
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 29

Madam Ji led a group of people and majestically arrived at the small courtyard Ji Yunkai lived in. Seeing the door open, Madam Ji did not say a single word and directly brought herself and her people in.

"Yunkai?" Madam Ji did not step forward. When she was three steps away from Ji Yunkai, she called out to her softly.

She knew very well that her attacks were not light, but she made sure to hit them in places that could be covered up by clothes. Even if she had slapped them, it would have been done strategically. It was very obvious that Madam Ji was setting her up to frame her.

"Yunkai, I know that you're going to get married tomorrow, and that there's a lot of pressure in your heart, but, no matter how big the pressure is, you can't casually hit someone. More so, you can't tear apart your wedding dress. If this matter were to spread out, how would outsiders look at you?" Madam Ji tried her best to persuade her by showing her concern for Ji Yunkai's reputation. However, Ji Yunkai heard a strong threat from her words.

Unfortunately, Ji Yunkai did not care at all, "I don't understand what the Madam is saying. I'm going to be married tomorrow and I need to rest. If there's nothing wrong, please go back."

"Since you ruined the wedding dress, how are you going to get married tomorrow?" Madam Ji's eyes became red and teary-eyed as she said this. People who did not know what was going on would think that Ji Yunkai had done something to her.

Ji Yunkai flatly denied: "Madam, I didn't see anything from the beginning till the end. Also, Father left my marriage entirely in your hands. How I get married tomorrow, is not what I need to worry about. It's you, who should!" Madam Ji wanted to use the wedding to pinch her? How beautiful.

If there was a problem with the marriage, she would definitely lose face, but wouldn't the Ji Family, her relatives, lose face as well?

"Yunkai, how can a child like you be like this? You beat them up and you still refuse to admit it? There is no such child in the Ji Family who can lie." Madam Ji looked at Ji Yunkai with grief and a gentle expression, but her eyes looked as if they were filled with venom.

*Clap! Clap! Clap!* Ji Yunkai stood up and clapped. "Madam, you sure have played a good trick by letting these four maidservants pretend that they were beaten up by me. Not only that, but you also tore apart my wedding dress and refuse to let me marry."

"Yunkai, how could you say that about Mother? How could Mother.…" Madam Ji held onto her chest, looking as if her heart had been broken.

Without waiting for her to finish pretending, Ji Yunkai interrupted her and said, "Madam, do you need me to recite the words of the imperial edict to you again?"

Madam Ji frowned, feeling that something was amiss. Ji Yunkai knew that Madam Ji would not be able remember what it said and reminded her with good intentions, "Madam, I truly love Prince Yanbei and I specifically requested for the Emperor to grant me this marriage. It is possible for anyone in the Ji Family to ruin tomorrow's wedding, but I am the only one who will not be blamed."

Madam Ji was jolted awake as she mumbled, "But, you clearly...".

'Beat up my people and ruined the wedding dress.'

Ji Yunkai said coldly: "No, I didn't do anything. Even if I did, no one would believe me. If Madam doesn't think so, you can try it. If tomorrow's wedding isn't going to be held properly, do you think that people will believe that I didn't want to marry or would they believe that you were mistreating the daughter of the First Wife and ruined the wedding on purpose?"

Did Madam Ji really think that she was the original owner, that foolish girl, who did not understand anything? That girl believed in whatever Madam Ji had said, and wronged herself many times in order to protect the Ji Family's face. She really was a silly, little girl.

"Yunkai, what did you just say to Mother?" Madam Ji's expression stiffened for a split-second. If it was not for the presence of outsiders, her face would have definitely changed.

Ji Yunkai did not bother to respond to her, and bluntly said, "There are still eight hours until tomorrow. Madame must quickly find me something to marry in. You know, the person I want to marry is Prince Yanbei, if I were given an old and used wedding dress, I definitely wouldn't wear it. "

"There's no other wedding dress. There was only one piece left, and it was ruined by you." Madam Ji still did not forget to frame Ji Yunkai.

Ji Yunkai laughed mockingly, "Madam, preparing the wedding dress for me is your problem. If I don't see the wedding dress before tomorrow, I will go to the palace and tell them of your disobedience. No, I shouldn't accuse you of disobeying the decree, but rather, should praise you for loving the First Wife's daughter, so much so that you could not bear to see the First Wife's daughter marry Prince Yanbei.

"You dare?! If you dare to harm my Lan'er, I'll fight you to the death!" Madam Ji's expression changed. There were signs of cracks appearing on her gentle mask. Finally, her words were unpleasant for Madam Ji to hear.

Ji Yunkai sneered: "Madam Ji, you're thinking too much. Ji Lan is a woman that the Emperor has taken a fancy to. How could I dare to have any ideas about her. Madam Ji, you forget; you do not have only this daughter." Aside from Ji Lan, Madam Ji also gave birth to a pair of twins: Ji Xin and Ji Ning.

Ji Xin and Ji Ning were only fourteen-years-old this year. They were taken in as personal disciples by Mr. Chong Yuan, and have been taught by him this whole time.

These pair of children were excellent, both in appearance and knowledge. They were Madam Ji's pride, and also Madam Ji's means to establish herself firmly in the Ji Family and even the capital as well.

"If you dare scheme against Xin'er, I'll fight you to the death!" Ji Xin and Ji Ning were the lifeblood of Madam Ji, so Ji Yunkai's blade could be said to have hit her soft-spot.

Ji Yunkai looked at Madam Ji with a smile that was not a smile, and added threateningly, "Ji Xin is personally taught by a great scholar, and is definitely a filial person who follows her filial duty and loves her friends. She will definitely be very happy to sacrifice a little for Eldest Sister, right?"

"Ji Yunkai, what exactly do you want to do?" Madam Ji did not dare to take the risk. Ji Xin was the daughter for whom she had high hopes.

Madam Ji gave way easily, so Ji Yunkai naturally did not hold back. "Madam, who beat these four maids?"

Madam Ji immediately changed her previous statement: "They destroyed Eldest Miss's wedding dress, injured themselves, and intended to frame Eldest Miss. Tomorrow I'll... no, Today I'll kick them out." For her Xin'er's sake, let alone a few servants, she could even wrong herself.

"Madam! Madam! Please spare my life." The four maidservants were so scared that their faces were pale and their bodies were trembling. They kneeled at Madam Ji's feet and kept on kowtowing, but Madam Ji did not even spare them a glance as she only had her eyes on Ji Yunkai.

"Madam is merciful." Without waiting for Madam Ji to heave a sigh of relief, she immediately added, "Madam, I remember that you have not yet given me my box full of silver."

She did not want it at first, but now that the chance was right in front of her, she would be sorry if she missed it.

"It will be delivered tomorrow along with the wedding dress." Madam Ji held in her anger as she spoke in a low voice.

Right now, she did not ask for anything else but for Ji Yunkai to calmly marry out and for her to not drag Xin'er along the mud.

Her Xin'er would marry into a famous family in the future. She could not let this stinky bug, Ji Yunkai, ruin her Xin'er's reputation!