
Chapter 2

#Chapter 2

Isabelle POV.

/"Heath come on baby you have to let mommy go/" I pleaded with my clingy little, he's been refusing to let me go for the last thirty minutes.

I was over his friend and manager house Lila, she and her Neko Chloe would be babysitting him until I'm back.

/"Nuu wanna go with you/" he says between sobs still holding on my neck.

To anyone who doesn't know me, I'm belle, mommy belle to all of you littles. I'm a professional mommy, it was my job to help littles who had hard time going through their classification. Until my last assignment, Heath, a singer who almost ended his career with one big tantrum. Just ask Twitter about it, I'm now his permanent mommy, I'm also the founder of professional group who help littles to become happy little angels.

The call of this morning was about a kitten, the new mixed classification, seven years later and we're still having difficulties to match them. A kitten named Toby just went through his transition.

All Neko do that, most of them would stay at home with their family or dom, the transition is mostly painful om them, they'll grow cat ears and tail. And if you know anything about littles it's that they don't take pain well.

Toby was moved to the hospital for observation, I was informed about him a year ago, I was trying to help find him his match. I think I got someone but I haven't had a chance to talk to him about it.

First I need to get Heath off me so I can leave, I had to force his hands off my neck and gave him to Chloe, he always loved the Neko. She wasn't always in mood to play with him but for today she promised to help with him. In her eyes he's just a baby, the way she cooes at him or let him touch her ears to pet her.

I ran away right away while he was busy being shocked that Chloe can lift him. She can't for long he's too heavy for her but for few minutes until he calm down, she'll be okay.

I got in my car and got the dom I had in mind for Toby on call, Elijah was twenty three and littless, he tried few times but he couldn't find his match.

He contacted me for chance to help him, when I checked his classification it said he got 30% master/pet in him. He would be perfect for Toby, the second he picked up I told him to meet me at the hospital.

It wasn't that long of a drive until I made it to the hospital, they told me Toby was placed with the Neko section of the hospital but a little pediatrics is present to help. They gave him a private room, the second I walked in I could hear a little boy sobbing.

On the bed covered with sweat and tears was little Toby, his green eyes were shut close, his brown hair was extra messy. His older brother who's an older version of Toby, but Blake looked older, his angels were more sharp and his eyes screamed master.

Blake was trying to hold Toby while the nurse get an IV into him, there was also a girl present she had tears running down her face, brown hair and brown eyes. She had a shoker around her neck with a big diamond in the middle, a sign that she's a taken sub.

/"Can I?/" I ask and Blake nod, he let the crying Toby hide away from the nurse, he went straight to the other girl.

/"Hey Toby/" I said to him while he hugged her crying.

/"This is kayla she's mine/" Blake introduces who's the girl that got Toby's attention.

/"Toby can you let go of Kayla please?/" I ask him not forcing him to come over or prying him off.

/"Uh-Uh/" Toby says shaking his head.

Before I had a chance to say anything else he screamed in pain, I took that chance and took him off the crying Kayla who ran to her dom open arms.

I placed him on the bed in my arms while he cried, the nurse did a quick job of putting an IV on him, adding as much pain killers as possible. In just ten minutes Toby relaxed in my arms falling asleep.

/"Is he okay?/" Kayla asks.

/"It's the changing taking place, littles and pain don't mix/" I tell the girl.

/"He's like my little baby, I knew him since he was six, I'm sorry it's just my hormones/" Kayla says patting her stomach lovingly. I guess pregnancy hormones do make a person more emotional.

Finally Elijah came in, his dark hair messy, he had the habit to play with his hair whenever he got nervous. His brown eyes scanning for Toby, it's the first time they meet, I only told him I got someone for him and that he need help.

/"Is he okay?/" Elijah asks looking at the sleeping baby in my arms.

/"Elijah this is Toby, he's a mixed classification he's a kitten/" I say and his mouth falls open.