
Professional Lunacy

Rim Jung Hwa meets his high school classmate in his office, but he soon comes to discover ghastly secrets about her...

StaryNight · Horror
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8 Chs


The next few days were awkward. Hye Su and I couldn't have the chance to talk because of excessive work and it almost felt as if… she was avoiding me?

We hadn't talked to the other two either.


I couldn't even think straight. There was too much work left. And on top of that, Hye Su took a leave for the whole month.

It was one day, when I got a call out of the blue.

A call from Kyung-mi.


"Jung Hwa! Please come… Dowoon… he's no longer with us…"


I sighed, regretting not talking to him before… before he left.

Choi Hye Su sat beside me in a stiff position, blankly staring at the portrait of our friend.

I took a deep breath and with a lot of effort spoke, "Hye Su."

"No." She shook her head, got up and left me there.

I felt my face getting red and held back tears.


The funeral and the last rites were over and I walked out, carelessly strolling around.

"They say he was murdered!" Said some lady, "they found his body in a ditch… covered in blood!"

"Oh my! Poor kid! His mother was so devastated! He was a brilliant child- would have achieved so many things if he was here…"

I felt a surge of anger. It felt weird though. I had never felt anger towards her.

"Choi Hye Su!" I impulsively shouted, with full knowledge of what she was capable of.

She stopped walking but didn't turn around.

"You did it, didn't you?! You… you killed him!"

She shivered a little but didn't lose her cool.

"Let's talk." She pointed at the dark alleyway nearby.

I gulped. A dark alleyway? With a psychopath? No chance.

I walked towards the place and faced her.

"You expect answers. I'll give you answers. You accuse me… Things won't be good. For both of us."

I felt tears coming up again, "This is too unfair! You do horrible things, and I stay quiet! That isn't the right thing, Hye Su!"

"Hye Su killed Dowoon?!"

I turned around to see a shocked Kyung-mi.

She fell to the ground, breathing heavily and at the verge of tears.

I looked back at Hye Su, who looked nothing but confused.

"Wait Kyung-mi…" I hesitated.

"I'm gonna call the police." She shook violently.

My eyes widened and I looked back at Hye Su.

"That wasn't part of the plan?!" She looked terrified, "Kyung-mi don't! Please! I beg you! I'll do anything, just don't tell anyone… I'll…. I'll do anything you want! I won't tell Jung Hwa… I… I wasn't… wasn't going to either!"

YESSS my lovelies, another short chapter with barely any editing and welp rushed.

The year didn't even start and everything has been super wild for me-

Anyways, I hope you liked this webnovel so far!! I'm deciding to make it a super short story (<20 chapters) as well even I don't like to read long ones.

Keep supporting me please !! <3

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