
How is it

"where is she" an old man said as he walked with Jess around the garden "I left her with Chris" "does she know yet?" the old man asked and Jess shook his head softly "she always asked why she's here but I never give her a direct answer, I don't think she should know yet" "I heard Mike is back" "yes but I don't think he will be a problem" and then they finally got to the hallway not to far from the cafeteria and and Jess could finally here his brother clearly even though the old man could here them since they were in the garden. "try it seriously it's nice" Mike said in a soft and alluring tone "no offense but it's disgusting" Mike laughed softly "Just try it" Becky took a deep sigh and said "okay" "stop Becky don't take it" Jess came in yelling "Mike what the hell are you giving her ?" Jess whispered to Mike "wine" he said with a grin " oh bro you're always so paranoid learn to chill sometimes" "Becky there will be no class today" Jess said feeling a bit embarrassed "okay but I'm a graduate" "I know but this is different" he said not noticing the third person in the room was no longer there " oh but prof Alex wanted to say something to you" "okay" she said as she walked out of the cafeteria


"Jess, Becky I called the both of you here to tell you something extremely important" the man stood up and picked up a book from a shelf "there is a prophecy about a princess the daughter of a mortal and vampire that'll rule and we believe that is you" "but prof we all know that "Jess another part of the prophecy has been received it says that she will die on her 21st birthday" both Becky and Jess fell unbelievably silent the only thing that could be heard was Becky's heart beat "but when my stepmom killed me I came back so why can't that happen again" "I'll leave that for Jess to explain" "well if that's all we'll be leaving" they stood up and left then the whole room became dark

" you did as I said, good job". "please I'm begging you don't hurt my family"

"your family will be safe as long as you keep misleading them"


"you guys are finally done may me go home now" Mike said as he leaned lazily on the car "since when did you start coming home with us" Jess said as he approached the car "since the day we had a princess in our house" he said with a smirk "so how was the talk with prof" "it was okay" Jess replied coldly "has he told you know who about it" he said referring to Becky, but unfortunately for the two of them she caught them and said "what is it? what is it about me that you can't tell me" Mike wanted to tell a lie but before he could Jess said "you don't need to know" and walked into the car there was a moment of silence till the car started moving. It was very quiet in the car "I so miss my family" I said in my head. We finally got home, when I stepped into the house, it went silent and everybody was so respectful and it felt slightly uncomfortable "why do people keep giving me this attitude" I asked Mike "what attitude" he looked around and was puzzled " Hello! didn't you see what happened downstairs?" "Oh that? Well ... um ... you see..." he was interrupted by a familiar voice " because you are royalty that's how they treat royalty" I turned around to see Jess standing there, did did he just stand there and listen to our conversation "Mike you should let her have some rest" he said and the both left the room. I stepped into the closet thinking it was mine but I saw a lot of clothes and shoes that didn't belong to me there, I linked a pink pyjamas, climbed the bed and tried to get some shut eye but well I wasn't able to sleep, then I kept thinking and different questions kept popping in my head at the same time so I decided to get some milk from downstairs because it helps me sleep.

The light were turned off and it was dark, but I still ingnored it, trying to find my way to the refrigerator " you know it is easier when you turn on the lights" I was so scared "who is there?" then I heard the person clap twice and the light was turned in. Turns out the person was Jess, but what was he doing in the dark living room alone and not sleeping for school tomorrow I thought in my head "you frightened me" I said while rubbing my chest "it was way more easier to find the refrigerator with the lights on am I right?" he said ignoring what I said.