
Night Food Trek

The sun retreated to its solace after hours of gracing the Navarre Kingdom with its warmth. Pitch darkness started to engulf the landmass, but the Royal Capital never shied away with its overarching brilliance and noises abuzz in these bough-like streets.

Elliot, shrouded in a sandstone leather cloak, thought about these people that busied themselves shuffling to and fro. From afar, he took his time nestling a position where the light shone the brightest. With the brush and a bare canvas beside him, he was unstoppable. 

'How nostalgic… It was sad I didn't learn painting in my younger years.' He sighed in subtlety, then affixed his gaze in front of him. 

"You miss painting that much?"

He took a side glance, earning a chuckle how she was spot-on. "I can relearn someday."

"Those hands aren't that elegant if you know what I mean."