
Prison School +Plus

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. This is the start of a long story about five boys struggling to survive at Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Each character employs a different strategy, which results in a variety of unexpected events. This fanfiction places more emphasis on Fujino Kiyoshi as the main character, who unknowingly merged with a strange memory during his middle school graduation holiday.

InstaMoist · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

You're just a good person, aren't you?

Little did anyone expect that Hana Midorikawa, renowned as the fourth-best karate champion in the inter-high school championships, would engage in such an unconventional act as relieving herself outdoors. Despite being left with no alternative, her actions were undeniably surprising. It is worth noting that had she been aware of my presence, witnessing her rather embarrassing behavior from above, I am confident she would have resorted to extreme measures. She would kill me to destroy the evidence.

I made a valiant effort to suppress my breath, which grew increasingly ragged. My heart pounded relentlessly, intensifying with each passing second. However, there was one crucial element that had slipped my notice - the presence of the baby crows right before me. Everything would be over if they were to emit any sound that caught Hana's ear.

"Fyuuhh... did I drink too much this morning? Why won't my pee stop..."

The idea of relocating to a different tree branch and assuming a monkey-like stance briefly crossed my mind. However, upon careful consideration, that wasn't realistic. The possibility of endangering myself by accidentally falling from this considerable height prompted me to dismiss the notion and instead choose to patiently await my next course of action.

Just as I was engrossed in my surroundings, my attention was abruptly drawn to Chiyo's presence. She casually made her way through the corridor on the second floor. Given my current perch in the tree, it was highly probable that she would catch sight of me. Without a doubt, as soon as her hand made a sweeping gesture in my direction, I instantly realized that my life was over.

"Finally, it's finished... yosh... it's time to go back to looking for Kiyoshi. I will increase his punishment many times over for bothering me like this."

I gradually opened my eyes, and as I caught sight of Hana adjusting her skirt in preparation to depart, a glimmer of hope emerged. However, I couldn't settle my nerves until she was truly gone.

'Please, don't create annoying misunderstandings... I'm trying hard to build my image...'

"Good morning, Kiyoshi! What are you doing up there?"

Instinctively, I pressed my index finger against my lips, casting a solemn gaze in Chiyo's direction. With a hint of confusion, she asked again, her voice brimming with cheer, "Are you playing hide and seek with your friends? That's why you're up there?"

'This bitch! She must have done it on purpose... there's no way she doesn't know that my life is at stake now...'

A sudden pang of dread seized my heart as Chiyo's gaze shifted downwards, her once comforting smile now twisted into something naughty. "Don't worry, Kiyoshi, I didn't see anyone. You're still safe."

Upon hearing this revelation, my eyebrows instinctively furrowed. It dawned on me that I should have been aware of this fact much earlier. The absence of Hana's voice seemed to imply that she had departed. Am I correct in assuming so?

As I glanced downward, her silhouette had vanished, and there was no indication that she intended to conceal herself. I tried to regulate my breathing, seeking a more comfortable rhythm. Once I confirmed that Hana had indeed departed, I redirected my attention back to Chiyo.

"hahahaha... your expression is really funny, Kiyoshi... sorry I couldn't resist teasing you."

As I watched her laughter, a sense of curiosity washed over me. I couldn't help but wonder if she was aware of the truth behind that fateful day. Tentatively, I mustered the courage to ask, "Hey, just a thought... aren't you angry with me?"

Chiyo's laughter abruptly ceased, her smile fading gradually. She appeared to be contemplating her words but ultimately decided to speak up.

"I really hate what they did, but I know that you couldn't possibly be involved... so, I'm not angry with you..."

To be honest, I couldn't care less if she misunderstands things. It's become a regular occurrence for me. However, her words had a surprisingly uplifting effect on me, instantly improving my mood. Initially, I couldn't help but interpret her warm demeanor as having some underlying significance. It seemed odd, considering we were all fresh faces trying to make friends.

It turns out...

"You're just a good person, aren't you?"

Seeing Chiyo's flushed face, a sense of relief washed over me. There was something precious about her demeanor. It was as if she were a young girl encountering the opposite sex for the very first time. It wasn't necessarily love that fueled her emotions, but rather a genuine curiosity and fascination.

Upon careful consideration, I have realized that her response is rather typical. However, it is worth noting that her demeanor is noticeably more amiable and receptive compared to the majority of female students in this school. This is likely why she feels comfortable behaving in such a way towards me. Perhaps it all began with her before the misunderstanding surrounding me dissipated.

"You idiot, why do you have to say something like that all of a sudden," Her voice was barely audible, compelling me to listen intently. However, she averted her eyes, refusing to meet my gaze.

"I heard that starting tomorrow, you will return to study in class with us. Is that true?" Suppressing her embarrassment, Chiyo mustered the courage. However, her excitement seemed to have intensified.

I flashed her a smile, a small token of appreciation for her bravery in meeting my gaze again, "Yeah, we even got permission to take a holiday, but for that, I don't know if President Mari was just jokingly promising something like that."

Hachimitsu Academy, a prestigious private school, enforces a set of stringent regulations that demand students to remain within the school premises at all times, be it during class hours or after lessons have ended.

This rule only pertains to students residing in school dormitories. Consequently, holidays hold no significance as these students are still forbidden from engaging with the outside world. However, the school does arrange special occasions during holidays, granting dormitory students the chance to venture beyond the campus.

I sensed a subtle shift in Chiyo's behavior as if her once radiant joy had slightly waned. Even her smile looked somewhat forced as she uttered, "So that's it, I hope that really happens... I actually wanted to invite you..."

The sound of a ringing bell filled the air.

At that very moment, the school siren's piercing sound reverberated, signaling the end of our break. It was a clear indication that we had no choice but to return to our respective duties. To avoid bothering her, I bid her farewell first, "Don't worry. You can tell me more details tomorrow."

Chiyo's face visibly relaxed, a clear expression of relief. It was evident that she understood my point. As I descended from the towering tree, she bid me farewell with a friendly wave before turning away and departing. As soon as my feet made contact with the ground, a damp sensation greeted me, accompanied by a distinct and familiar odor.

"Fuck... I forgot that Hana had just urinated in this spot... disgusting!"

I have a Patreon page where I post many NSFW illustrations of various fanfiction characters I've created, and you can also get early chapter access. Stay tuned because I'll be posting a bonus chapter every week. Your support is greatly appreciated.


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