
Princess that can fight

Sky_wolf_3773 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Ball

"Ember!Princess Ember!Come on your parents will have my head if they find out I let you outside the castle!"said Ember's new maid and bestie."Don't worry I am up here"the princess said in the huge tree she was in.

The princess is 16 now and every chance she gets she trains as hard as she can't out in a secret spot out side the walls of the kingdom that no one knows about.But it is hard to do since the queen and king made it a rule that the princess can't even leave the palace.Since princess Amber was killed Ember's parents have been very productive and that has made it hard for Ember to do her sister's final wish.

"Come down there before your parents find you.Did you forget about your 16th birthday Masquerade Ball for all of the princes and princesses of lands far and wide to come."said her BFF."No I didn't forget about that Tess.But it's just 6:27pm and the ball starts at 9:45pm."said Ember."Well I need every minute I can get to get you ready."said Tess."Fine."the princess said as she worked her way down the tree brunch but brunch.

"Ok first things first we need to get you inside before anyone sees you then you can get a bath."said Tess as they secretly made there way to a secret staircase that leads up to her room.When they get into the room Tess pushes Ember into the bathroom and said come out when you are clean.

When she came out Tess had some dresses laid out on her bed."These are some nice outfits you can choose from."said Tess.There were four dresses in total.The first one was light pink and puffy with a cat mask and had thin strokes of gold in the sewing."Not my style."said Ember.The second one was forest green with silver a lined on the bottom of it ,and for the mask it was a green one with feathers on the top with matching silver strikes."Hmm no."said Ember.The third dress was white with silk and gold made in the dress ,and for the mask it was just white with silver glitter on it."Way to boring."said Ember.The Forth one was an an icy blue with long sleeves and sliver going top to bottom with a white fox mask that had silver in it."I believe this dress was your sister's"said Tess."I want to wear it"said Ember.

As she is getting ready she is over filled with memory's of her sister."Done!Here take a look."said Tess as she handed Ember a mirror.As she looked in the mirror she could see her sister and almost cried."Hey hey hey you can't cry I spent 30 minutes on your makeup."said Tess.Ember giggled."What time is it anyway."Ember said as she turned her head to the clock."8:50pm!Come on you can't be late."said Tess."What about you."said Ember."I will change after you get to the ball."said Tess as they both go down the hallway.When they get to the door they are greeted by the king and queen.Tess takes a bow and excuses herself.

Ember and her parents haven't had the dream relationship after they made more rules so that she can't leave the palace."Are you ready."said the king."It's your big day."said the queen.But Ember just watched Tess get farther and farther away to go get ready."You found your sister's old dress...she would have wanted you to wear it."When it was 9:00pm on the dot the doors opened and the guard announced "King Jason Winter and Queen Flair Winter of The Ice Kingdom with the birthday girl Princess Alisa Ember Winter."As we walked down the stairs at the end there were four princes at the the end with there hand out.

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