

Sebuah planet yang dihantui oleh sesosok misterius yang memberikan sebuah privilage ke pada korbannya dengan syarat agar mereka mengisi energi kristal yang diberikannya agar tidak keruh, jika mereka gagal menjaga kristal hingga menjadi keruh, existance mereka akan diambil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Genre : Abstract, Romance, Fantasy, Overpower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seems like a planet haunted by a mysterious entity who grants a privilege to its victims on the condition that they fill up the crystal energy it provides to prevent it from becoming murky. If they fail to maintain the crystal until it turns murky, their existence will be taken away.

YoukaAndMine · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Privilage Youka? Chapter 5

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Contoh Woii!!

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Eh aku capek.

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Im tired.


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 Youka meneguk sebuah kopi dan minum di ruang tamunya sambil menonton televisi yang di kiri-kananya Quincy dan Sea Fairy, Sea Fairy bermain vidio game, mereka bertiga libur dihari itu dan hanya menghabiskan waktu dirumah.

 Youka sipped a coffee and drank in his living room while watching television, with Quincy and Sea Fairy on either side of him. Sea Fairy was playing video games. The three of them had the day off and were just spending time at home.


 Mine yang sedang kebingungan karena ia kehilangan kristalnya dan takut kalau Kyaa akan melahap eksistensinya namun disisi lain dia mengingat kalau Youka pernah membantunya dimasa lalunya dan Youka yang membantu nya sedikit berbeda seperti bersayap lalu menutupi matanya dengan kain yang memiliki warna begitu halus dan indah.

 Mine was in a state of confusion because he had lost his crystal and feared that Kyaa would consume his existence. However, he remembered that Youka had helped him in the past. The Youka who helped him back then was slightly different, appearing with wings and covering his eyes with a cloth that had a smooth and beautiful color.


 Youka Memoria muncul dihadapannya dan mencium Mine, Mine yang kaget beranjak kekasurnya, Youka Memoria tersenyum dan sayapnya yang indah itu membuat Mine terpesona serta ngaceng. Youka Memoria berkata "Mine lucu, kamu memikirkan aku ya?" Mine tersipu malu dengan bibirnya yang memerah seperti buah tomat yang segar. Youka Memoria berkata lagi "Kalau Youka di dimensi ini tidak menyukai mu, maka aku Youka Memoria yang berasal dari dimensi Memoxie bersedia mencintai mu." Youka Memoria membuka penutup matanya dan terlihat matanya yang indah dan bersinar membuat Mine terdiam serta terpesona.

 Youka Memoria appeared in front of him and kissed Mine. Startled, Mine jumped back onto his bed. Youka Memoria smiled, and his beautiful wings left Mine both mesmerized and aroused. "Mine, you're cute. Have you been thinking about me?" Youka Memoria asked. Mine blushed, his lips turning as red as fresh tomatoes. Youka Memoria continued, "If Youka in this dimension doesn't like you, then I, Youka Memoria from the Memoxie dimension, am willing to love you." As Youka Memoria removed his blindfold, his beautiful, glowing eyes left Mine speechless and captivated.


 Youka Memoria menjelaskan kepada Mine bahwa diri kita tidak hanya satu melainkan ada banyak yang tersebar di seluruh alam kehidupan yang mencakup alam semesta, dimensi, planet, galaksi. Youka Memoria memeluk Mine dan mengusap rambutnya, Mine hanya terdiam atas perlakuan tersebut.

 Youka Memoria explained to Mine that their existence is not singular, but rather there are many versions of themselves spread across all realms of life, encompassing universes, dimensions, planets, and galaxies. Youka Memoria hugged Mine and stroked his hair, leaving Mine speechless at the gesture.


 Adegan berpindah ketika pria yang menerima privilage dengan kekuatan mesumnya, pria tersebut bernama Ipe. Ipe terus merusak Wanita dikota-kota hingga ia bertemu dengan sebuah rumah pelacur yang besar, Ipe sudah membawa uang untuk meluangkan hawa nafsunya.

 The scene shifts to a man who has gained privileges with his perverse powers. This man is named Ipe. He continues to corrupt women in various cities until he comes across a large brothel. Ipe has already brought money to indulge his desires.


 Ipe melihat kristal nya yang keruh dan tidak berubah sama sekali padahal ia sudah melakukan kegiatan mesumnya sebanyak 10 kali. Menghancurkan kristal tersebut dan Kyaa muncul dihadapannya serta ingin melahap eksistensi Ipe, sabit bergerak ke arahnya namun Ipe melawan dengan berpindah ke dimensi lain, Kyaa marah dan mengejar Ipe namun ia tidak bisa menemukannya.

 Ipe looked at his crystal, which remained murky and unchanged despite his engaging in perverse activities ten times. Frustrated, he smashed the crystal, and Kyaa appeared before him, ready to consume Ipe's existence. As Kyaa's scythe moved toward him, Ipe fought back by shifting to another dimension. Enraged, Kyaa pursued Ipe but was unable to find him.


 Ipe sudah keluar dari bumi inxuu 8 itu dan pergi ke alam semesta lain bernama Kotak Ajaib, Kotak Ajaib merupakan alam semesta berbentuk petak yang isinya ada berbagai kehidupan seperti galaksi, tata surya, planet. Ipe tiba disebuah galaksi bernama 1001 Castle Love dimana galaksi tersebut menyimpan berbagai tata surya yang bertema cinta lalu Ipe tiba di tata surya bernama 30 Love Statue, menyimpan 30 planet di tata surya yang besar itu Ipe pergi kesebuah planet bernama Tie Love. 

 Ipe had left Earth Inxuu 8 and traveled to another universe called the Magic Box. The Magic Box is a universe shaped like a box that contains various forms of life such as galaxies, solar systems, and planets. Ipe arrived in a galaxy named 1001 Castle Love, which hosts multiple solar systems themed around love. He then reached a solar system called 30 Love Statue, which contains 30 planets. Ipe made his way to a planet within this solar system named Tie Love.


 Di Tie Love dia masih merasakan hawa keberadaan Kyaa yang samar-samar jadi Ipe berusaha terus waspada, Disisi lain Kyaa yang sedang mencari lokasi Ipe sedikit kesusahan karena Kyaa tidak tau mengapa lokasi Ipe tidak bisa ditemukan padahal mau kristal dihancurkan pun hukum Kyaa tetap berlaku kecuali Youka yang pernah melampauinya.

 On Tie Love, Ipe still sensed Kyaa's presence faintly, so he remained vigilant. Meanwhile, Kyaa was struggling to locate Ipe, puzzled as to why Ipe's location couldn't be found. Normally, Kyaa's laws applied even if the crystal was destroyed, except in the case of Youka, who had once surpassed them.


 Penjelasan kekuatan Ipe* Ipe mendapatkan kekuatan secara otomatis yakni sebuah kemampuan untuk menghancurkan pelacak, ia dapatkan ini karena mendapatkan pecahan kristal di tengah kota yang bernama Tyuu kota di dimensi Hyouu, kristal tersebut merupakan esensi kekuatan Youka.

 Ipe possesses the automatic ability to destroy trackers, a power he obtained by acquiring a fragment of a crystal in the city of Tyuu, located in the dimension of Hyouu. This crystal fragment contains the essence of Youka's power.


 Ipe yang mendapatkan kekuatan Youka menjadi sangat sombong dan berniat menghancurkan segalanya, Tie Love, planet yang meriah dengan hiasan romantika diseluruh negaranya. Ipe tiba di negara Ai lave dimana negara itu terkenal dengan wanitanya yang cantik dan bohay.

 With the power of Youka, Ipe became exceedingly arrogant and set out to destroy everything, including Tie Love, the planet adorned with romantic decorations across its nations. Ipe arrived in the country of Ai Lave, renowned for its beautiful and voluptuous women.


 Ipe menghabiskan setiap malamnya di hotel bernama E5 Love, hampir tiap hari ada 5 wanita yang hilang dan warga kota 1 Lave mulai merasa resah dengan kejadian ini lalu pemimpin kota menyuruh pasukan khusus untuk merazia E5 Love. Ipe yang mengetahui hal itu bersiap-siap muncul 10 wanita sekaligus dan menunggu pasukan khusus tersebut datang.

 Ipe spent every night at a hotel named E5 Love, where almost every day, five women went missing. The residents of 1 Lave began to feel unsettled by these incidents, prompting the city's leader to order a special task force to raid E5 Love. Aware of this development, Ipe prepared by summoning ten women at once and waited for the special forces to arrive.


 Pasukan khusus yang ditugaskan 5 pria tampan dengan tubuhnya yang dihiasi otot otot indah, 2 Wanita cantik yang juga memiliki otot indah lalu tepat di kamar 350 lantai 5, Pasukan khusus menemukan 10 wanita dengan alat kelaminnya yang sudah pecah dan sobek. Ipe tersenyum dan berkata "sepertinya aku juga suka pantat pria itu." 5 Pria tersebut langsung menyerang dengan magis meraka Ipe menghindari serangan tersebut dan mengulurkan tangannya untuk menciptakan magi duri yang muncul dari mana saja. Para pasukan khusus yang terpojok karena mereka terkena perangkap duri yang hampir menusuk mereka semua.

The special forces consisted of five handsome men with beautifully toned muscles, along with two beautiful women who also possessed impressive physiques. In room 350 on the fifth floor, the special forces found the ten women with their genitals torn and damaged. Ipe smiled and remarked, "Seems like I also enjoy those men's butts." Immediately, the five men attacked with their magic, but Ipe evaded their strikes and extended his hand to create thorn magic that sprouted from anywhere. The special forces found themselves trapped by the thorn traps, nearly piercing them all, as they were cornered.


 Ipe menggunakan matanya untuk menggunakan magis pengendali pikiran, mereka yang ditatap langsung menjadi kosong, mereka yang ditatap kehilangan semua memory,kehidupan, serta eksistensi mereka yang menjadi hampa layaknya mayat hidup. Ipe mulai mencoba mereka satu per satu dan sensasi yang dia dapatkan selalu sesuai keinginannya, Ipe berencana untuk Kembali ke Hyou dan menggunakan Youka untuk target selanjutnya.

 Ipe used his eyes to unleash mind control magic. Those who met his gaze became empty, losing all memories, lives, and existence, turning into hollow shells akin to the living dead. Ipe began to explore them one by one, experiencing sensations that always met his desires. He planned to return to Hyouu and use Youka as his next target.


 Adegan berpindah ketika Youka dengan Quincy sedang berada di café dan menikmati kencan mereka berdua, Mine yang sudah terbawa suasana atas kehadiran Youka Memoria menghabiskan waktu berduaan kencan di dimensi Miau yaitu dimensi tetangga Hyou, mereka berada di negara "Mau-Mau" dikota "Mau 1" dan di café "Mau Astra 1."

 The scene shifts to Youka and Quincy, who are enjoying a date together at a café. Meanwhile, Mine, caught up in the presence of Youka Memoria, spends time on a date in the Miau dimension, which is adjacent to Hyouu. They are in the country of "Mau-Mau" in the city of "Mau 1," at a café called "Mau Astra 1."


 Toko Guga sepertinya sudah mengalami libur yang sangat Panjang akibat Mine yang tiba-tiba menghilang begitu saja hal ini membuat para karyawan khawatir akan gaji mereka. Disisi lain Evelyn The Angel melakukan aksinya lagi dengan pergi kesebuah galaksi bernama Relativistic Lane, Lagi-lagi Evelyn menghancurkan galaksi tersebut dengan serangannya yakni "Thurdee waxxuaa" dengan sekejap saja galaksi itu dihujani meteor leser yang sangat cepat sehingga penduduk galaksi tidak bisa melihat kecepatan tersebut dan sudah berada disebuah tempat yang kosong, para penghuni Relativistic Lane disambut Youka True Angel, Secara otomatis amal mereka dinilai, yang paling banyak buruknya akan dilempat ke neraka, yang paling banyak baiknya akan dimasukkan ke surga, sedangkan yang seimbang akan ditempatkan ditengah-tengah antara surga dan neraka, lalu yang tidak memiliki amal sama sekali baik itu amal kebaikan dan keburukan akan langsung di antar ke surga para bayi dimana mereka akan menunggu hingga dewasa dan akan ditempatkan langsung di surga umum.

 The Guga store seems to have experienced a very long closure due to Mine's sudden disappearance, leaving the employees worried about their salaries. On the other hand, Evelyn The Angel resumes her actions by going to a galaxy named Relativistic Lane. Once again, Evelyn destroys the galaxy with her attack called "Thurdee waxxuaa." In an instant, the galaxy is bombarded with incredibly fast laser meteors, rendering its inhabitants unable to perceive the speed. They find themselves in an empty space. The inhabitants of Relativistic Lane are greeted by Youka True Angel. Automatically, their deeds are evaluated. Those with the most bad deeds will be cast into hell, those with the most good deeds will be admitted into heaven, while those balanced will be placed in between heaven and hell. Those without any deeds, whether good or bad, will be taken directly to the paradise for babies, where they will wait until adulthood and then be placed directly into the general heaven.


 Galaksi yang malang itu sudah menjadi abu kosmik yang hanya melayang di lautan angkasa sedangkan Evelyn menyukai abu kehancuran tersebut.

 The unfortunate galaxy has turned into cosmic dust, drifting in the void of space, while Evelyn enjoys the remnants of its destruction.


 Disisi lain Youka True Love menyelamatkan jiwa-jiwa korban yang malang akibat perbuatan Ipe, mereka dikumpulkan di satu dimensi bernama True Saver, dimana dimensi itu ciptaan Youka True Love, kehidupan mereka dihapus dan diganti dengan yang baru serta kesucian mereka diberi Kembali.

 On the other hand, Youka True Love saves the unfortunate souls victimized by Ipe's actions. They are gathered in a dimension called True Saver, created by Youka True Love. Their lives are erased and replaced with new ones, and their purity is restored.


 Adegan berpindah ketika Sea Fairy yang sedang berada dirumah bermain game di kamar Youka mendengar sebuah ketukan pintu, Sea Fairy membuka pintunya dan terlihat pria yang memiliki paras yang tampan dengan otot indahnya. Ipe menggunakan kekuatan matanya yakni Tcikuge, dimana hal ini membuat target langsung kehilangan eksistensi mereka, Ipe berusaha mencari Youka di seluruh ruangan.

 The scene shifts to Sea Fairy, who is at home playing a game in Youka's room. She hears a knock at the door, and upon opening it, she sees a man with a handsome face and impressive muscles. It's Ipe, using his eye power called Tcikuge, causing the target to immediately lose their existence. Ipe searches the entire room for Youka.


Sea Fairy hilang karena terkena kekuatan Ipe (Sea Fairy died by existance erasure)


 Sea Fairy yang eksistensinya hilang, membuat Youka Kembali kerumahnya dengan teleport instan miliknya, Youka melihat Ipe dengan tatapan sinis, Ipe melihat ke Youka namun tidak terjadi sesuatu dengan Youka dan Ipe mulai kebingungan serta ketakukan, Semua serangan Kembali ke Ipe secara Otomatis dan serangan tersebut tidak bekerja terhadap Youka. Eksistensi Ipe hancur, kehidupannya, memorinya lalu Ipe yang lainnya di dimensi Axo tidak jauh dari dimensi Hyou, Ipe The Astral menggantikan posisi Ipe yang baru saja menghilang, Ipe The Astral juga sedikit kebingungan mengapa eksistensinya juga ikut hancur? Ternyata serangan balik otomatis Youka tidak hanya menghancurkan eksistensinya saja melainkan juga menghapus Ipe dari Seluruh Kehidupan yang ada seperti Omniverse, beserta menghapus Ipe dari alur.

 Sea Fairy's disappearance prompts Youka to instantly teleport back home using his instant teleportation ability. Upon seeing Ipe, Youka gives him a cynical look. Ipe gazes back at Youka, but nothing happens to him. Youka's attack doesn't affect Ipe, leaving him confused and frightened. All attacks are automatically redirected back at Ipe, but they don't work on Youka. Ipe's existence is destroyed, along with his life and memories. Another Ipe in the Axo dimension, not far from the Hyou dimension, takes the place of the vanished Ipe. This Ipe, known as Ipe The Astral, is also perplexed as to why his existence was destroyed. It turns out that Youka's automatic counterattack not only destroyed his existence but also erased Ipe from all existing life, including the Omniverse, and removed him from the storyline entirely.


 Youka membawa Quincy untuk pergi ke lapangan sekolah Tyou tepatnya di kota Hyoa dimana di sekolah tersebut Sea Fairy akan bangkit dari kehancuran atau kematiannya, Youka melihat ke arah air mancur yang indah dekat lapangan sekolah tersebut sambil menunggu Sea Fairy. Beberapa menit kemudian sebuah gumpalan air membentuk tubuh manusia yang tak lain adalah Sea Fairy.

 Youka brought Quincy to the Tyou school field in the city of Hyoa, where Sea Fairy would rise from her destruction or death. Youka looked towards the beautiful fountain near the school field while waiting for Sea Fairy. After a few minutes, a mass of water formed into a humanoid figure, none other than Sea Fairy.


 Youka memeluk Sea Fairy sambil menangis, Quincy juga ikut memeluknya. Disisi lain Mine yang sedang berada di hotel "Mau 5S" Mereka check in dan melakukan hubungan cinta, Disaat sedang melakukan hubungan cinta, ada sebuah retakan di hadapan mereka.

 Youka hugged Sea Fairy, crying, while Quincy joined in the embrace. On the other hand, Mine, who was at the "Mau 5S" hotel, checked in and engaged in a romantic encounter. While they were making love, a crack appeared before them.


 Mahluk aneh dengan senjata yakni sabit merah dan black hole di tangannya, Mine kaget atas kedatangan mahluk tersebut namun Youka Memoria berkata "apa yang kau mau mahluk jelek?" Mahluk yang bernama Evelyn The Saver itu menyeret mereka ke dimensi The Saver, mereka berdua terlempar ke dimensi itu. Evelyn The Saver mengeluarkan hujan meteor untuk menyerang mereka, Youka Memoria menggunakan magisnya dengan tangannya ia mengayunkan Gerakan indah sehingga membuat shield untuk mereka berdua.

 Mine was startled by the arrival of the strange creature wielding a red scythe and a black hole in its hand. Youka Memoria exclaimed, "What do you want, you ugly creature?" The creature, named Evelyn The Saver, dragged them into the dimension of The Saver, where they were both thrown. Evelyn The Saver unleashed a meteor shower to attack them, but Youka Memoria used his magic. With a graceful movement of his hand, he created a shield to protect them both.


 Evelyn tersenyum karena meteor-meteor ini tidak cukup untuk menutup kisah cinta yang bodoh ini.

 Evelyn smiled, noting that the meteors were not enough to close the chapter of this foolish love story.


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