
Princess Principal: Black Lizard Planet

A fan-made sequel to the anime Princess Principal. Events and actions take place after season 1.

ADKerpe · History
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29 Chs

Acquaintances in new place

Suddenly, a woman's voice rang out from behind him. They turned around, and when she saw who it was, she dropped the torch and said in a trembling voice.

— Si-ster?

Svyat seemed surprised, more by the fallen torch, almost ignoring what was happening. The girl took off her hat and black hair appeared from under it, she said with a smile.

— Little sister.

The guys sat down by the campfire. Chise and the girl were furiously discussing something while Svyat was staring intently at the wall, drinking from a flask. The boy took a sip, turned the vessel over and looked at how the last drop was draining, said.

— I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, but could you talk about a slightly important topic? Where can I find Sensei?

The girl looked at the boy and answered

— So you need a teacher? — she stood up and picked up the Number — Glory, this is your best option, there is no other such master.

Chise grumbled sullenly.

— Put me down, please.

The saint reluctantly looked at the Chise. Then he picked up two dry sticks of the same size and threw one to Chise.

— Well, if that's the case, then let's get started now, we already have little time.

The girl sighed.

— Okay, just try not to swindle, okay?

Glory stood up.

— The hat tricks are over.

Chise sister climbed up on a small rock and reported.

— Today I will be your judge and so are you ready for opponents?

Svyat and Chise bowed and answered in chorus.

- yes.

- yes.

The kid attacked first, aggressively conducting attacks. Chisa could only fight back. The saint continued to strike, and the girl, after waiting for the moment, caught him on a mistake, but he also read this moment by stepping back. Only the Saint did not take into account the surroundings and slipped and fell back. Chise jumped up and struck.

Thunder rumbled outside.

London. Control.

Ange, Dorothy and Lawrence are waiting in the hallway, discussing plans for future actions. Before he could finish, "7" came out of the room and invited them inside. The guys were shocked to see surrounded by the colonel and Dollishop, the General sitting in the "L" seat.

The new commander got straight to the point without further ado.

— And so agents "A", "D", "L", tell us the result of your special assignment.

The guys were stunned. Ange, recovering, recounted everything that had happened over the past week. The General raised his voice.

— Is that all? Asking to ask: "Where is the result?!". Your mission requires quick action, because we may not have another chance and we must survive as much as possible.

Lawrence interrupted the commander.

— I'm sorry, but...

the general hit the table.

— No buts. The orders of the authorities are not discussed, but executed. As for you, Officer, I will have a separate conversation with you.

Lawrence was worried. The general made a gesture and "7" left the office again, but returned not alone. The guys were shocked again, because Zelda appeared in front of them. The commander began to speak.

— From now on, you will work with Agent "Z" and I expect successful results.

The spy said calmly.

— Yes, sir. — then she turned to Ange and said.

— I will be glad to work with you again.

After that, she exchanged glances with an annoyed Dorothy, and when she saw Lawrence, she grinned and ran her hand over his shoulder.

— This one looks better than the previous one. — and left the room.

Dorothy glanced at Ange, who was staring intently at the photo on the table.

After a while, our heroes were already sitting in the car and driving to the Royal House. The path was illuminated only by the sun rising from the horizon. No one said anything.

The royal house. Mary's chambers.

Olivia comes to Mary to wake the heiress from her dream. The girl wakes up, but she does it as if she was active all night, without closing her eyes for a minute. The caretaker helps the princess get dressed. A maid enters the room, followed by Charlotte, who offers to drink tea.

The princesses sat down at the table and tea was poured for them. Charlotte took a sip from her cup and asked with a smile.

— Mary, what are you doing today?

The heiress was wary, looking at the nodding Olivia, but in the end she remained silent. Charlotte was worried.

— Are you okay or is something wrong?

Mary was silent again, but soon burst into tears. Charlotte looked at Olivia anxiously, and the heiress continued to cry. Beatrice was listening at the door, but when she heard the sounds of sobbing, she moved away from the door and left with her head down.


Svyat closed the door to his room with fatigue. Without changing his wet clothes, he collapsed onto a futon and covered himself with a blanket, trembling, began to fall asleep.


There was a knock at the Door, but no one answered. The door opened by itself and Chise entered the room. She was amazed at the state of the Saint and pulling back the blanket said.

— Do you want to disappear completely?

The boy mumbled something sleepily. Chise took out some dry clothes, put them next to the futon and said.

— Come on, change your clothes, and I'll try to talk Noboru out of the fight. And please don't pull a stunt, okay?

Chise left the room, and Svyat sluggishly reached for the uniform.

The girl came out of the room and saw a crowded crowd in the center, which Noboru was standing in. Chise, first in Japanese and then in English, tried to dissuade the guy from the fight, people quieted down, but Noboru was already serious. The girl once again tried to explain that Glory was not even able to get out of bed, but suddenly the crowd perked up when they saw the Saint coming out of the temple.

The boy did not quickly approach the place of the duel, but after walking half the way he collapsed to the ground. Chise ran up to him, followed by a novice. The girl, lifting the boy, asked.

— Maybe it's better not to? You look worse than Lawrence after Christmas.

The Saint spoke in a hoarse voice.

— Firstly, I am still far from the level of Low's skill, and secondly, that I am not a man to give up a fight that I ran into myself. I'll grab it, but what's her name? I use "honor".Glory got up and walked over to Noboru, who just grinned and whispered.

— Well, let's see what they teach you in Albion.

The judge handed out wooden blades and after bowing, the duel began. Svyat again chose defensive tactics, waiting for the moments for a counterattack, but reacted very poorly to the opponent's blows, which is why Glory got badly hurt.

Noboru began to get tired after prolonged attacks, the Saint took advantage of this, he blocked the katana and with the help of his foot knocked the opponent to the ground with him and began to strike. Only Glory did not expect Noboru to seize the initiative and start beating his opponent. The judge separated the rivals and asked.

— Can you continue?

The saint, leaning on his katana, began to rise and answered.

— Someone, somewhere said that ninjas don't give up The crowd turned Glory on. And standing up, whispering.

— Go ahead, ninja – go ahead. — he went on the attack.

It took Noboru a little effort to knock the Saint away with one blow, so at that moment Glory could only hear ringing in his ears.

London. Cloudy weather overtook foggy Albion. The White Dove team looked around the city from the roof, at the same time discussing what had happened. After Ange's short story, Lawrence began to pace around.

— Let's summarize, instead of the commander with the happy name "7", now we are led by a stern general who once ordered you to remove the princess?

Dorothy advanced Ange's telescope, said softly.

— Mnh.

Lawrence continued.

— And this time they added an agent who worked with you and eventually shot the princess. Besides, did we get the task to keep an eye on the heiress who doesn't want to be queen?

Dorothy confirmed with a sigh. And the officer took out a pack of cigarettes and said.

— I need to think about it.

The girl whispered with a smile.

— Well, at least he's not annoying.

Ange looked at Dorothy, at that moment Lawrence tried to light a cigarette, but instead fell into the attic of the house. The girl looked at the squad leader again, this time with a disapproving look. Dorothy just waved it away.

There was a noise from an expensive store, smoke went up and several people ran out into the street with bags. The squad leader was surprised.

— It seems that the store where Charlotte goes is being robbed. Eh, is life not a joy for them, why do they all climb where it is dangerous? On the planet of the black lizards as well?

Ange didn't say anything, but soon she did.

— Not our jurisdiction.

And looking through the telescope again, she saw Lawrence running out in pursuit, Ange added.

— No, unlike these, lizards need space.

Ange took out a key ball. Lawrence caught up with the robbers, who, according to an ill-considered plan, drove themselves into a dead end. The officer began to intimidate the intruders.

— You are under arrest, you can speak, but it may harm your defense.

The robbers laughed. But suddenly a gun was pointed at one of the masked men in the back, after which Dorothy's voice was heard.

— Laughter also removes your protection.

One of them shouted nervously.

— We are not for ourselves.

Ange pointed the gun at the guy's throat.

— And for whom?

Abruptly, a silhouette appeared in the alley and shot an arrow, so if Dorothy hadn't reacted, Lawrence would have been pierced through. Instead, the arrow pierced the wall, at the end of which there was a note. At that moment, the sound of a police car was heard. The silhouette disappeared, and Ange, Dorothy and Lawrence, taking the arrow with the help of a key ball, quickly disappeared, leaving the robbers.

Japan. The saint was unconsciously lying on some hard place. After that, he was immersed up to his neck in water. The boy woke up from the high temperature and tried to understand his surroundings, dragging himself around. Noboru's voice rang out immediately.

— Hey, Paris, calm down, or you'll drown

Holy rubbing his eyes.

— No-boru? Where am I? And most importantly, what have you forgotten here

Okouchi plunged into the source and began to tell.

— You're in the hot springs, you and Noboru had a duel and he won, albeit not very honestly.

Okouchi looked at his friend accusingly. And he rolled his eyes.

— Okay, I'm sorry that I didn't believe about the disease and in general it was Chise who insisted on taking you ...

the Saint abruptly interrupted.

— So we're in the same bathhouse? Oh, "blette"

At that moment, a newcomer in Adam's costume came up and asked.

— Paris?

Svyat immediately shouted.

— O, BLYA-A-A.

This was heard by Chise and her sister, who were in another source. The girl said.

— Sometimes it happens.

Almost at midnight, they all built a fire and sat around it. The newcomer took out an instrument that looked like a crowd and played several melodies, then Svyat asked to play. The newcomer handed over the instrument with a smile. Chise spoke in a whisper.

— And now the funny songs with a sad ending will begin.

Glory climbed higher, tuned the lute as best he could and struck the strings...

All names are fictitious and any coincidence with real people are coincidences.

ADKerpecreators' thoughts