
Coronation Ceremony

With the end of another plague day and the fall of legions of unbelievers, the last recalcitrant citizens, those that for one reason or another desperately clung onto the Cardinal Lords' faith, all submitted to the Profane Prince's Cult. And on the next morning, the word "Cult" was removed, and officially replaced by "Faith."

During that night Konrad's zealots stamped out any reminders of the Cardinal Lords, destroying all their books, and crushing all statues and edifices reminiscing of the previous faith. The Faith's hierarchy was also established, with Konrad occupying the highest seat as the Profane Prince.

Beneath him were the matriarchs, the grand-priestesses, and the blessed. Only after them did the male ranks begin. For indeed, within the Profane Prince Faith, because those women had all been "favored" by Konrad, they all by default occupied higher positions than men.

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