
Princess of Faerl

18th birthdays are always a milestone, but I didn’t expect mine to be THIS big of a milestone. Finding out my life isn’t what I thought it was, my parents aren’t who I thought they were, and my whole life got turned upside down. I have more family than I ever knew about, or honestly, I knew about but had my memories of them taken. Everything is about to change as my life fills with people and things I thought only existed in books and movies. Here’s to 18. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

Skye_Ashley · Fantasy
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45 Chs

First Glimpse *Alaric POV*

Seeing my baby for the first time since she was born overwhelmed me. At that time the plan had already progressed to my wife and Scott's pretend relationship ending. We only needed it long enough to conceal her birth and for no one to think I was the father. My wife came up with the plan and she was so convincing that I almost severed our fated bond over it. She didn't warn me first to get the most genuine reaction she could get out of me. It took me a month after they "broke up" to hear her out. I almost missed my chance to hold my child, just once.

Home is a magical place. It has a literal living, breathing magic essence that brings the rivers, trees, and all of nature to life. There were very few Fae, or magical beings, that didn't prefer to live here. Humans tended to believe Fae meant fairy, or that what they deemed to be mythical beasts weren't magical, but Fae is all those that belong to the world of Selene and magic. Our architecture, for those that prefer buildings, looked like it came straight out of a fantasy novel. The large castle with many towers sprawling over acres of land, vines, and flowers covered the outside of the first two floors.

All three children stood at the entrance with their mouths agape. Scott and I laughed at the same time, probably taking in the same sight.

"You live here?" Scott Jr. half asked half exclaimed, "It's a freaking castle! A real castle. A not in Europe castle." His amazement was evident in every word. His father laughed and nodded telling him that yes, castles here are real. His twin put her hand under his chin and physically closed his mouth for him while Elentari laughed. It warmed my heart to see her laugh. I had always had doubts about how we would meet. She hadn't even known I existed. All I ever wanted was to get to know her, see her grow, and be there with her. I reached for my fated's hand and our happiness overflowed the bond between us.

"Hey Silk.." Stacie called out to Elentari. It took me a moment to realize who she was talking to and it was strange and foreign to hear. "This castle, looks oddly familiar don't you think?"

"Familiar? How so?" She was tilting her head to the side in that same curious way that her mother would do. I was completely wrapped around that child's pinky at this moment.

"Remember when we were around eight, and you used to draw a lot? Normally you made a story to go with it, but mom totally freaked out about it when she saw you drawing castles and people that were fairytale-like. She forbade you from drawing it again or keeping the drawings. You kinda stopped drawing after that." Stacie looked almost sad.

I felt the gears in my head moving and looked at my wife. Did our daughter have some version of future sight? She had drawn this place? She had never been here, even in the womb. If she had she would have imprinted on the spirit of the Kingdom and all would have known of her birth. Not to mention her lineage.

"I did, didn't I?" wonder and confusion filled her voice, "I have no idea how I knew of the castle or anyone around it. I almost forgot about it all." She zoned out for a minute and I assume she's in her own Zone.

"She is lovely," Gavin breathes out. He is my wolf soul. "She has all the amazing qualities of our fated and our strength." He is more than pleased with Elentari.

Markus chuckles, "She will put our strength to shame eventually." The sprite was right. She is going to be beyond us by far. It makes me wonder if this cycle will not be an avatar of Selene, but Selene herself coming to this plane. It happens so rarely that we haven't seen her in her full glory in three thousand years. My Great-Grandparents lived through that tumultuous period. The coming of Selene saved them. At that time all species were segregated and battling for supremacy and power.

Purity above all else was glory. Hybrids were put to death for merely existing and the couples that brought them into the world were either tortured for life or put to death. It was a crime to take another species as your fated. Selene had enough and came to correct the ways of her children. The moon guides us all and she is our Mother. She brought the addle-brained hierarchy to their knees, raining retribution upon their heads for desecrating the sacred bond of fate. She handed judgment down harshly and swiftly.

Being hybrid was no longer a death sentence and fated pairs were allowed to be together as intended. If any tried to interfere, they succumbed to psychosis. Many times that psychosis led to their deaths. If the souls within had differing views, the innocent souls were allowed to return to Selene and await their rebirth. The damned went to the nether void, an endless expanse of despair. The souls were consumed by the void to sate its hunger so it did not turn its attention to the land of the Fae and then the land of the humans.

'My baby is the Lunar Guardian. By Selene's blessing protect her.' I silently prayed to our Goddess and Mother. "Do you have any of those drawings?" I asked the group of four. Elentari shook her head to indicate that she didn't. Scott seemed confused as if he didn't know what they were talking about.

"You may not, but we do." Scottie smiled, "You said all of our things that were not tainted would be here, yea?" he asked me.

"That is correct," I observed the boy wondering what he was getting at.

"Well as long as mom didn't taint them somehow, they will be here then. She never threw them away directly. She always kept them at first, studying them for what seemed like hours. Looking back, she must have been looking for some sort of clue to help her in whatever she's been doing. Your drawings were so detailed, Silk. Anyway, when she was done, she'd normally ask one of us to throw them away. We didn't want to, so we saved them from certain death and hid them in our rooms. Stacie had a pile and I had a pile. We couldn't remember the stories you made up for them, but we tried making our own from time to time."

I could tell Elentari was touched. We could feel the happiness rolling off her in waves. This is how it was supposed to be. Together. My fated reached her hand up and ran her fingers through my hair. A low rumble came from my chest as I enjoyed the affection. Elentari again tilts her head in that adorable curious gesture. I can tell she has questions.

"Yes?" I ask slowly, amusement lacing my voice. I want to satisfy as much of her curiosity as I can.

"You're my father? Where are we? What am I? What are you? How did you find me? How did we get here? How did Audra and Manic know? Do I have to keep taking that medication?" Her questions came out in rapid fire and we all couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, I'm your father. We are in the Kingdom of Faerl. You are a hybrid. I am a hybrid too. We found you through the magic of the letter you opened. Audra and Manic knew only days before you so they could give you the letter. I assume you know what they are by now. And what medication are you talking about? Why do you take medication?" My own question following up all the answers. We knew from her testing during her prenatal checkups that she was genetically fine.

"Oh, psych meds." She is speaking so casually. Meanwhile, her mom and I look so confused at this point. We don't understand. "I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder when I turned 13." She shrugged as if this was just part of life. "I heard voices no one else could and saw things no one else did. So the step-witch sent me to a psych. It suppresses it some, but I still hear voices and see things."

My heart broke. Moments that should have been celebrated were tarnished by a horrible person that we failed to protect her from. "No love, you do not need to take them. Those voices are most likely your animal spirits, the souls that share your physical body. I'm guessing you have more than one because your mother and I are hybrids. Usually, then you would have one from each of us. It is possible for you to have up to four, but highly rare. They aren't a disorder. They are a blessing. Thirteenth birthdays are when they present themselves mentally to help you adjust to when they are physically present when you turn eighteen. Your magic unlocks at eighteen as well. The only difference is that the Royals and Alphas gain access to everything at 13. Rarely it can happen as early as 5." I explained. So much for her and her siblings to learn. Too much.