
Producing Genshin Impact : Elysia Helps Me Speak For Myself

In a world where the game is in the early stages of development, Mo Li awakens the memory of his past life, binds the game production system, and creates a game studio. When he came to the studio, he found out that the employees here are the characters in the game? Looking at the familiar faces, Mo Li waved his hand and started the production of "Genshin" and "Honkai III". KeQing : "Boss, can you give me... No, strengthen KeQing in the game, it's too scratchy!!" Mei : "General Thunder... a very domineering character, but you really can't insult my cooking skills!" Himeko : "Boss... I'll finish Chapter 9, and you'll keep pushing me out to send knives. Is this really okay?" ... "The Last Lesson" made players collapse, and "Xin Yan Eternal Burning" made players cry. Every pv mobilizes the player's emotions. Music, plot, graphics, let players in this world know what a real game is. However, these two games are just the beginning of "Sekiro", "Silent Hill" and "Witcher 3"... . . . . . . . - This novel is not MINE and I do not own anything in this novel, whether it is the cover, images, novel, references and so on. All are the property of the original creator. Please visit the original site at FALOO to support the author - I just want to share this novel to everyone and i kinda improve the translation (about He,her and the character name) a bit from the MTL version so it's might be little better - I don't play the game so i don't really know if there's a mistake at the game plot name or something

Nebula_Arhein · Video Games
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91 Chs

Himeko Wants To Plays Honkai Impact 3rd Live?!

In fact, even if Mo Li does not make this announcement, players will know that tomorrow is the day when the story of "Honkai Impact 3rd" chapter 14 will be updated.

Players have been looking forward to this for a whole day.

And when Mo Li threw the announcement out, the comment area immediately exploded.

It's not that tomorrow's update will shock players.

Instead... the announcement said that tomorrow Himeko will use her Douyin account to live stream Honkai Impact 3rd with Kiana!

It's still the kind of live broadcast that show your face! !

This news not only shocked the players, but even Eden looked forward to it.

Originally, Elysia planned to continue the live broadcast with Eden tomorrow.

On the one hand, she finds it interesting, and on the other hand, she also wants to increase the popularity of Honkai Impact 3rd.

But after seeing the announcement from Mo Li, Elysia immediately gave up the idea of live streaming tomorrow.

At the same time, Penguin also paid attention to this announcement made by Mo Li.

Zhao Wenbo also has a strong curiosity about Himeko live streaming tomorrow.

He snorted coldly with some dissatisfaction : "I want to see how similar the real Himeko is to the Himeko in the game."

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Yu Weiwei behind him, and made a comparison between the other party and the modeling of [Female God of War Yu Weiwei] in "Girl's Journey".

"Well... not bad, I think it shouldn't be worse than Mihoyo appearance."

That night became a sleepless night for many players.

Early the next morning, Mo Li was still immersed in sleep when a loud knock on the door rang.

"bang bang bang~~"

"Boss, get up soon!!"

Kiana's lively voice sounded outside the door.

Mo Li was a little helpless and had to turn over and get up.

After getting dressed, Mo Li opened the door while yawning.

Looking at the energetic Hu Tao and Kiana outside the door, Mo Li laughed and shook his head : "Young people, they are full of energy."

"Cut~ It's like how old the boss is..."

"There's no Himeko au... So you're older..."

At this moment, the door next to Mo Li slowly opened.

Himeko's lazy voice came faintly : "Kiana, you just wanted to call me Himeko Aunt, right!"

"Ah? No... no..." While Kiana was a little panicked, she was a little fortunate.

Fortunately, I was witty and stopped the word "Aunt".

"Huh~ Then are you dissatisfied with me for being old?"

"No, no~ Oh, sister Himeko, aren't you nervous? Today, you're going to play "Honkai Impact 3rd" live in front of a lot of people."

After hearing this, Himeko also looked at Mo Li with some resentment.

"Boss... can i not live streaming~"

Although I know that Mo Li is doing it for my own good, so that I don't appear too mysterious in front of the players.

But the live streaming or something... It's really a bit shameful.

"Just this time... After all, the announcement has been sent out. If you really don't want to live streaming in the future, just post some videos in Douyin."

"What happened then?"

"Whatever, your daily work, or some jokes are fine~ The main thing is to make you less mysterious and change your impression of being sacred and noble in the minds of players."

"It doesn't matter what the content is"

Himeko nodded lightly : "Understood...but...I'm still a little nervous, I'm afraid I'll screw it up"

Seeing Himeko actually showing such a twisted attitude, Kiana was extremely surprised : "What~ It turns out that himeko sister is also nervous...hehe~"

After she finished speaking, Kiana secretly complained again : Damn Boss Mo Li, it made me call himeko Aunt so easy...

Himeko rolled her eyes at Kiana : "After all, it's a live streaming in front of hundreds of thousands of people... Anyone who comes will be nervous, okay?"

"I'm afraid it's more than..." Mo Li took out his phone and glanced at it : "After the announcement yesterday, your Douyin account has more than 8 million followers..."

Himeko : "..."

Kiana : "..."

"Oh~ I'm so panicked, boss, can you think of a way to calm me down?"

Mo Li smiled and touched Kiana head : "Don't panic, I'll ask the girls in the studio to cheer you on when the time comes."

"What~ Then we'll just be more nervous, okay..."

At this moment, Bronya, who was opposite Himeko, also got up.

She was wearing pajamas, with a slender figure and a concave and convex figure, with a straight face, and complained with her unique, smooth voice :

"It's just a live streaming, what's there's to be nervous..."

"Bronya? You got up so early?" Himeko looked surprised when she saw Bronya.

She remembered that Bronya was too busy that she doesn't go to bed until very late last night.

What can i say... In order to ensure that there are no accidents after the update, everything has to be checked clearly.

"Kiana's idiot's voice is too loud," Bronya said casually, then turned and walked towards the work area : "I'll check again..."

"Who are you talking about being an idiot, you little..." But Kiana reacted before she could finish her words. This is not in the game. The real Bronya is much bigger than her.

Big in every sense...

Sure enough, Bronya turned around silently and glanced at the white-haired dumpling : "Me? Little?"

Kiana glanced at the towering peaks of the other side, and was still a little unconvinced : "Damn, I will definitely grow bigger than you in the future."

Seeing that the topic changed to a strange place.

Mo Li finally couldn't help but reminded : "Bronya, why don't you wash up and get dressed first? As for the game update, I'll just check it out."

Seeing Mo Li's strange eyes, Bronya finally woke up.

I still seem to be wearing light pajamas...

"Cough..." She coughed softly, pretending to be calm : "Well...then I'll trouble the boss."

After speaking, Bronya quickened her pace slightly and walked towards her room.

At the same time, she did not forget to complain in his heart : "Damn, I have no defense against this guy..."

"Hee hee~" Hu Tao, who had finished watching this scene, couldn't help but snicker while covering her mouth.

Himeko also looked at Mo Li with great interest, and said with a teasing : "Boss~ you sure done looking at something good?"