

In a shadowed realm where dark science threatens mankind's existence, an enigmatic organization known as F.O.R.N.A.X emerges as humanity's last hope. Tasked with securing a cataclysmic weapon of alien origins from the clutches of the infamous mad scientist, Dr. Dimitrov; a deranged genius consumed by power, F.O.R.N.A.X seeks aid from a reluctant former ally: Jasper Ford, a brilliant billionaire inventor. Burdened by a complex history with the organization, Ford hesitates to join the perilous quest. However, time dwindles mercilessly, and Ford must decide. Amidst a treacherous journey, the fate of the "Cosmic Orb" hangs in the balance, demanding courage and cunning in equal measure.

ShepherdSkybreed · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The helicopter touched down gracefully, its metallic frame glistening in the island's warm sunlight.

As the propellers ceased their rhythmic rotation, two figures emerged from within, their dark sunglasses shielding their piercing gazes.

Clad in black leather jackets and gloves, they exuded an air of mystery and purpose.

Jasper's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the unmistakable insignia emblazoned on their attire.

"F.O.R.N.A.X.," Jasper muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible, laden with a mixture of trepidation and familiarity.

The Federal Organization for Research on Nefarious and Aberrant eXperiments had arrived,

and their presence signaled an imminent threat to the fragile balance of his carefully constructed life.

Once a member of F.O.R.N.A.X. in his youth,

Jasper's path had diverged from theirs following a tragic event that had cast a shadow over his past.

Yet, these were not faceless strangers descending upon him.

They were friends, comrades from another lifetime, and a flicker of relief warmed his troubled heart.

At the forefront stood Knox Brandon, a figure of fanciful prowess and undeniable charisma.

His tousled blond locks framed his delicately handsome face, while his turquoise eyes shimmered with an inner fire.

A British-born individual, Knox's reputation preceded him—an ex-US Navy SEAL and Marine Corps veteran,

proficient in the arts of martial combat, weaponry, sniping, free running, and the enigmatic world of coding and hacking.

He approached Jasper with a warm smile, their hands clasping firmly, followed by a genuine embrace.

"Still refusing to part with that rebellious mane of yours, eh?" Jasper jested, a hint of an American accent punctuating his words.

"Naah, mate. The ladies can't resist it this way," Knox playfully swerved his hair, the locks cascading to conceal his left eye.

His unmistakable British accent resonated with a touch of irony, a testament to his transatlantic origins.

Jasper's attention shifted to the second commando, Yeva Aleksandrova, an enchanting brunette in her early twenties with eyes of gray.

With a Ukrainian heritage, she possessed an alluring blend of grace and strength.

Like Knox, she had walked the path of a Marine, honing her skills as a specialist in ninja combat and covert operations.

Their fateful meeting in Iraq had forged a bond that transcended the bounds of duty.

Pleasantries exchanged, Jasper ushered his guests into the sanctuary of his home, offering them the comfort of coffee.

"I'll have a soda," Knox chimed in with his characteristic specificity.

Within the intimate confines of Jasper's abode, the trio's presence illuminated the room,

banishing the shadows that danced upon their arrival.

They mingled effortlessly with Jasper's family, their smiles genuine and infectious.

Laughter and joy filled the air as they engaged with the children, with Hayden, in particular, enraptured by the presence of his hero, Knox.

The young boy's pleading eyes sought to touch the gleaming blade that resided in its sheath, nestled upon Knox's back.

Amidst shared mirth, Knox laughed away the request, promising to impart martial arts and sniping skills to his devoted young admirer.

As the jovial atmosphere slowly settled, the weight of the world pressed upon Jasper's shoulders.

Knox and Yeva Aleksandrova, now bearing somber expressions, revealed the true purpose of their visit—a matter of life and death.

An old enemy, thought to be a specter of the past, had resurfaced, wielding a weapon of unimaginable power.

The churning in Jasper's gut served as a grim reminder that destiny had finally caught up with him.



"What's it called again?" Jasper Ford queried, his voice laced with surprise.

"The Xeno-Nexus," Yeva responded, her countenance awash with concern, its radiance dimming under the weight of uncertainty.

"A celestial orb of cataclysmic power, forged by the unknown, an enigma birthed from alien technology. Its abilities, truly unthinkable."

Knox interjected, his tone filled with foreboding, "Javan is a madman, a volatile element unfit to wield such power.

The question that lingers is not 'if' but 'when' he will strike."

Curiosity sparked in the innocent eyes of Rhonda, who inquired, "What's a Xeno-Nexus, Daddy?"

In response, a hologram of the celestial orb materialized, casting an ethereal glow that bathed the room, courtesy of one of the diminutive drone-bots, the Aero-Vortex.

Phoebe, crouching down to Rhonda's height, gently wiped a smudge off her face and spoke,

"It is a profoundly dangerous instrument, my dear."

Young Hayden, ever inquisitive, chimed in, "More important question, who is Javan, Father?"

Jasper's expression grew somber as memories flickered through his mind like fragments of a shattered mirror.

"Javan Dimitrov is the most formidable antagonist to walk this earth," Knox interjected with a sardonic undertone, relishing in needling Jasper.

"A distinctive scientist, intoxicated by power and driven by an insatiable thirst for forbidden knowledge."

In a blaze of crimson, Javan's hologram materialized, casting an ominous pall over the room.

"Engaging in aberrant experiments, tampering with the very fabric of DNA, this deranged doctor revels in the art of human weaponization.

He's birthed countless abominations.

You see, my friends, some men bear a smile upon their lips, relishing the prospect of a world consumed by flames."

Yeva interjected, a hint of bitterness tinging her words, "We have pursued him relentlessly, apprehending him not once, not twice.."

"But somehow," Knox continued, a shadow of frustration in his voice, "he always manages to elude our grasp. Always a step ahead,"

Jasper frowned, a pensive look etching his face. "Could it be that you have allowed him to live?" he questioned.

Phoebe, her concern palpable, interjected sharply, "Jasper! Not in front of the children."

A sheepish apology followed from Knox, who couldn't resist his usual banter with Jasper.

"You, who perpetually endeavors to save everyone," Knox taunted, "must acknowledge that not everyone can be saved."

Knox's words hung in the air, resonating with a bitter truth. But Jasper, undeterred, responded firmly,

"Yet he is accountable for the countless lives lost. By keeping him alive, we imperil the world."

Knox's retort came swiftly, their exchange a dance of camaraderie tinged with rivalry,

"And since when did you become an expert in matters of killing?

You, who are accustomed to championing the cause of salvation. Ah, a noble pursuit indeed, but not all can be salvaged, I say again."

As the discussion veered toward the complexities of morality, Yeva interjected with a touch of pragmatism,

"Nevertheless, we have frozen his assets in Brooklyn, Berlin, Hong Kong and London.

Which leaves just Moscow left, the state of his birth.

Somehow, we've got no diplomatic relations with Russia."

"It's where he'll be hiding. We gotta get him. We need your help, Jas. Our forces have been positioned round the city.

Everything's ready. All we need is you, Jasper," said Knox.

"You're the only one who can rival Javan Dimitrov at the tricky world of science. I mean, you got bigger brains and balls."

Jasper Ford let out a weary sigh, his gaze lingering on Phoebe's pale face, her eyes welling with tears.

The weight of their shared worry hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room.

"No, Jasper. Don't even think about it," Phoebe's voice rose, filled with desperation.

"I'm sorry, my love, but the fate of the world hangs in the balance," Jasper responded, his tone tinged with a sorrowful resolve.

"No! Let F.O.R.N.A.X handle this. You have children! Who will care for them? You can't abandon your family,"

Phoebe pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion.

Knox Brandon, ever the stoic warrior, interjected with reassurance. "We'll have round-the-clock surveillance, my dear.

Our agents will secure the perimeter, ensuring no one sneaks up on you under my watchful eye."

Phoebe turned to Knox, her eyes pleading for understanding. "And who will guide my son on his tumultuous journey to adulthood?

Who will be there for him?"

(Created by SHEPHERD AKARA ©)

Jasper approached Phoebe, his voice heavy with sadness, as he gently enveloped her frail, pale hands in his own.

"Honey... I'll only be gone a week."

"A week?" The collective astonishment of the room reverberated through the air.

"Now that's what I'm talking about, mate," Knox laughed with satisfaction.

Confusion flickered in Yeva's eyes as she voiced her concern, "Are you sure you can unravel the mysteries of the Xeno-Nexus in just one week?"

A trace of sarcasm tinged Jasper's voice as he replied, "That's my superpower, Yeva... I'm smart."

Phoebe's worry resurfaced, her voice quivering with fear. "But what if... what if things don't go according to plan?

What if something happens and you get trapped? God, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you."

Jasper held Phoebe close, his embrace a bittersweet mixture of love and determination. "Nothing will happen to me, my love.

I've faced dangers before, and I've always come out unscathed. It's better that I go, rather than risk Dr. Dimitrov's strike going unchecked.

Now is the time to seize that weapon."

Knox Bran nodded, his delight evident in the curve of his lips. "Alright, mate. We depart at first light.

First to the XANTHEON to strategize and gather our gear then on to Dimitrov's wretched lair in Moscow."

With swift purpose, the courageous Brit rose to his feet, his hands instinctively resting on the hilt of his sheathed blade.

As he made his way to the door, he called out, his voice gruff, "Dismissed! I'm going hunting. Anyone care to join me?"

An awkward silence filled the room until Hayden, ever inquisitive, raised his brow.

"Hey, what's a XANTHEON?" the young Ford asked with wide-eyed innocence.

Yeva, wearing a smirk, responded, "It's a spaceship, Hay."

Hayden and Rhonda gasped in awe, their candy forgotten, falling from their small hands.

"I'm going with Knox," Yeva declared, her fingers fiddling with her blade delicately.

She chimed in with a chuckle. "Did you ever show them how to hunt, Jas... Phoebe?"

Jasper and Phoebe exchanged a glance, their shoulders shrugging in unison. "No, we believed it would be far too dangerous,"

Phoebe replied, her words blunt and direct.

Yeva's laughter danced through the air. "Where I come from, they wouldn't last a mere second.

We were trained to vanquish grizzlies before our sixth birthdays.

Come along, children, let us pursue some prey."

Filled with eagerness and excitement, Hayden and Rhonda scurried out of the room, their tiny feet carrying them forward.

Phoebe leaned closer to Jasper, her voice a whisper brimming with concern.

"Will they be all right?" she questioned, searching his eyes for a glimmer of reassurance.

Jasper's response was resolute, his words flowing with conviction.

"They are our children, my love. They possess a strength that surpasses our own. They will thrive."

Embracing her tenderly, he sought to persuade his beloved partner that their offspring would endure the trials ahead.