
Prism Online

A group of four best friends who met in middle school and played RPG games together finally graduate from school. Half a year later, after they all moved into the same house and split the rent 4 ways, they lived leisurely. But suddenly, one of the friends, Qing Lu, came up with the crazy idea that they should quit their jobs and become full-time gamers on the new full-dive game, Prism Online. Somehow they all approved of the idea and started playing the game, only to find out they've each been given a Divine-Grade bloodline! How will a story with 4 main characters fare? Read to find out! (cover not mine)

Mazano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Lin Mei's Anger


A door slammed open as a shoe came flying out from behind the door, hitting the wall and falling to the ground. Though the noise itself wasn't too loud, it caused Jin Xing's and Qing Lu's hearts to rattle in fear.

'Oh no!' Jin Xing's face suddenly turned pale as he looked at Qing Lu who had the same expression. They both looked at each other for a short period of time before dropping everything and running into the bathroom.

Thundering footsteps could be heard coming from the second floor and a devilish voice rang out.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" There was a hint of wrath and evil in the sentence that made cold sweat run down Jin Xing's back.

The footsteps stopped as whoever was descending the stairs had arrived on the first floor. The quietness within the house was too scary and unusual, but suddenly Jin Xing and Qing Lu heard the footsteps again.

The person was rushing in their direction, towards the bathroom.

'Oh sh**!' Jin Xing looked at Qing Lu, gritted his teeth, and then opened the door.

"I'm sorry my friend, but sacrifices have to be made..." Qing Lu's expression turned a few shades paler as he looked at Jin Xing in horror before speaking.

"Y-You...You wouldn't! You wou-" Before Qing Lu could get the words out, Jin Xing had already pushed him out of the bathroom before slamming the door and leaning up against it.

He could hear the thundering footsteps increase in pace and Qing Lu yelling outside the door.

"J-Jin, Jin, you traitor! H-How could you do this!? You tr-" Jin closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as he heard the screams of Qing Lu and the impact sounds of something.

"Don't worry, Jin's next." The devilish voice said as they continuously assaulted Qing Lu.

Jin Xing felt shivers go down his spine as Qing Lu screamed in pain and agony before going silent. The demon outside the door stopped talking and attacking Qing Lu as well.

"Please, Lin Mei, I'm sorry for laughing, just let me go free, okay? I-I already offered Qing Lu as a sacrifice to appease your anger, isn't that enough?" Jin Xing said with a shaky voice.

He was even more afraid than when he fought his first monster in Prism Online. Though, he really wasn't afraid at all considering he fought the same monsters for years.

The only difference was that they were 3 dimensional and actually looked real.

"There's no time to repent now, Jin. Just come out and surrender yourself or it's gonna be ten times worse." Lin Mei said in a devilish tone.

In her hand, she was holding a shoe with a hard and stiff sole that would definitely hurt someone if they were hit with it. Jin Xing didn't even think about opening the door.

'What do I do?'


-- Shongmun City, Jin Xing's Room, 2 Hours Later

"Hisss...Ouch." Jin Xing touched his right arm, which had a slight bruise on it that stung every time he touched it or rubbed up against something.

He gritted his teeth as he put a bandage over it and put his shirt back on before laying in his bead.

'I guess we shouldn't make fun of Lin Mei's bloodline anymore...' Jin Xing and everyone else had learned their lesson, including Min Min. Lin Mei didn't discriminate or single anyone within the house out.

Everyone went back to their rooms with light injuries that would sting every now and then.

Jin Xing wasn't in the mood for sleeping and read something on the official website regarding Prism Online and sleeping. Apparently, players can sleep while inside the game and there would be no changes.

It would be just as normal as falling asleep in real life, and they would know when they're tired since they'd be able to notice it just like any other day.

Because of this, some people only leave the game to eat and wash up. Eliminating the need to sleep outside the game made everyone able to practically live inside the game for the most part.

Jin Xing was no different and entered the game.

[Welcome to Prism Online]

He opened his eyes to the glorious Paligma Village, which was its rightful name.

"Since I've already done the village chief's quest, I guess I should move on to the blacksmith's quest now. Even though I can redo the village chief's quest."

After spotting a hammer symbol on a nearby building, Jin Xing approached it. On his way toward the blacksmith building, noticed a bunch of people huddled up around one person.

He was wearing the head of a wolf on his head like a helmet, as well as its fur and other materials like armor.

'Armor drops? I should have gotten atleast one drop earlier since I killed 5 wolves.' Jin Xing thought to himself while slowly approaching the man.

He had blonde hair and blue eyes, along with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face as he walked through the crowd.

"Are you selling the Wild Wolf armor? I'll buy it for 1 silver coin!"

"I'll buy it for 1 silver coins and 25 copper coins!"

"1 silver and 50 copper coins!"

Many people shouted out offers towards the man, but he just ignored them as he walked towards the blacksmith building. He still held his arrogant smirk while accepting the quest.

Jin Xing was annoyed by this but decided to forget about it.

"Ugh, he got some newbie gear and now feels like he's on top of the world. New players like him are always a pain to play with. Luckily we're not in a prty or anything..." Jin Xing muttered while walking.

The man's expression changed to one of irritation as he turned around and glared at Jin Xing before speaking.

"Did you say something? I must've been mistaken, but I thought I heard you being jealous about my gear?" The man mockingly said. He intended to make Jin Xing mad, but all it did was make Jin Xing even more annoyed.

Since there wasn't anything Jin Xing and his party loved more than putting arrogant pricks in their place, he glared back at the blondie before replying.

"Why would I be jealous over some newbie gear. If you don't play in Independet Mode don't even talk back to me." Jin Xing said with a smirk on his face.

He felt as if he was talking to someone new to RPG games and felt it was quite amusing. The blondie's expression scrunched up as his face turned dark.

He grabbed his daggers from on his waist and pointed them towards Jin Xing. He then said, "I may not play in Independet Mode, but atleast I have better gear than you. Such cheap-quality equipment like that will only get you killed quicker. You might just trip over that ugly robe of yours."

Jin Xing's face suddenly darkened as his glare became more ferocious. He gripped his cane with all his power before pointing it at the blondie.

Jin Xing was a fanatic about the mage class because of its potential, and he was aware of how people thought about the class contrary to him. They thought it was a class more suited for women and would make any man who chose it a wimp.

It was also often looked down on because of mages often fighting from a distance and scurrying away when mobs got too close. Jin Xing absolutely hated when people shamed and slandered the mage class.

It was like someone talked bad about his mother, he absolutely could not let it go.

"Say it again and you'll be biting the dust that's swept up by my robe." Jin Xing said with a firm expression and cold tone. The players around the two grew excited as they realized what might happen.

"Are they gonna fight? I hope they fight!"

"If they fought, the blondie would win. Not only does he have good gear, he's an assassin while this wimp over here is a mage."

"Keep in mind mages fight from a distance, but that doesn't matter when going up against an assassin. They have incredible agility and dexterity, letting them weave through multiple attacks at once. This guy is dead."


"I wonder how much EXP he'll lose."

Most of the players watching the exchange were rooting for the blondie because of his equipment and class. It would be rather foolish to be on the mage's side.

Especially when he had only starter equipment like them and looked like any other mage you'd run into in the game. They thought Jin Xing was foolish and reckless for trying to fight someone beyond his power.

"As usual, these idiots underestimate the power of a mage, not to mention one that plays in independent mode. It's like trying to fight a boss that's two times your strength and doesn't have a pattern, one of the hardest things to do."