
Prison School +Plus

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. This is the start of a long story about five boys struggling to survive at Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Each character employs a different strategy, which results in a variety of unexpected events. This fanfiction places more emphasis on Fujino Kiyoshi as the main character, who unknowingly merged with a strange memory during his middle school graduation holiday.

InstaMoist · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

thank you very much, Vice President (R-18)

'What on earth am I doing in this strange place?... Once again, my memory failed me... Ah, yes, I reluctantly help this useless man with his myriad of troubles…'

As I find myself in a state of drowsiness, my eyes remain open, albeit lacking their usual alertness. My cognitive faculties seem to be operating at only half their capacity, leaving me struggling to comprehend the words that escape my lips. Yet, amidst this mental fog, I recall a peculiar encounter wherein a man insisted on glimpsing my breast in order to relieve himself.


'At long last, the sweet embrace of slumber beckons... alas, the dawn of a new day also demands an early rise,' I released my grip on the adhesive and rigid thing that had occupied my hand for a while.

As the comforting warmth envelops me, I find myself torn between indulgence and responsibility. Regrettably, I must divert my attention to matters of greater importance. With a nonchalant gesture, I lift my spandex top, "This is so tight... *sigh... what an annoyance..."

After a considerable amount of effort, I managed to liberate my breasts from their confining garment. As I cast my gaze downwards, a perplexed expression formed on my face. 'it's all my breasts' fault... they don't stop growing… but I'm used to it now.'

As I shifted my attention back to the man sitting before me, I couldn't help but notice how his pitiful conduct was growing more and more annoying. It was clear to me at that moment that 'He's no different either... I'm sure right now he wants to make fun of me because of my breasts.'

In an act of retribution, I seized his dick once more, applying greater pressure. "What's the matter?" I taunted, my tone laced with a hint of mischief. "Aren't you positively yearning to catch a glimpse of my breast? Did I manage to fall short of your expectations?"

As I caught a glimpse of the anguish etched upon his face, a faint glimmer of solace flickered within me. Yet, in that moment, a flood of memories from my troubled history surged forth, reminding me of the lingering trauma that still haunted my soul. During my time in middle school, I found myself subjected to relentless bullying at the hands of my so-called friends. It seemed that my nerdy disposition and well-endowed figure were not to their liking.

The people who subjected me to bullying were of the female gender, yet I do not hold them solely responsible. Surprisingly, my disdain is directed more towards the male population. If only their gaze didn't bear such a disgusting expression... if only they acted normal...

In an unexpected twist of fate, my life took a sharp turn as a wave of avoidance swept through the people around me. I found myself drifting into the depths of solitude, my once vibrant confidence fading away like a distant memory. Desperately, I sought ways to conceal the burdensome weight of two prominent mounds upon my chest. It was then, in the midst of my struggle, that I crossed paths with Mari. She became my guiding light, leading me on a transformative journey towards the person I am today.

As I observed his flushed face, it became evident that he had reached his threshold. However, an unforeseen turn of events occurred when his hand inadvertently made contact with my breasts. In response, I attempted to replicate the firm grip I had previously employed on his dick, expecting it to deter his advances. Astonishingly, rather than ceasing his actions, he became even more provoked.

The expletive escaped my lips, laden with a mixture of anger and contempt, "Bastard! I only allowed you to see, not touch!... mmmh...♡"

My limbs refuse to obey my commands, seemingly drained of all strength, a consequence of my overwhelming drowsiness. In the final moments, my desperate grasp clung to his dick, yearning for him to cease his actions.

"Forgive my rudeness, Vice President, but I can't hold it anymore. My urine is almost coming out!"

Upon hearing this, I instinctively seized the opportunity, employing both hands to enhance the experience. My actions gained momentum, as my nimble fingers skillfully encircled his dick, skillfully guiding it in a rhythmic motion of pleasure. As his claws continued their unwelcome grip on my breasts, I couldn't bear the thought of succumbing to defeat in such a manner.

"Vice President!... I... I'm cumming!... arghh..." Exhaustion consumed him as he let out a frustrated groan, a mixture of annoyance and defeat escaping his lips. In the blink of an eye, events unfolded with astonishing speed. I found myself witnessing a remarkable sight: a sudden eruption of milky fluid from his nether regions cascading down upon my entire being.

As the thick white liquid splashed onto my glasses, my vision was instantly obscured by a blinding whiteness. It was a disturbing moment, as I couldn't help but draw a connection to the unfortunate blockage that had afflicted him. The sticky, white substance coating my lenses was undeniably repulsive, leaving me with a lingering sense of disgust.

"huhh... huhh... thank you very much, Vice President... you saved me..."

At that moment, a surge of anger coursed through me, compelling me to exact revenge upon him for his audacity in defiling me with his disgusting fluid. However, at present, I find myself devoid of the energy or inclination to pursue such a course of action. Instead, I opted to cleanse myself by vigorously dabbing my body with a towel that had been immersed in cool water. Once I had completed this task, I accompanied the captive back to his designated cell.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as I realized I had dozed off in the prison block. If only I had stayed awake, I wouldn't have found myself being disturbed in the dead of night. Nevertheless, I was relieved to finally make my way back to my room in the dormitory.

As I made my way, the tranquil hush of the night served as my steadfast companion. Every now and then, a shiver would course through my body as if the chilly wind sought to playfully jolt me from my reverie. My thoughts are consumed by a singular longing to remain nestled in the comfort of my bed, so much so that the events of my recent visit to the bathroom have slipped from my memory.

As I ascended to the second floor, a dimly lit dorm corridor stretched out before me. With each step I took, the distance to my room seemed to elongate as if teasing me from afar. Despite my usual endurance, the strain of this lengthy trek managed to catch up with me. Surprisingly, weariness settled in, causing my breath to grow heavy and labored.

A resounding thud echoed through the room, breaking the silence with its abruptness…

As I gazed into the distance, a figure appeared before my eyes. A wave of relief washed over me, for there was someone who could potentially assist me. Summoning my courage, I approached the individual and stammered, "e-excuse me... Could you lend me a hand?"

As the words escaped my lips, they gradually lost their clarity, fading away like whispers in the wind. A similar transformation took hold of my body, growing increasingly strange with each passing moment. And then, without warning, my once sturdy legs surrendered, collapsing beneath me.

As my body began its descent, a figure moved with remarkable agility to intercept my fall. The sound of her voice, simultaneously gentle and resolute, resonated deeply within me, stirring a sense of familiarity. A soothing warmth enveloped me in her embrace, instilling a profound sense of ease. At that moment, I knew deep within my being that everything would be alright.

"Meiko…" she said, her voice filled with concern, "what has happened to you?" The person's voice momentarily ceased as her gentle hands delicately made contact with my forehead and neck. She couldn't help but notice the heat radiating from my body, a feverish warmth that seemed to envelop me entirely. 

"Your body is very hot. What actually happened to you?" As her voice filled with concern reached my ears, a wave of joy washed over me. Yet, as I struggled to articulate my thoughts, my eyes betrayed me, spinning the world into a dizzying blur.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, my eyelids drooping with weariness. "Please…" I managed to utter a mere whisper, "Lead me to my room..." But before I could say another word, a searing pain pierced through my skull, rendering me devoid of all sensation.

I have a Patreon page where I post many NSFW illustrations of various fanfiction characters I've created, and you can also get early chapter access. Stay tuned because I'll be posting a bonus chapter every week. Your support is greatly appreciated.


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