
The boon is made

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful Queen, whose name was Allira White, who only wanted to make her King happy and for the kingdom to continue to prosper and grow peacefully. All the Great king, Willahalm White, wanted was a child. Boy or girl, he did not care. So, Queen Allira White went to the enchanted forest, where she loved to play when she was a young child. The snow was falling, beautiful, as if glitter was coming down from the heavens. In the middle of the forest, stood the Queen, and in anguish from not being able to bear her husband a child, she cried out, "If only I had a child, the blessings I would heap upon this forest!!"

There were many magical beings hidden in the forest, not daring just yet, to come out of their hiding places, and yet they couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves "it is the good queen" and all standing so still. Waiting for someone to step forward first.

In a moment of bravado, a lone fairy speaks up, hearing the pain in the queens voice

"You must be more specific in what you wish"

Queen White looked around in awe, as she had heard whispers before, but never had she seen or heard an actual voice or fairy. Then, fairies, unicorns, nymphs, sprites, intelligent animals and one old dwarf begin to materialize as if out of thin air.

"Oh how I wish for a daughter,I would keep the men from cutting the trees in this forest" the Queen exclaimed.

The fairies were all nodding their heads, but the animals stood still, and the old dwarf shook his head,

"No. More specific for the child that you wish for and to make the forest to where only the good of heart may enter here."

The Queen stands and stares back in shock. Not sure what to say as she sees all the magical beings nod their head in agreement.

Queen White was worried, "how can I possibly do that? Can I do that??"

" Oh yes" Chimed all the fairies

Afraid of the answer, but wanting to do whatever she could to gain her most wanted desire, and help her beautiful forest she finally asks


" With a little blood and the love of your whole heart and magic, we can make it so!"

The words seemed to come from all around. As if the very trees, along with all the beings were answering her.

The Queen pulls a small dagger from her belt, and pricks her finger. The first brave fairy comes forward and says "you must let three drops of blood to fall where you have not disturbed the snow."

So the Queen places her hand out and let's three drops of blood fall on the white, glittering snow.

Then the brave fairy tells her "you must speak from the heart. What you truly desire, and to give the words to protect this forest. Then we shall combine our magic and make it come to fruition."

Then Queen Allira White spoke from her heart, gazing at the blood, so dark against the brilliant white, her voice ringing out "If only I had a child, whose skin is as fair as the snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as the blackest ebony, i wish for this child, for my husband, the king, whom i love with all my heart, that we both wish for this child, and for the forest, only those who are good and pure of heart may enter here, this forest I so love, which has been my playground since birth. This forest, who was my home, my place to run too, must be protected!"

As her voice disappears into the trees, the wind picks up, swirling the snow all around the Queen, with ebony leaves kicking up from under the snow and the three drops of blood she let fall, flash before her eyes.

Then, within a matter of moments, all is still and the Queen seems to lose all her strength and being to fall to the forest floor.

As she falls, a great white stag catches her before she even hits the ground. With the help of the fairies, they lift her onto his back. The stag then carries the great Queen to the edge of the forest, and lay her before Jacob Wild, the Huntsman, who had been tracking a buck, just within the edge of the forest.

"By God it's the Queen!!" the Huntsman's voice shaking as he sunk to his knees and bowing before royalty, until he realizes the Queen is not sitting upright on the stag, stands up and stares. The stag nodded, bending down so he could gently let the Queen fall into the Huntsmans arms, then, as quickly as the stag appeared, disappeared back into the forest.

The Huntsman, bewildered to have the Queen brought to him, let alone holding her in his arms, returns as fast as he can to the castle, his horse galloping as quickly as it can, to bring her back to her king.

The Great King Willahalm White was over joyed for he had been putting together a search party, of all the men in the area, to search for her, as the queen had been missing for several hours and no one had seen her anywhere on the grounds. The great King White made the Huntsman, Jacob Wild, the castles royal guard to the Queen, when ever she decides to step foot out of the castle, he is to be right there with her.

In complete awe and humbleness, the Huntsman accepts his new duty with honor, thankful that he was in the right place at the right time. Unsure of what transpired for an animal to bring the Queen to him, but was humbled to be able to bring her home, safe and sound.