
prisoners of your heart

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Edith Chambers has lived a childhood of confinement with her family. Her only form of escape was her childhood friend and first love, Marlin Stewart. But after being publicly dumped by her aforementioned childhood sweetheart during their high school graduation ceremony, Edith's small world of detached relationships crumble into a ball of nothingness. She gets into some fights, packs her bags and makes her way to Huxley for College. Seemingly a quite town with sparse population and unbeknownst to humans, Huxley is the house of Supernatural rebels from the Three Empires of the Supernatural World. And Edith Aberdeen Chambers, somehow ends up being entangled into their chaotic frenzy after getting on the bad side of Werewolf Royalty, Czar Castello and Julius Castello. Czar is an ambition driven madman who would destroy every obstacle from his path to success. Julius is a manipulative womanizer who doesn't quite know what to do with all of himself other than get away and, quite possibly, kill his brother. Edith Chamber crashes into their goal oriented lives and makes a spot for herself. But the thing is, in the world of supernatural creatures, she is a human. She's killable. Easy Leverage. A weak link. Loved by many. And if Edith doesn't choose her love fast enough, one of them might just kill her first. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [The cover image isn't mine. I edited it] trigger warning: mature language, mature scenes, bloodlust, violence, graphic, deaths.

Rinne_Aurora · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Everyone liked Chopsticks!

Ever since taking stepping inside of the Shadow Empire's Aningmoon Castle, Adelaide felt an itch that had been dormant for a decade now.

An itch to reconnect with her wolf.

Her senses were overwhelmed by an unknown force---an urge like nothing she had ever felt before...it wasn't even a full moon but need to shift, phase, and give in to her submissive animalistic side was too much.

It had been a decade since she had last shifted.

Never had the need, nor did she want to.

But there was something in Adelaide that wanted her to tear apart her brilliant robes to rags, to embrace herself as a whole, to let in all those unwanted feelings that were standing on edge, waiting and wanting for Adelaide to comply with them.

A sudden desire to crave love and affection grew within... wanting to be held, to be cherished, to be kissed---both she and her wolf---in ways that were different from what Raven, Akari or her parents did.

She wanted to be possessed with something magical.

The restlessness caused disorientation. Her mind wandered in places where it shouldn't be, while important people surrounded her. She barely managed to scrape enough goodwill to not be defied by the people if she were to be crowned the next leader of the Blue Del Luna pack without a mate.

The Ball Room was lavishly decorated with royal colors scattered all around in drapes of silk hanging from the sky-high ceilings. An insane amount of flowers and chandeliers covered all the empty spots where food and wine couldn't be served.

Adelaide's hands sweated inside her gloves, itching to throw them out. She felt heat rising all over her being.

The glamour in the party was blinding. Flickering candles gave her a headache. She couldn't distract herself by concocting fantasies because people kept approaching her. Their smiles faker than their diamonds, their praises and support making her anxious---she felt suffocated.

Adelaide, who barely ever stepped in the presence of anyone but her trusty pack-mates, felt herself being surrounded by countless strangers who probably had more than one ulterior motive to approach her.

It was unsettling.

Confusion drowned her sensibility, suspicion fogged her smiles.

Raven...where was she?

The ravenette, standing right behind her mistress, smiled upon being stared at. Her soft cheeks swelling up as crinkles gazed her gloomy grey eyes. "You're doing so good!" She whispered, shoving a big thumbs-up in Adelaide's face.

And somehow, that compliment was reassurance enough. In that moment, Adelaide knew. No matter the number of strangers that surround her, no matter their intentions, as long as she has Raven to watch her back---Adelaide knew she'd never fall. Raven would always be there to watch her step.

And she'll always be there to watch her front.

Adelaide felt a weight being lifted off her heart.

The Lunar Ball was nothing but a meeting of rich people playing make-belief. It was Adelaide's favorite hobby. Putting facades had a beauty of their own. In that moment, Adelaide felt herself coming back. A reconnect, simple but lasting. Wolves of all ranks surrounded her but Adelaide, in her head, was the Queen of them all. They treat her with respect because she deserved it. With her head held high and elegant trail in tow, she marched forward to make deals.

No time to be wasting suffocating when there's money to earn.

Raven couldn't possibly be any prouder of Adelaide than she was in that moment.

"It was an honor meeting you, Lady Moore," one of the friendly pack wolves spoke, giving her a sweet smile while kissing her knuckles.

"The honor was all mine, My Lord. We will be looking forward to trade our herbs with your jewels."

Adelaide had the gift and beauty of making impactful, positive and lasting first impressions. And making effective deals.

Herbs for jewels...

As a person living in Bleu for almost a decade now, Raven knew the lands of Bleu had no precious herbs to bear but the common ones.

"And I, yours," the man bowed and retreated with a smirk on his face.

Finally getting an opportunity, they turned to each other.

"I think my m-"

"I don't feel so good..."

Raven and Adelaide began at the same time.

"Huh? What? What do you mean by you don't feel so good? Is everything alright? Is it your head? Heart? Hands? Feet? Is it cold? Did you take your suppressants? What is it, Addie? Tell me!" Raven frantically fired question after question, pulling Adelaide up the stairs in a more secluded corner near the buffet. She could see, downstairs, the people dancing and socializing from the open balcony.

"You were saying something..." Adelaide countered, leaning against the wall while observing Raven's uncharacteristically pale face contoured in worry.

"Oh never mind what I was saying, it was irrelevant. Tell me what you are okay? You look dead right now!" Raven easily brushed it off and Adelaide knew that Raven would never drop the matter until she has it all under control.

"I don't know...I cannot exactly pinpoint it...but I feel dizzy, like weak...but there's something that is urging me to remain strong...you get what I mean? Like I want to jump, but I know that I won't fall...?" Adelaide ended with a question, while eyeing a straight faced Raven.

The ravenette pulled her blonde best friend a few steps away from the balcony.

You never know what may come over people...

"You make absolutely no sense, whatsoever," Raven sighed. 'As always,' she wanted to add but refrained.

Adelaide wondered how she could possibly word out what she was feeling without right out spitting nonsense and actually making a quarter of sense ---'Hey Raven, nothing much, I just have this urgent need to strip inside a hall filed with the Empire's most influential and important people, shift in front of them after a very long time and then prance around with my wolf, wagging my tail in everyone's faces till they pet me rotten.'

Yeah, no thanks.

It was like you were in the middle of writing an important test and a very catchy song, that you heard last night, got stuck in your head like a broke tape.

No, thanks.

"I don't know what it is," Adelaide huffed instead, puffing her cheeks and frowning at the candle lit chandeliers hanging down the designer ceiling.

"I think it's the lack of food," was Raven's answer to Adelaide's turmoil.

So, here they were. Helping themselves with the buffet oh-so-extravagantly presented on the first floor.

"I was feeling antsy as well, I suppose it's because we never ate much at the plane and just had breakfast at home," Raven nodded to herself while stuffing her face with a cheese burger as Adelaide placed a big slice of dark forest cake on her plate. "Thanks, Addie," Raven cried out in appreciation, "You should eat more as well!"

"It's an honor, my mistress, and I sure am," Adelaide mock bowed with a wink while proceeding to steal the fries from Raven's plates. The little ravenette wanted to protest but never did.

Food was Raven's coping mechanism, there was no way or no one Raven would ever share her food with, but for Adelaide.

They headed toward the other end of the balcony where Raven spotted seating arrangements for hungry people like them, when Adelaide saw a group of enraged guards marching in their direction.

She gulped.

The person leading the group looked eerily familiar. She could see his dark hair puffing with the flow and a cracked pair of Ray Bans hanging on his collar. By Sailor Moon, if this matter went to the King they'd have Raven's head!

"Hey Raven...is that who I think he is?" Adelaide pointed at a guard turning right and now heading straight toward them.

Raven squinted, then managed out a simple, "Maybe," as her mouth was still stuffed.

"Oh Raven, Raven, why do you always call trouble upon yourself? Only a miracle can save you now!" Adelaide whined out, turning without a thought and bumping right into a man-servant carrying a tray of petals down to the Ball Room.

If Adelaide was an onlooker, she would have enjoyed the spectacle they created---but instead, she was a participant of an insanely embarrassing scene...and all she wanted to do was jump in a pool like that of the servant's blue eyes and drown to her own death.

A bad thought!

She was having a good day no more!

No wonder.

Adelaide involuntarily crashed herself into the tray of flower petals that then went flying in the air. The servant fell onto the ground as countless petals showered upon them while Adelaide rushed forward to catch the glass tray and save it from its immediate future of shattering into a million sparkling pieces without any monetary value.

Unfortunately, the disorientation struck again.

Adelaide, with the beauty and grace of a true Lady, stepped on her own gown and was about to trip down the balcony when Raven caught her from her waist and pulled her back on her feet while managing zero damage to the fries and the glass tray that she caught on the plate where the cake was supposed to be.

It would have been perfect if Raven wasn't busy saving her fries, the plate with the cake and her mistress, from falling down the balcony, all the while chewing on that burger with loud chomps.

All Adelaide wanted was to avoid attention from the guards, save the plate and hurry out of the place.

No crash. No blood. Everything safe and sound!

"That nearly had my heart out..." Adelaide exaggerated under her breath as she got out of Raven's hold. Her heart thundering like a jackhammer.

But she was having a bad day!

Something was uncanny though; it was too silent for a Ball Room that was supposed to be filled with hundreds of wolves.

She looked up at Raven who stood frozen with her eyes on the plate with the glass tray on.

In the spur of the moment, Adelaide realized what happened. A series of events just signed Raven's death contract.

Oh Goddess no! Do anything but don't let Raven get hurt for me!

The man servant got up and Adelaide snatched the tray and plates from Raven.

Raven widened her eyes in horror but before she could stop her with a hand on her shoulder, Adelaide looked down the balcony.

"Oops, my bad!" She chirped, looking down at the people standing mortified with all the guards having their swords out.

Oh what chaos befell now...?

There was someone who had cake on his head. That someone looked awfully rich.

Adelaide pretended to accidentally throw the fries on the same head, while saying, "Goddess help, clumsy me!"

The food-fested head looked up and Adelaide's heart lurched out of her chest, jumped out of her mouth and was already taking an escape route back to Bleu Del Luna.

Shadow Prince Benjamin Lockeheart's bronze glare, awfully resembling a bumbling pit of molten lava, met Adelaide's icy ones. Strength almost left her fingers.

No he just looked like the prince! There was no way His Highness would be mingling with mere commoners...

Upon instinct, her eyes rose to the Royal Balcony and found an empty chair beside the King and Queen. They seemed to be planning her slow and elaborate death for the open embarrassment of their son.

Raven managed to get cake on the Prince's head!

Adelaide deliberately threw fries on the Prince's head!

What in the goddess' name would happen now?

Raven removed her hand from Adelaide's shoulder and walked forward to own up only to be stopped by the man-servant.

The feelings of mortification and the chances of living in eternal discomfiture were subdued by the sudden rush of feelings when Adelaide's eyes locked with the Prince's again.

"My-" Adelaide whispered.

"-Mate," Benjamin growled.

It was sudden, confusing and left her stupefied.

"The Crown Prince has found his mate!" Someone shouted and the crowd cheered.

Adelaide's entire being felt consumed simultaneously into nothingness and connecting with the core of her consciousness.

Until, the aforementioned man held up a hand and shouted, "Leave. The Ball's over."

"Oh we are all doomed!" Raven muttered under her breath.

Little did she know how she jinxed the moment for eternity to come.


Benjamin had been talking business with the Alpha and Luna of Saber pack but because their representative was out of sight, the poor couple was desperately trying to cover for them. He wanted to get the deal done with but the Alpha kept meandering around topics and it annoyed Benjamin to his very core. Handling old people was not his cup of tea.

The Royal Code of Conduct and Communications clearly states that each royal is to handle the matters of association with those of his age or under, so that no underlying sense of superiority or burden out of respect could hinder justice in any consequences.

Therefore, without coming straight out rude to the elegant looking couple-because The Royal Code of Conduct and Communications also stated that a royal, under no circumstances whatsoever, should be anything less than graceful and respectful in all public places or public occasions-he, just gave them a nod of acknowledgement and all but run away.

"But Sire, please reconsider-" the Alpha continued but Benjamin played deaf, whistling to himself and wishing he makes no contact with them in future.

Adrian then introduced Benjamin the leader of a recently conquered pack living under his empire's refugee. They proceeded to talk about the possible rebellions down south when it happened.

Before the boy could react, know what hit him, or Adrian could take him out of its path---it fell. Hit the perfect metamorphic bull's eye painted on his head with a soft smash and drooped onto his perfect forehead. At least it smelled heavenly...

Somewhere behind, he heard Sir Peterson wailing his life out.

Before Benjamin could look up and order his waiting guards to have the root of this cause beheaded, he heard her voice.

A soft melodic octave that left resounding in his ears long after the saucy fries plop on his head like they were claiming free real estate, his head, as their home.

He looked up and saw her next, pupils dilating. He could not catch her scent in that second, but the moment he laid his eyes on her sharp features, ocher mane in a side bun, glittering gown glowing in the yellows lighting-he knew she was the angel of fate that he had read about.

She was absolutely ethereal even in the simplest of ways possible. The way her eyebrows furrowed in worry, glassy blue eyes wavering in worry, teeth biting her lower lip. She was beautiful and he wanted her.

For a second when she glanced away, his heart burned. Detachment, abandonment, pain, jealousy swirled within. He wanted her eyes on him, always on him. Only him.

Then, like lightning, her scent struck and he knew in that moment, she was his mate.

"My-" she started.

"-Mate," he finished.

Just as they were the beginning and end of each other, their fates sealed in an invisible string of words, unbeknownst to all, unseen, but felt to the deepest measures.

Disbelief, wonder and amazement flooded her expression. Big blue eyes wide, small mouth open in amazement and the mighty prince felt his entire being going weak. Benjamin wanted to capture her beauty in his mind, forever.

The crowd cheered on them, he felt elated, but when the first of fear contoured in her expression, he felt agitated.

What was it? What made her feel uncomfortable? Is it the people? Is it the attention? Is it me...?

No, that can't be.

He called off the three day ball and as the guests proceeded to leave the hall, he made his way up the flight of stairs that dared to put distance between him and his mate. Quick, quicker, faster...Benjamin gulped

Benjamin had been waiting for this moment since the day he learnt about the Moon Goddess' Mate Bond from his private governess, nearly a decade ago. He had spent many a restless nights imagining various scenarios of what it would be like to have a mate, to finally be at peace, to end the monster within him and have someone to share his joy and pain with. To share all of him with.

Now was the moment. Now defined everything.

When the fuck did the staircase become so long?!

She stood there, with a subtle smile on her face, waiting for him and he was more than obliged to compile.

"Your Highness," Someone called from behind, Benjamin dismissed him with a:

"It can wait, not now."

"Yes Sire," the known voice of delta Dylan Cobalt replied.

Benjamin never felt his castle's architecture was so frustrating and unnecessarily long until now.

Just a few steps more and he could hold her, hug her, kiss her...and so much more.

She stared up at him with hope in her eyes.

"Milady," Benjamin uttered in a soft whisper, almost breathlessly.


She was even more beautiful up close.

Benjamin wanted to lean in and devour lips.

"My Lord," the girl replied with a shy smile, bowing in curtsy.


Almost there, he reached out for her hand.


She reached out for him.


Someone swatted their hands away like flies on a fresh cake.

And coughed.

The couple jerked apart.

"What on in the name of moon are you..." Benjamin let out a frustrated growl.

The chopstick dressed in all black, who Benjamin later learns is her mate's lady-in-waiting, asked her lady to take a few steps back. His mate compiled with a pleasant smile.

By Moon, she was so precious. His heart almost abandoned his body to settle with hers.

Benjamin tried to shove the chopstick out of his way, she pushed him back.

She pushed him back!


Benjamin felt his mind flip erratically, eyes glowing red in malice.

There was a collective gasps from the guards behind him. Instantly they marched at her but the girl held up an authoritative hand to halt them. "Your assistance will not be required, I mean no harm."

She was an irrelevant chopstick in a meal of rice! Benjamin wanted to split her in two uneven halves.

The ravenette slowly pulled her dress up-Benjamin could literally smell the ridiculous arousal in the air-pulled out a dagger and threw it to the ground. "See," she spoke with her hands raised in surrender, "No harm. Now, I want you unequipped as well or do you need my assistance?"

In the split second of him meeting her, he found her more annoying than the airport security, microwave ding, fork scratching on a glass plate and Romeo and Juliet collectively combined.

"What the hell are you on about," Benjamin tried maintain a civil approach, going against his entire internal functioning.

"Apologies, but I need to perform a mandatory security check on anyone who intends to get intimate with Lady Adelaide," the chopstick spoke up.

Even her voice stirred up a want inside Benjamin to claw her throat out.

His mate squeaked cutely, a soft blush graced her face. Benjamin almost cooed on spot.

Scoffing at the sheer audacity of the omega in his presence, Benjamin growled out, "Stay away, I'm her mate. I wouldn't dare harm her."

His hand itched to push her away from his path, but that would be going against the Royal Code of Conduct and Communications. There were too many eyes watching him.

Where is Adrian when you need him?

"That I'm aware of," was her stiff reply as she proceeded to roam her hands on his outfit and unbuckle the sword and sheath from his belt. Somewhere, Benjamin just knew Sir Peterson was cursing them for disrespecting his fabulous outfit.

Offended, Benjamin grabbed the chopstick's noodle arms and shoved her away, "Mind yourself omega, I'm the Prince."

The chopstick rolled her eyes, tongued her cheek then stood in front of him again.

"Titles have nothing to do with a person's substance," the chopstick replied with an expressionless face, somehow finding the small dagger hidden under his breastplate and throwing it away. "Plus, you look more like a food dumpster right now."

In all of this, he had totally forgot all about the food gracing his head.

Adrian caught up to him with a few napkins and a perfume bottle but Benjamin was too astounded to make a move. The girl bent, feeling up his legs. Air almost knocked out of his lungs when she pushed her hand under his robe and found another two daggers locked on his thigh and another from his shoe.

He could hear Adrian trying to restrain his thoughts from reaching his mind.

"You may proceed," the chopstick announced and just as Benjamin was about to hell with the Royal Code of Conduct and order his guards to punish this pesky grain of irrelevant trash, his mate called, "My Prince!" and ran into his arms.

Suddenly, Benjamin felt all the bad memories washing off and calmness taking over his entire being. He hugged her back with equal vigor, "My Mate..." he dragged out in a blissful state.

Someone bitterly sighed beside them.

Benjamin felt his contempt return.

"My love, if your will be, may I have your servant thrown in a ditch?" Benjamin gritted out.

The ocher beauty pulled away with a pained and borderline offended expression.

"My Lord, Raven to me is my kin, and no harm shall come her way as long as I live for her life equals mine. If you love me, you shall understand. You will, won't you, My Lord?"

There were hints of tears in his mate's eyes and Benjamin's heart felt like it was being wringed in someone's hands. Even if it felt like pins pricking his throat to say the next few words, he did so nevertheless.

"Yes My Love, I understand. I shall keep my word of letting no harm come to you and your lady in waiting," Benjamin intertwined their fingers and pressed his forehead against hers. "I hope you do not think of me any less because of the words I spoke against her."

Lady Adelaide smiled a precious smile, "No, My Lord, I could never think of you with anything less than love. As long as you forgive me for my clumsy blunder a few moments ago..."

She nervously bit her lip and Goddess, Benjamin had hit a jackpot!

Oh! he so was the Moon Goddess' favorite wolf.

"Never mind that, My Love, contrary to popular belief I happen to have quite a sweet tooth. I'm sure my hair had a treat."

They shared a ridiculous chuckle as he proceeded to lick the cake off her forehead.

Lost in the moment, Benjamin only realized that his family was there when he heard loud gagging noises. He internally rolled his eyes.

The Royal Code of Conduct prevented him to do openly.

"Oh, Holy Moons, I felt I got teleported in a BCE drama!" a high pitched girly voice snarled. Not really, but Benjamin likes to portray her as a mean character in his life.

"I know, right? They're such oldies! Who talks like that?!" a boyish voice mocked and Benjamin knew that chopstick was laughing along with them.

Adelaide looked a tad uncomfortable, so Benjamin coughed to gain attention. "Honora, Henry, aren't you both being rude? Do greet your sister-in-law nicely; it's your first time meeting with her. We don't want to leave any bad impressions on her, now do we?"

He gave her hand a supportive squeeze and let it go as Honora and Henry attacked her in a hug and the chopstick gave a mortified squeal, yelling "Mandatory security check!"

"It's alright Raven dear," someone spoke up. Benjamin turned around to see the Alpha of Bleu Del Luna.

"Oh I tell you, she left an everlasting first impression!" Honora, the youngest twin squealed hugging her brother's mate.

"Yes, we loved you from the moment you took the plate!" Henry chirped, hugging Adelaide and giving Raven a secret wink who stared at him with an amused expression.

"Well thank you, I hope I can stand up to your expectations of me and I hope I can love you all just as much, or even more," Adelaide announced with a soft smile and the royal twins squealed again.

"Holy Moons sister, she's so adorable!"

"I know, right, brother? She's so cute!"

There was a deep, manly chuckle that made Benjamin's heart beat slower.

"Raven dear, I'll be with Belle if you're with Addie, alright?" Alpha Kane spoke good-naturedly.

He liked chopstick! Benjamin was rude to chopstick! Everyone liked Chopsticks!

On the outside, Benjamin smiled liked the dead.

"Your Highness..." someone called from behind and Benjamin turned to find Dylan still standing patiently.

"It can wait Dylan, not now, ask the maids to set the dinner. Adrian why don't you get our guests comfortable?" Benjamin dismissed him with a shrug.

"Yes Sire," Dylan dryly replied as Adrian proceeded go and help.

"Mother and Father will be in the Dining Hall," Honora informed.

"Yes, they're talking with Luna Belle. She's inciting!" Henry chirped, only to receive a smack on his head by his younger twin.

"My Lady," chopstick, Raven, addressed her mistress, "Let me escort-"

"No need, she'll be going with me," Benjamin swiftly cut in. He took Adelaide's hand in his, as she gave her an apologetic smile, and walked away.

Raven, plucking almighty patience, nodded with a smile and gave a courteous bow as the royal mates left her presence.

"Hah..." Honora sighed, supporting a hand on Raven's shoulder. "Must be tough, losing your friends to the mate bond."

Henry patted her back, "Believe me, I know. It gets tougher as the time goes on and they get more and more besotted with each other."

Raven scoffed, "If you think that my Adelaide would make the Prince her first priority, then you are so wrong," he words decreased in decibel as the sentence increased.

The twins tsk-ed in her ears.

"Mhm, that's what we thought as well, love. Don't worry we'll get you through it. What do you like more, Cotton Candy or Chili Chicken?"

And Raven thought, in this equation of the half and its whole, will she ever fit again?
