
Princess Principal: Black Lizard Planet

A fan-made sequel to the anime Princess Principal. Events and actions take place after season 1.

ADKerpe · History
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29 Chs

A fairy tale from a boy

Without waiting for an answer, Dorothy opened the door. A boy in brown trousers and a jacket stood in the doorway, slightly taller than Ange, holding flowers in his hands and asking politely.

"Excuse me, madam, could I see Ange Le Carré?"

A slight misunderstanding appeared on Dorothy's face, but at the same time a very noticeable smile appeared.

— Yes, of course, come inside, she will come soon.

When the boy saw the girls in the room, he immediately greeted them

— Hello and bon appetit.

The girls looked at him with more incomprehension than Dorothy. But then the Princess politely and kindly replied.

— Good evening. Please sit down at the table, help yourself.

Chise quietly and cautiously whispered in Beatrice's ear.

— Who is this anyway?

Beatrice is also quiet:

— I can't know.

The boy sat down at the table, still holding the flowers in his hands and, continuing to smile, asked.

— I'm sorry for barging in on you so unannounced, I hope I didn't interrupt yours... A meeting?

The princess also politely responds.

— No need to apologize, we're almost done, you'd better tell me what brought you here.

Chise, almost interrupting:

— And what do you want from us?

The princess looked at him with a disapproving tone.

But the boy answered.

— To be honest, I came here to see your friend.

"And nothing else?" Beatrice asked.

The boy thought about it and gave an answer without difficulty:

— After that moment, I didn't plan any actions.

An even greater misunderstanding of what was happening was expressed on her face, only Dorothy laughed on the sidelines.

At that moment, Ange came into the room. The boy jumped up from his chair and seemed to want to say something, but did not say a word.

The situation became even more awkward and then the Princess suggested:

— And maybe some tea?

The boy silently agreed. And Dorothy nodded towards Ange.

Ange started pouring tea from an unusually shaped teapot.

She handed out cups to everyone in the room and immediately asked.

— So, what do you want from us?

The boy sipped the contents of the cup and replied.

— I came to see you. He took another sip of tea.

Ange was unemotionally surprised. Then Chise asked.

— And who are you anyway?

The boy looked at her and answered with a Russian accent.

— To be honest, I was just passing by when Ange was chasing some guy, and then I went into the alley.

Beatrice asked curiously.

— Why did you go to the alley?

The boy took another sip from the mug and muttered.

— Why do I live there!

Dorothy whispered to Ange at that time.

"So you gave him a sleeping pill?"

Ange is just as quiet.

— Yes, but apparently it didn't work as planned.

— Well, to speak briefly. The boy continued. — so I went to the alley, and there they made such a place right for me. The newspaper is laid, the drain is not leaking. I lay down comfortably, folded my things and fell asleep. And then I woke up either from a knock or from a sound. A car drove sharply, but drove so that the dream was lifted by hand and then I saw the same girl jumping on the roof. Of course, I was surprised and jumped up abruptly and ran after her. Walking along the road, I did not notice how I left the city. Continuing along the road, I already saw the academy, but apparently I was so tired that I fell asleep near a tree. And then your mechanic gave me a ride, put me in the garage, I handed out newspapers, don't ask where I got the newspapers, got the money, dressed up, found out from the derektor where Ange happens to be and here I stand in front of you.

Everyone present was slightly perplexed by what they heard. And then Dorothy asked.

— So basically it turns out that you were walking down the street in search of a place to stay, came across Ange, and then followed us to the academy and now you live in our garage?The boy hiccupped and turned in her direction:

- yes.

"What's your name?"

— Svyatoslav Koval. And who are you?

Ange took Dorothy aside and said.

— For a man who has drunk a mug of sleeping pills, he is too cheerful.

— And for a man from the street, he's quite capable. Reminds me of a story, doesn't it?

Ange thought about it and answered.

— Okay, let him spend the night at the club, but if something happens, I will immediately inform the control.

— That's fine.

The princess was introducing the boy to everyone at that time.

Dorothy joined in the conversation.

— To put it briefly, Svyatoslav, congratulations, you are sleeping here in the warmth today, the rest go to their rooms.

A carefree smile appeared on the boy's face. They made a bed for him on the couch, and they went to their rooms.

Night. The moon was shining full on the street. The boy couldn't sleep and when he saw the bookshelf he decided to look for something interesting. Flipping through the first book that came to hand, the Princess came into the room...