
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 118

Ji Yunkai said, at the lakeside, that she was going to change clothes and then never came back. Counting the time, it seemed as if she had disappeared for nearly an hour.

Of course, before the results were out, the various ladies did not dare say anything. At most, they could indirectly say with concern, "Will something happen to Prince Yanbei's Wife?"

"You haven't seen Prince Yanbei's Wife? Hurry, go find her. Don't let anything happen to her." The Grand Princess immediately ordered the entire household to look for Ji Yunkai.

However, when the Grand Princess Mansion's Guards finally found Ji Yunkai, it would still be two hours later.

To be exact, it was not the Grand Princess Mansion's Guards who found Ji Yunkai, but rather, it was Ji Yunkai who, seeing that the sky was almost dark, prepared to leave the Grand Princess Mansion and let her presence be known to them.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife, it's good that you're fine." Seeing that Ji Yunkai was safe and sound, the guards heaved a sigh of relief.

One person had already died in front of their eyes. If Prince Yanbei's Wife also died in the Grand Princess Mansion, even if they had ten lives, they would not be able to pay off this debt.

The Grand Princess thought that Madam Zhu's death had something to do with Prince Yanbei's Wife.

Seeing that asking questions were of no use, Ji Yunkai nodded her head and followed the guards. Baoqin was anxious, and she had a feeling that something unexpected had happened. When she thought about the news that had already reached Prince Yanbei's Mansion, Baoqin felt at ease.

The place Ji Yunkai was resting in was very far away. She had walked for half an hour before arriving at the place where the incident occurred.

Seeing the group of madams and young misses gathered together and surrounded by heavily armed soldiers, Ji Yunkai faintly guessed that something big had happened, but she was sure that it had nothing to do with the Emperor.

If it had anything to do with the Emperor, the Grand Princess would not have people surround all of them; she would only send them away.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife, you're finally here!" When the Grand Princess saw Ji Yunkai from afar, she was the first to speak, and naturally, her tone would not be good.

Who asked Ji Yunkai to be disobedient? Not only did she ruin the Emperor's plan, she even tricked the Emperor!

"What's the matter?" The Grand Princess' attitude was not at all surprising as Ji Yunkai had expected it.

"Madam Zhu is dead, isn't that the matter?" The Grand Princess had waited for more than two hours, and her anger had finally erupted. How could she still have the mood to accompany Ji Yunkai in word games?

"Madam Zhu? The Wife of the Vice Minister of War, Zhu Qing, is dead?" Ji Yunkai glanced at the Grand Princess, a trace of sorrow flashing past her eyes.

Sure enough, human life meant nothing to the Imperial Family. To them, killing a few people to reach their goal was just a small thing.

She was incredibly glad that Xiao Jiu'an was still human and did not directly take her life.

If Xiao Jiu'an wanted to take her life, she would not have the strength to resist.

"It's the same Madam Zhu, who was ordered by you, to be taught the rules." The Grand Princess strongly emphasized the word "rules". Intentionally misleading everyone, or perhaps, making them believe Ji Yunkai was the culprit.

"From the looks of it, Madam Zhu did not learn her rules well and died in the Grand Princess Mansion." Ji Yunkai taunted. Ignoring the contemptuous looks that everyone was giving her, she sat down on an empty seat.

After walking for so long, she was tired.

Moreover, the Grand Princess was seated, while she was standing. Was the Grand Princess interrogating a prisoner?

"Madam Zhu was poisoned by the Blood-Sealing Throat Poison. Before this, someone saw you looking for her." The Grand Princess secretly resented Ji Yunkai for not putting her in her eyes at all when she sat down. It truly angered her.

She had seen the change, but she did not take it to heart. If she had known that Ji Yunkai had changed so much, she would have taken better precautions.

"Blood-Sealing Throat Poison? Who would bring poison out with them when they go out? Do they have nothing better to do?" Ji Yunkai knew what the Grand Princess meant. She wanted to pin the murder on her.

The Grand Princess and the Emperor were indeed siblings. Their methods of setting up and framing others were the same, simple and crude to the point that it left one speechless.

"Other people might not know, but you surely know it well, Prince Yanbei's Wife. What I said was right. The black spots on your right cheek are poison, and as long as you pick it out, you can get deadly poison." The Grand Princess pointed at the right side of Ji Yunkai's face, which was covered by a mask, with a face full of certainty.

Ji Yunkai did not reply immediately, but smiled faintly as she looked at Prince Duan's Wife: "Seems like the relationship between Prince Duan's Wife and Infanta Tao'an is very good." So good that even Infanta Tao'an would follow her lead. So good that it made the Son of Prince Duan uneasy and afraid of his little sister being taught bad things.

"Could it be that Tao'an was wrong? Prince Yanbei's Wife, the black spots on your face are not poisonous?" Prince Duan's Wife was a smart woman, and she did not pretend to be stupid. Instead, she looked at Ji Yunkai innocently, as if she did not understand what was going on.

She was already so old, and yet, she still had the attitude of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. It was truly disgusting.

Ji Yunkai was reassured that her detesting Prince Duan's Wife had nothing to do with the Son of Prince Duan.

"Even Prince Duan's Wife would believe the coaxing words of a little girl? Infanta Tao'an believing my words is due to her youth and innocence. Prince Duan's Wife, you are not a thirteen-year-old girl, and you are not that stupid, right?" For the sake of the Son of Prince Duan, she spared Infanta Tao'an's face; Ji Yunkai helped him a lot.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife, I don't understand what you mean. Are you lying to Tao' an and me?" The smile on Prince Duan's Wife's face froze as she said this somewhat stiffly.

She had always been the one to mock others. She had never been humiliated to the point where she could not even speak.

"Prince Duan has worked hard." She was already so old and was still unable to understand human speech.

Ji Yunkai was too lazy to bother with Prince Duan's Wife, who was pretending to be stupid, and she stood up and said, "Grand Princess, since someone has died in your residence, I won't stay any longer.

Although she knew that the Grand Princess would not let her go, she still had to put on an act.

With that said, Ji Yunkai walked forward.

Seeing this, the Grand Princess stood up immediately and blocked her path: "Ji Yunkai, you want to leave after killing someone?"

"Killing someone? Does the Grand Princess have evidence? Even a poor man with a bloody mouth would not be accused of a crime if there were no evidence." As she expected, the arrogant Grand Princess could not stand the provocation any longer. She had just said that she was leaving, and the blame was immediately placed on her head.

"You hate Madam Zhu for insulting you; therefore, you have a motive for the murder. The poison in your face can kill people, and you know medicine so you can easily kill people. You left without a reason, and you had been missing ever since. It allowed you time to kill her. Who else do you think could be the murderer?" The Grand Princess stood in front of Ji Yunkai like an officer interrogating a prisoner. She immediately sentenced Ji Yunkai and did not give her any chance to speak...