
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 115

Revelation was rather open-minded and did not have too many restrictions on women, such as not pestering them to bind their feet, forcing them to go through separate doors, or making them have only gentle hobbies. Polo, martial arts and archery were common hobbies for noblewomen, and those who studied well were not weaker than the men, just like Infanta Shiqing and the Grand Princess.

Of course, the Grand Princess would not allow everyone to just sit and eat either.

The first step was to set up a winding channel, and then everyone would sit on both sides of the channel. They would place wine cups in the upper reaches of the river, and the wine cups would flow down the river and stop in front of someone, allowing them to drink wine.

"This is good… If I had to play polo, I would not be able to do it." Some of the women that did not like to move much cheered.

After marriage, most women rarely played polo or practice martial arts. One reason was that it was undignified and the other reason was that they were afraid of hurting their bodies.

After all, they were married, and no one knew when they could be pregnant. What if they did too much and got hurt?

"Since this is the beginning of the river, everyone can take your seats." Seeing that everyone was satisfied, the Grand Princess instructed the maidservants to lead the ladies to their seats.

Guided by the principle of caution, Ji Yunkai decided to take a seat on the upper portion. Without waiting for her to sit, she heard the Grand Princess say, "Yunkai, how about you sit beside This Princess?"

Without waiting for Ji Yunkai's reply, the Grand Princess pulled Ji Yunkai to sit beside her.

Initially, Ji Yunkai was thirty percent guarded, but due to the Grand Princess's abnormal enthusiasm, she quickly raised her guard to seventy percent.

The Grand Princess had done it too obviously. It was impossible for her to just pretend that she did not know that she was planning something.

However, some matters could only be dealt with by force, and the Grand Princess had her plans set. If she were to escape today, the Grand Princess would only make things worse for here tomorrow.

There were onnly a thousand days of being a thief, and there were not a thousand days of being a thief. Even if she dodged the first one, it did not mean that she would be able to avoid the fifteenth one.

She had the maidservants of Prince Yanbei's Mansion, who was she afraid of?

Ji Yunkai calmly sat down, and the maidservants of the Grand Princess Mansion arranged the tea snacks one by one and then brought over a few dozen wine cups. They put them into the water and let them float along with the water flow until they were in front of the various ladies.

Ji Yunkai picked up the teacake on the plate and sniffed it to make sure there was no problem before she ate it.

She was a little hungry, and she would have to drink some wine later.

Ji Yunkai silently ate her snacks while the rest of the ladies were mostly looking at the wine cups in the water, occasionally exclaiming out loud, "Look! Look… It's coming!"

Just as Ji Yunkai was half-full, she heard someone shout, "Stop! Stop! It's Prince Yanbei's Wife! The wine cup has stopped in front of Prince Yanbei's Wife!

Ji Yunkai looked up and saw that the wine cup had indeed stopped in front of her. Laughing, she raised the wine cup and carefully took a whiff of it, confirming that there was nothing wrong with the wine. Ji Yunkai then raised her head and drank it all.

The fruit wine that the noble ladies drank often was sour and sweet and good to drink. The alcohol was not strong either, with such a wine… Ji Yunkai could drink it like water.

"Good! Good! Good alcohol capacity!" All the ladies clapped their hands, showing their support.

Ji Yunkai finished her cup, and another cup of wine came to a halt in front of a certain wife, who just so happened to finish her wine.

The Grand Princess Mansion maidservants continued to pour wine cups into the channel, and as more and more wine cups flowed into the channel, the probability of stopping increased.

"It's the Prince Yanbei's Wife. The wine cup stopped in front of Prince Yanbei's Wife."

"It's Prince Yanbei's Wife again."

It was unknown if it was by coincidence or by accident, but from time to time, there would be wine cups stopping in front of Ji Yunkai. Although the others had drunk a lot, they were far from being able to compare with her.

No matter how stupid Ji Yunkai was, she knew that there was something fishy going on.

In less than an hour, Ji Yunkai had already drunk twenty cups. No matter how good her alcohol tolerance was, her face flushed red; furthermore, her body was not good at dealing with alcohol.

'So stupid, I forgot that she is different from me.' Ji Yunkai drank another cup, touched her hot cheeks and laughed at herself.

Two days of leisurely living had made her forget that she was no longer the Ji Yunkai who drank white wine as though it was water.

The alcohol content of the fruit wine was not high, but if one drank too much, it would be easy for one to become drunk. Ji Yunkai was afraid of getting drunk, so she stood up before the wine cup could stop in front of her again and said, "I'm going to change." This so-called excuse for changing clothes was just her removing herself from the situation.

To let the Grand Princess let her guard down, Ji Yunkai purposely pretended that she was too drunk from the wine, and deliberately made her steps weak.

The Grand Princess saw that Ji Yunkai's face was flushed red and that her eyes were blurred. She knew that Ji Yunkai had drunk enough, so she did not force her to drink more. Instead, she called for a maidservant to take Ji Yunkai to change, causing Baoqin to follow suit.

Under the guidance of the maidservant from the Grand Princess Mansion, both master and servant arrived at a small side courtyard. The maidservant pointed at a small house behind a bush and said, "Princess, that is the washroom."

"Princess, let me help you change." Seeing Ji Yunkai's flushed face and blurry eyes, Baoqin was afraid that something might happen to Ji Yunkai, so she did not dare to let her go alone.

Although she was drunk, Ji Yunkai was very clearheaded. She pretended to look dazed and drunk to put on a show for the Grand Princess.

However, based on the principle of caution, she did not reject Baoqin's suggestion to accompany her.

Who knew what kind of scheme the Grand Princess had in mind? She could not afford to be careless.

However, since she was plotted against by others, no matter how careful she was, it would be useless…

*Bang!* Baoqin supported Ji Yunkai into the washroom, but just as they walked in, they were stunned.

"Princess, be careful!" Fortunately, Baoqin reacted quickly and pushed Ji Yunkai out of the room before she fainted. To lower the other party's defenses, Ji Yunkai allowed herself to crash into the wall and pretended to faint.

Anway she was drunk, whether she was drunk or knocked out, it was normal for her to faint.

The moment Ji Yunkai fell to the ground, a black-clothed man stepped forward, picked her up, and quickly left the washroom.

Ji Yunkai did not know where the other party wanted to carry her. With the thought of luring a snake out of its cave, Ji Yunkai did not do anything and let the man take her away.

She wanted to see what kind of tricks the Grand Princess would play...