
Princess Samantha

Because of a group of gun men Dr Hanzil Montiero and her husband Chief of Police Jimmy Montiero was killed on the highway After darkness illuminated her She wake up in a hospital in a different body, what will happen to her? Samantha is the only daughter of the Prince and Princess of Scotland. She is the next in line on the throne and the most beautiful lady and a generous Princess. She is well loved by their people. Eduard Blaire is the CEO of Blaire Teck Inc, number 1 CEO of business magazine, playboy but ha a secret love of his life.. What will happen to them as this story progresses.....

maryannhanzil_2168 · Fantasy
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17 Chs



1990. The year that i was married to the man i love....The year after that we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy...i was then a Doctor in our place and my husband is the local police station chief...Everybody call me Dr Hanzil and my husband always called by the locals as Chief Jimmy...We are a happy family...Our son Adrian was a happy and a bright child...then 10 months after Adrian birth our second son was born, the cutest child ever...of course i am biased because they are our precious children..After 4 years our third son was born...

We were a happy family, financially we coped but being happy for us is to be together. This happiness I thought would not end.... We were blessed with children that don't give problems...This time our eldest Adrian was already a professional....a lawyer the defender of the unfortunate....

August 2019.....Our life was devastated...

Jimmy and I was travelling along the highway suddenly a group of armed men stopped our car.

Oh my God! I was afraid so many ideas came to mind..I told my husband..What do we do...Jimmy said then to just do what they ask...One of them will approach us just don't say anything he said...He was right, a man with M16 riffle in his hand approach us...i was trembling and Jimmy was ready with his 45 automatic hand gun that he always place at the side compartment...God if this is our last breath please protect my children that's what my mind, repeating and repeating until the man reached our car....He signalled us to open the door.. "Get out of the car, raise your hand" the leader said..Jimmy then stepped out of the car, I'm still glued to my set...my God i can't even move my feet i was so scared..."Please Sir my husband is an upright man please", i was crying so much.."What do you want from us?" Jimmy ask calmly. The leader of the group said, We have something for you. He then gave Jimmy a paper, read it and then you have your answer..

Jimmy did'nt gave any emotion after reading, He then said, "Please allow my wife to go, She is not a part of this I am the only one you wanted" The man replied to him " She is part of the baggage" and as soon as he finish talking he shot my husband in the head and me as well,..Darkness almost came...there is no pain...what i can only think is the picture that run though my head, the picture of my husband, the loving jimmy, the caring man i married who's on the ground lifeless....Even before the darkness consumed my turbulent mind, my lifeless body i ask the Lord to let myself be born again and promise Him to be an agent of protection to others....Darkness and darkness came....