
How Anasthasia Views

The event has come to an end when the sun reveals golden obscurity in the shrouded clouds in the sky. As the frigid breeze blew and swayed the meadows to and fro, Anasthasia spread out a large checkered fabric, fluttering midair before it smoothed and sprawled on the ground.

From thereon, the two squatted and enjoyed the twilight scenery before the dusk welcomed their dreams.

"Sister Ana, how do you view the world?"

"It's essentially a world full of different palettes—colorful."

"Is it the same as the 'Prismatic Sea' that I saw the other day?"

"More or less, I say." Anasthasia placed hands behind her back. "The mana that permeates everywhere consists of different colors in my eyes, and the mana fluctuations resonate the said prevalent color in the area."

"Every magic spells correspond to a specific color?"