flash of the Stunner squarely struck the mannequin.

"Stupefy." A vivid blue flash struck the mannequin.

"Stupefy." A dull green flash.

"Stupefy." A sickening yellow flash.

"Stupefy." The mannequin morphed into a large tortoise.

The students could only gawk at the display of magic. None had even heard of the ability to change the color of a spell, or even say an incantation as you silently cast a different spell.

"A true master has complete control over every spell they cast. You should never trust any incantation spoken aloud. Even with years of training and study of the most common offensive spells, it is still a gamble to use a shield."

Turning the tortoise back into a mannequin, Professor Dovahkiin resumed pacing the stage. "The best overall defense is to simply not be in the path of the spell. But defense is not the only advantage to the skillful movement of a duelist! Movement can be used to devastating effect offensively as well!"

Professor Dovahkiin launched into a beautiful display of unpredictable movement while continuously striking the mannequin with spells.

Hermione was struck with an image of a graceful dancer, moving around the mannequin.

Coming to a stop after making a full circle around the mannequin, Professor Dovahkiin was met with loud applause from the excited students!

After taking a small bow towards each of the four cheering houses, Professor Dovahkiin raised his hands for silence.

"There are some spells that affect a large area, limiting your movement, but the ability to properly move is still the most vital element in a duelist's arsenal."

With a grand wave of his wand, the stage dramatically reduced in size, ending up only a two-meter by two-meter platform.

Another wave and bright yellow foot-prints appeared on the floor. "Now! I want each of you to go and stand on a pair of foot-prints!"

Once each student was standing on a pair of yellow outlines, Professor Dovahkiin began describing and demonstrating how to properly stand, and how to point your wand arm. When every student was in the proper position, the foot-prints shifted to a new position.


McGonagall stood in awe as she watched the Dueling Club from the hallway. Professor Dovahkiin demonstrated his instructions as he walked the students through different movement forms.

"Seeing the students move in sync is unexpectedly beautiful. Like a coordinated dance." McGonagall quietly stated to her companion.

"Or like a trained army," Dumbledore softly replied with a worried look on his aged face.

McGonagall scrunched her eyebrows together as she looked towards Dumbledore. "Tell me, Albus, how do you think Headmaster Black saw you?"

At that question, Dumbledore tore his eyes away from Dovahkiin to stare at the woman standing beside him. Not fully understanding, Dumbledore asked, "What do you mean?"

McGonagall returned to looking at Professor Dovahkiin, guiding the students through various dueling forms.

After a moment, McGonagall said, "You are seen as the most gifted student to ever pass through Hogwarts. So gifted that by the time you graduated, you had a better understanding of magic than many of your professors."

McGonagall turned to stare at Dumbledore before she continued. "So, do you think Headmaster Black saw you as a threat to others? Hmmm?" With a shake of her head before looking towards Professor Dovahkiin again. "No, I would wager, he seen you as the future, just as I am now looking at the future."

Dumbledore's brows lowered as he thought over McGonagall's words.

As Dumbledore looked towards Professor Dovahkiin, he began to lightly nod his head.